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Strength & Conduct of Reinforced Concrete Corner Joint under Negative Moment Effect

The aim of our study is to reveal the effect of steel reinforcement details,tensile steel reinforcement ratio, compressed reinforcing steel ratio,reinforcing steel size, corner joint shape on the strength of reinforcedconcrete Fc' and delve into it for the most accurate details and concreteconnections about the behavior and resistance of the corner joint ofreinforced concrete, Depending on the available studies and sources inaddition to our study, we concluded that each of these effects had a clearrole in the behavior and resistance of the corner joint of reinforced concreteunder the influence of the negative moment and yield stress. A studyof the types of faults that can be reinforced angle joints obtains detailsand conditions of crushing that are almost identical for all types of steelreinforcement details and the basic requirements for the acceptable behaviorof reinforced concrete joints in the installations and the efficiency of thejoint and this may help us to prepare for disasters, whether natural or other,as happens with tremors The floor and failure that may occur due to wrongdesigns or old buildings and the possibility of using those connections totreat those joints and sections in reinforced or unarmed concrete facilitiesto preserve the safety of humans and buildings from sudden disasters andreduce and reduce risks, as well as qualitative control over the productionof concrete connections and sections free from defects to the extreme.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 13 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
A comprehensive review of drivers influencing flu vaccine acceptance in the Middle East over the last six years: using Health Belief Model
Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The objectives of this study were to review the literature covering the perceptions about influenza vaccines in the Middle East and to determine factors influencing the acceptance of vaccination using Health Belief Model (HBM).


A comprehensive literature search was performed utilizing PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Three keywords were used: Influenza vaccine, perceptions and Middle East. Empirical studies that dealt with people/healthcare worker (HCW) perceptio

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Human Gene
The G allele of the ADAM33 T1 polymorphism (rs2280091) is a risk factor associated with asthma severity among the Iraqi Arab population

Background: The gene encoding a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 (ADAM33) is known to be associated with asthma in different ethnic groups. In Iraq, among the Arab ethnic background, this association has not yet been highlighted. Methods: One hundred and ninety-two asthmatics were examined; 118 males and 74 females (mean age 38.23 ± 9.13 years). The control group was 183; 110 males and the rest were females. The SNP of rs2280091 A/G (T1) was studied here to determine adam33 genotyping status using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP). The level of total IgE was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Significant differences (p = 0.004) in the frequencies of

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Impacts of Heat and Mass Transfer on Magneto Hydrodynamic Peristaltic Flow Having Temperature-dependent Properties in an Inclined Channel Through Porous Media

In this paper, we study the impacts of variable viscosity , heat and mass transfer on magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) peristaltic flow in a asymmetric tapered inclined channel with porous medium . The viscosity is considered as a function of temperature. The slip conditions at the walls were taken into consideration. Small
Reynolds number and the long wavelength approximations were used to simplify the governing equations. A comparison between the two velocities in cases of slip and no-slip was plotted. It was observed that the behavior of the velocity differed in the two applied models for some parameters. Mathematica software was used to estimate the exact solutions of temperature and concentration profiles. The resolution of the equatio

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Results In Engineering
Implementation of a control and monitoring system for a cathodic protection cell to mitigate localized corrosion in fixed and mobile steel structures

The current study introduces a novel technique to handle electrochemical localized corrosion in certain limited regions rather than applying comprehensive cathodic protection (CP) treatment. An impressed current cathodic protection cell (ICCPC) was fabricated and firmly installed on the middle of a steel structure surface to deter localized corrosion in fixed or mobile steel structures. The designed ICCPC comprises three essential parts: an anode, a cathode, and an artificial electrolyte. The latter was developed to mimic the function of the natural electrolyte in CP. A proportional-integrated-derivative (PID) controller was designed to stabilize this potential below the ICCPC at a cathodic potential of −850 mV, which is crucial for prote

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Descriptive, Prospective Observational Study- Studying Possible Prediction Factors for Disease Severity and Progression among a Sample of COVD 19 Patients in Iraq


Coronavirus has affected many people around the world and caused an increase in the number of hospitalized patients and deaths. The prediction factor may help the physician to classify whether the patient needs more medical attention to decrease mortality and worsening of symptoms. We aimed to study the possible relationship between C reactive protein level and the severity of symptoms and its effect on the prognosis of the disease. And determine patients who require closer respiratory monitoring and more aggressive supportive therapies to avoid poor prognosis. The data was gathered using medical record data, the patient's medical history, and the onset of symptoms, as well as a blood sample to test the

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reducing the Purification Period of Congo Red Dye Solution By Using Co-Exposure to Ultraviolet and Green Laser as A Photocatalysit Source

      Attempts were made over the years to achieve economic and easy methods for water purification. This could well save time, cost, and earn a good process quality for many countries. This study aims to enhance the purification process parameters for Congo red dye polluted water  and introduce a developed methodology with an impact on many associated parameters such as the time for water purification process.  The research  proposes  a method to achieve this time reduction by mixing gold nanoparticle (AuNPs) (prepared by chemical reduction method) with Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2NPs) (prepared by sol-gel techniques). The resulting mixture is incorporated into PVA host to synthesize a hard disk used as a purification d

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proving the Equality of the Spaces Q_b^r (A),Q_b^l (A) and BL(X) where X is a Complex Banach Space

Cabrera and Mohammed proved that the right and left bounded algebras of quotients  and  of norm ideal  on a Hilbert space  are equal to  Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on . In this paper, we prove that  where  is a norm ideal on a complex Banach space .

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship Between The Internal Marketing and Quality Services : a Filed Study on Samples of Customers and Employees In Iraqi Commercial Banks


The Paper highlights on one of the main activities in marketing management. That is the internal marketing in the commercial banks and its relationship with the quality services offered to satisfy customers needs and wishes in order to reach he ultimate objectives of those banks. Two state and five private banks in Basrah city (Iraq) were taken in a field study. The survey covered the opinions of (184) state bank employees and (158) clients . The analysis of the survey shows that there is a strong relationship between the internal marketing ( in the banks covered by the survey) and the quality of banking objective services and the private banks show greater interest and concern to the internal ma

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 13 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
A comprehensive review of drivers influencing flu vaccine acceptance in the Middle East over the last six years: using Health Belief Model
Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The objectives of this study were to review the literature covering the perceptions about influenza vaccines in the Middle East and to determine factors influencing the acceptance of vaccination using Health Belief Model (HBM).


A comprehensive literature search was performed utilizing PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Three keywords were used: Influenza vaccine, perceptions and Middle East. Empirical studies that dealt with people/healthcare worker (HCW) perceptio

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Light scattering detector based on light-emitting diodes-Solar cells for a flow analysis of Warfarin in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations
Abstract<p>Continuous turbidimetric analysis (CTA) for a distinctive analytical application by employing a homemade analyser (NAG Dual & Solo 0-180°) which contained two consecutive detection zones (measuring cells 1 & 2) is described. The analyser works based on light-emitting diodes as a light source and a set of solar cells as a light detector for turbidity measurements without needing further fibres or lenses. Formation of a turbid precipitated product with yellow colour due to the reaction between the warfarin and the precipitation reagent (Potassium dichromate) is what the developed method is based on. The CTA method was applied to determine the warfarin in pure form and pharmaceu</p> ... Show More
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