Background: Diabetic cheiroarthropathy is a term derived from the Greek word “cheiros” meaning “of the hand”, It is characterized by stiff hands with distinctively thick, tight, and waxy skin, especially on the dorsal aspects of the hands. It is part of long term complication of diabetes and many suggest it is associated with microvascular complication. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of diabetic cheiroarthropathy in Iraqi patients with diabetes, and to study its association with diabetic retinopathy and glycemic control. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which 110 diabetic patients and 110 non-diabetic healthy people who accepted to take part in the study were randomly recruited. 45 of the diabetic patients have Type 1 diabetes mellitus, and the other 65 have Type II diabetes mellitus. All diabetic patients and non-diabetic controls were examined for the presence of cheiroarthropathy, It’s association with sex, age of onset and duration of diabetes was recorded, the diabetic patients were also examined by an ophthalmologist for the evidence of diabetic retinopathy. Results: The total prevalence of cheiroarthropathy in all studied diabetic patients was 55.5%, while the prevalence in the control group was 4.5%. The cheiroarthropathy was more sever in Type 1 diabetes compared with Type 1I diabetes. Longer disease duration in both types of diabetes was associated with increased incidence of cheiroarthropathy, Diabetic retinopathy was higher in frequency in patients with cheiroarthropathy than in those without. Conclusions: The prevalence of diabetic cheiroarthropathy is high and nearly equal in both types of diabetes, but more sever in type 1 diabetes mellitus, it was associated with the duration of diabetes in both types and with the presence of diabetic retinopathy for only type1 diabetes mellitus.