Evaporation from water bodies is important and considered a major problem in dry and semi-dry regions, in this research the evaporation has been analyzed from two approaches: engineeringly and statistically. The engineering approach deals with the calculation of evaporation rates of Mosul Dam Lake. Three methods were used: pan evaporation class A, the combined and the mass-transfer. It was found that the values obtained by pan evaporation class A method was the highest among the other, while the mass transfer method achieved the lowest results. The evaporation rates during the year ranged according to the first method (0.9–5.5) mm/day, second (0.7–11.5) mm/day and the last method (1.0039×106) m3/year, whi
... Show MoreFive heavy metals, namely Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Pb in the surface water and through the water column were studied at 10 selected stations in the Razzazah lake and Karbala drainage canal for the period between November 1990 to October 1991*. pH and total hardness were also measured. Lead was found to be the highest in concentration as overall average values, followed by an manganese, iron, copper then cadmium at the surface as well as along the water column. All the studied metals were below or close to the maximum allowed limits of Iraqi standards for inland water. The spatial and seasonal variations were discussed.
The expansion in water projects implementations in Turkey and Syria becomes of great concern to the workers in the field of water resources management in Iraq. Such expansion with the absence of bi-lateral agreement between the three riparian countries of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; Turkey, Syria and Iraq, is expected to lead to a substantially reduction of water inflow to the territories of Iraq. Accordingly, this study consists of two parts: first part is aiming to study the changes of the water inflow to the territory of Iraq, at Turkey and Syria borders, from 1953 to 2009; the results indicated that the annual mean inflow in Tigris River was decreased from 677 m3/sec to 526 m3/sec, after operating Turkey reserv
... Show MoreThis study is conducted in order to, investigate the trophic state of Duhok Lake Dam located within Duhok city, Iraq. Water samples are collected seasonally from three monitored sites during 2011. The parameters used for assessing water quality and trophic status level include: water temperature, pH, EC, TDS, DO, BOD5, nutrients, Secchi disk transparency, and chlorophyll a. The results reveal that DO is above 5 mg.l-1 in all sites, BOD5 value is within permissible level for domestic uses. Water quality considered as a hard type. High sulfate concentration is recorded during the study period. Trophic state shows that water type is classified as mesotrophic during autumn season, while it is regarded as eutrophic in other seasons. TDN/TDP rati
... Show MoreThe climate is one of the natural factors affecting agriculture, and the success of the cultivation of any agricultural crop depends on the nature of the prevailing climate in the area of its cultivation. If the main elements of climate: temperature, rain and humidity, affect the various agricultural activities that can be practiced, and the stages of growth of agricultural crops and also determine the areas of spread. When the climatic requirements of any crop are well available, its cultivation is successful and comfortable. The research starts from the problem of spatial variation of date production spatially in the study area and the reason for choosing dates because of its economic importance, so the research will be based on
... Show MoreIn this research, Zinc oxide (ZnO)/epoxy nanocomposite was synthesized by simple casting method with 2wt. % ZnO concentration. The aim of this work was to study the effect of pH and composite dosage on the photocatalytic activity of ZnO/ epoxy nanocomposite. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique images proof the homogeneous distribution of ZnO nanoparticles in epoxy. A synthesized nanocomposite samples were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer (FTIR) measurements. Two spectra for epoxy and 2wt.% ZnO/epoxy nanocomposites were similar and there are no new bonds formed from the incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles. Using HCl and NaOH were added to Methylene blue (MB) dye (5ppm) to gat pH values 3 and 8. The degradat
... Show MoreThe presnty study included physical , chemical and phycological study of choosen one station in Habbaniya lake to investigat the diurnal variation at each hour along the 24 hours . Water temperature showed clear variations and coincided with the air temperature of study , Habbaniya Water was alkaline with pH more than 7 without clear diurnal variations . Conductivity , Total hardness , Calcium and Magnesium values showed no clear varitions . Chloride and Salinity values appeared relatively stable . The data showed a relative increasing in Dissolve oxygen values during the night hours.On the other hand the alkalinity and acidity values were unstable during the 24 hours of the study. According to the quantitative s
... Show MoreThe relationship between respiratory diseases and natural geographical variables relative to temperature, relative humidity, wind and solar radiation is a strong one.
The environmental factors have impact on increasing the proportion of people with respiratory diseases in the province of Najaf, especially industrial pollution and working conditions as well as the economic level.
Ah-Mishkhab was in the first rank in terms of the number of people infected with respiratory diseases reached 135177 and 41%, followed by Najaf governorate which reached its numbers to 77801 and 23%. The district of Kufa ranked third with 42051 and 13%, and the other administrative units at fourth and fifth rank respectively.
When comparing diseases and