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The effects of Internet use on university’s students: “A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "
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The effects of Internet use on university’s students:The effects of Internet use on university’s students:“A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "This survey aims to identify the most important effects of Internet use on Jordanian public and private universities’ students by monitoring and analyzing a set of indicators that show the quality of the effects on specific fields such as  cultural, social, psychological, moral and political effects .To achieve these goals, the study attempts to answer the following questions:1.   What are the effects of Internet’s use on students?2. What is   the relationship between the effects and demographic variables such as  gender, age, family size and academic level and specialization.  The  population of our study is four public and private Jordanian universities. The questionnaire was distributed to  study population in various specialties in all colleges of the universities by using available sample  . The sample of the study was 891students . The males sample was(   55.22%) while the females sample was   (44.78%( The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical and analytical statistical measures by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study has discussed the types of the effects of the internet on our  samples in the following fields: cognitive and scientific influences, social and recreational influences, psychological effects, value effects, political influences, negative effects.It is clear that the "effect fields" of the Internet use  on university’s students have high internal consistency values.In the field of "negative effects" the stability values ranged between (0.782) and (0.883) , And for the field of "value effects" indicate appropriate stability values.The results showed that the mean field of the "effects of Internet use" for university’s students  was achieved to a medium extent. The mean of this field (2.01) was of relative importance (67.0). The level of all fields as a whole was average. The mathematical mean ranged from 1.90 to 2.23. In the first place was the   "cognitive and scientific influences" with a mean of (2.23) and a relative importance (74.33). The social and recreational influences ranked second with a mean of 2.06 and a relative importance of 68.67. Internet use is observed to be medium, with average   (1.94) relative importance (64.67), Finally, the "value effects" came with a mean (1.90) with relative importance (63.33).The results also indicate that "global electronic sites " are in the first rank electronic sites to be visited by the students , followed by "Arab sites" while "local sites" came in  last rank. It indicates that the majority of students have a particular site they visit frequently.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
اللامركزية أسلوب تنموي إقليمي لمعالجة مشاكل التحضر المفرط في العراق
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
دور قوانين الاستثمار في الانتاج السكني منطقة الدراسة- محافظة السليمانية
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
قياس جودة نظام الحكم أنموذج فعالية الأداء الحكومي في العراق
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قياس جودة نظام الحكم أنموذج فعالة الأداء الحكومي في العراق

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم كتابي الفيزياء للمرحلة الإعدادية في ضوء المستحدثات العلمية المعاصرة
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The present study aimed to measure the calendar estimates for my book Physics of the preparatory phase (fourth and fifth preparatory) has been a research sample consisted of 32 teachers and a school for 36 schools from both sides of the Rusafa and Karkh first To achieve the objectives Find promised researcher tool for measuring the calendar estimates for my book Physics of the preparatory phase in accordance with the contemporary scientific innovations as formed tool from 5 innovations built on the basis of which the paragraphs which formed the final version of the 21 paragraph manual are not substitutes to answer yes -No Your has been used Baha percentages to reach the results may reach current research conclusion which is defic

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الادارية والقضائية في كتاب المسند للإمام ابي يعلى الموصلي
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The Studying of  historian aspects in Al-Hadieth books  , such as " Al-Musnad  Book    " subjected to  Al-Imam Abi Yalaa Al-mousily" ,has great importance in the field of Islamic history , in which Al- Al-Imam Abi Yalaa Al-mousily  has presented valued information that  have significant impact on the understanding of history, Have a significant impact on the understanding of Islamic history

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب النفسية في تفسير الأمثل للشيخ الشيرازي ) آيات التحدي إنموذجاً(
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The wisdom of the Creator ensures the call of every prophet with a miracle that would be something beyond what is familiar from the customs

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Art and trash Structural transformation in aesthetic taste: بلاسم محمد جسام
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Garbage is the waste of neglected human beings. The despised thing turns into art. We accept its existence as one of the new aesthetics that have been extended in the joints of modern life. Works of debris and waste find their place in exhibitions, museums and urban spaces of cities. It is one of the major tremors in the transformation of aesthetic taste on the level of art history.In light of these ideas, we are faced with the problem of interpreting the phenomenon and its identity, because the remnants of garbage for each people have historical characteristics and a kind of anthropology that refers to the culture of human use of the materials and their waste and the identity of their belonging. In Iraq, the garbage has its ecological a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La langue et la quête de l'identité dans l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux
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Since her early beginning in 1974 in her novel "Les armoires vides", Annie Ernaux writing about life in all its various aspects remained her main goal. This novel gave the earliest signals of what would happen later on in her literary career. Indeed, her works showed abilities of echoing reality, her sufferance and experiences via the use of simple and clear language. Add to this, her writings are to be viewed as an expression of deep felt journey, and a continuous search due to the consequent changes coming out of her identity.

    We try here to give an answer to the question about writing as to whether being, to Ernaux herself, a need for the search about her social and feminist identity, or a pure literary work

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Iconic Form in Modern Graphic Design: علي محمد شواي غدير
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The graphic field invests the visual space then shows the shape by all means of expression that have a certain meaning. The research is interested in studying the iconic form in the modern graphic design through investing names and flags and the extent of their action in the social life and invest them from one to another looked at from viewpoint of trading and consumption and investing their wide popularity. The study problem is manifested in the following question:
1- Does the iconic form help in ad circulation?
The importance of the research lies in the following:
1- Reading the visual iconic form through deciphering its current symbols. The form combines a concept and a case or a form and meaning.

The theoretical fra

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
محاولة جادة لتأطير نظرية اصحاب المصالح في دراسات إدارة الاعمال
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تتميز هذه الورقة بتناولها موضوعاً يخشى الكثيرون الخوض فيه للملابسات الدائرة حوله، وهو اصحاب المصالح كموضوع مهم في الفكر الستراتيجي. فخاضت في مفاهيمه العامة وتصنيفاته ومنظوراته، ووجدت في مفهومه بأنهم اولئك الذين يمكن تمثيلهم بالمجاميع او الوحدات المستقلة التي ترتبط بمنظمة الاعمال عبر شبكة علاقات مؤثرة مختلفة الابعاد والاتجاهات، واذا ما حدث أي خلل في توازن هذه العلاقات، قد ت

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