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Satirical Television Programs and Their Impact on the Image of Iraqi Politicians

This research delves into the role of satirical television programs in shaping the image of Iraqi politicians. The research problem is summarized in the main question: How does satire featured in television programs influence the portrayal of Iraqi politicians? This research adopts a descriptive approach and employs a survey methodology. The primary data collection tool is a questionnaire, complemented by observation and measurement techniques. The study draws upon the framework of cultural cultivation theory as a guiding theoretical foundation. A total of 430 questionnaires were disseminated among respondents who regularly watch satirical programs, selected through a multi-stage random sampling procedure.
The researcher arrived at several key findings, including: A majority of the surveyed audience perceives the image crafted of Iraqi politicians through satirical programs as predominantly negative. A smaller portion of respondents believe that satirical programs do not offer a clear image of Iraqi politicians. Additionally, most respondents point to the portrayal of Iraqi politicians' inability to deliver services to citizens as a prominent negative trait accentuated by satirical programs. These programs tend to omit any portrayal of positive attributes or the stances of politicians who prioritize upholding the Iraqi constitution.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using fuzzy logic for estimating monthly pan evaporation from meteorological data in Emara/ South of Iraq

Evaporation is one of the major components of the hydrological cycle in the nature, thus its accurate estimation is so important in the planning and management of the irrigation practices and to assess water availability and requirements. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of fuzzy inference system for estimating monthly pan evaporation form meteorological data. The study has been carried out depending on 261 monthly measurements of each of temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and wind speed (W) which have been available in Emara meteorological station, southern Iraq. Three different fuzzy models comprising various combinations of monthly climatic variables (temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity) were developed

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Optimal Control Linear Systems by Using New Third kind Chebyshev Wavelets Operational Matrix of Derivative

In this paper, a new third kind Chebyshev wavelets operational matrix of derivative is presented, then the operational matrix of derivative is applied for solving optimal control problems using, third kind Chebyshev wavelets expansions. The proposed method consists of reducing the linear system of optimal control problem into a system of algebraic equations, by expanding the state variables, as a series in terms of third kind Chebyshev wavelets with unknown coefficients. Example to illustrate the effectiveness of the method has been presented.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Web Camera Enet to Measure Statistical Characteristic of Homogenous Target Illuminated by Different Tungsten Light

The effect of White Place Image ( Test Image )  A4   has been studied as a function of luminous intensity using the  t tu un ng gs st te en n    l la am mpp and web camera enet. It was found that the tungsten lamp gives almost even intensities for the three color band and  lighting composite at low voltage .while at high voltage causes a fare from each other .  The statistical characteristic(mean and stander deviation ) results for three colors composites RGB and lighting  composites L showed that the mean and stander deviation increases with the increase of voltage possibly owing to the increase image  resolution, which reflects the value of  stander deviation for the blue band

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pre-column dervatization of amino acids from nigella sativa L seed hydrolysates by reversed phase HPLC

A rapid and sensitive method for analysis of amino acid hydrolysates of nigella sativa L seed has been developed using O-phthaldialehyde(OPA ) as a pre-column derivatizing agent. OPA reagents in the presence of mercaptoethanol react rapidly with primary amino acids ( less than 60 sec.) to form isindole derivatives which easily separated with good selectivity on ODS column. Resolution of amino acid derivatives is carried out with a methanol gradient in 0.01 maqueous sodium acetate. pH 7.1 . The quantitation of amino acid derivatives is reproducible within an average relative deviation of + 1.4% the linearity for most amino acids were more than 0.9993 with detection limit of 0.2 ppm. 15 amino acid were detected in the analysis of

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Location of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) for IEEE 5-Bus Standard System Using Genetic Algorithm

Heuristic approaches are traditionally applied to find the optimal size and optimal location of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices in power systems. Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique has been applied to solve power engineering optimization problems giving better results than classical methods. This paper shows the application of GA for optimal sizing and allocation of a Static Compensator (STATCOM) in a power system. STATCOM devices used to increase transmission systems capacity and enhance voltage stability by regulate the voltages at its terminal by controlling the amount of reactive power injected into or absorbed from the power system. IEEE 5-bus standard system is used as an example to illustrate the te

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Neotectonics of Al-Thirthar, Al-Habbaniya , Al-Razzazah Depressions, Central Iraq, by using Remote Sensing Data.

The object of this research is to reveal the neotectonics of Al-Thirthar, Al-Habbaniya, and Al-Razzazah depressions by using remote sensing data. The age of the exposed rocks ranges from Early Miocene to Holocene. The depressions represent the west margin of the Mesopotamia Zone along its boundary with Al-Salman Zone. The lineament map contains three major groups of lineaments. Two of them are trending east-west and northeast-southwest parallel to the transversal fault systems of Iraq territory. The third group is trending northwest-southeast. The lineament groups reveal the tectonic and structural effects to the extension and the shape of the depressions. The intersection of the lineaments divided the area into small fragments which con

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2024
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Life And Social Sciences
Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared from Camellia Sinensis Extracts in Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The purpose of this study to synthesize and characterize silver nanoparticles using phenolic compounds obtained from Camellia sinensis, to test the antibacterial properties of biosynthesized nanoparticles on the formation of biofilms in multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ten isolates of P. aeruginosa were obtained from the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute laboratories of the University of Baghdad. By using the VITEK-2 system and culturing the isolates on cetrimide agar, the diagnosis was confirmed. Camellia sinensis silver nanoparticles (CAgNPs) were created using an extract of the plant's aqueous and methanolic leaves. Based on the results of the nanoparticle synthesis, spherical nanoparticles that may be single or

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessing sediment pollution by applying some geochemical indices for Al-Wind River banks/ East of Iraq

15 sediment samples were collected; 8 samples from the eastern bank, and 7 samples from the western bank of Al-Wind River in Diyala governorate to assess the sediment pollution in some trace elements such as Fe, Ni, Cd, Zr, Zn and Cu in addition to some oxides such as Al2O3, CaO, Na2O and K2O to find the effect of anthropogenic pollution and the industrial production on the sediment closed especially Naftkhana by using some geochemical pollution indices such as: geoaccumulation factor (I-geo), enrichment factor (EF),contamination factor (CF), pollution loud index (PLI) and to evaluate the degree of weathering by Applying the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA)in both banks of Al-Wind River. The

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Rock Slope Stability along Sulaimaniyah -Qaradagh Main Road, Near Dararash Village, Sulaimaniyah, NE-Iraq

The road network in the Baranan mountain, near Dararash village, connecting Sulaymaniyah city with Qaradagh town, plays a major role in socio- economic activities of Qaradagh town and its surrounding villages. Any type of slope failure in the area may cause breaking up in traffic, loss of lives, and injuries.

      For assessing the stability of rock slopes in the area, seven stations (rock-cut slopes) were selected along the road and evaluated by kinematic analysis, using DIPS v6.008 software and slope mass rating system (SMRTool - v205 software).

      The kinematic analysis revealed that planar and wedge sliding may occur in stations no.2, 5, 6, and 7, flexural toppling

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Engineering
Using Granular Dead Anaerobic Sludge as Permeable Reactive Barrier for Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Phenol

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