Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection includes Kut–Suwera, Kut–ShekhSaad, and Kut–Hay multilane divided highways located in the south of Iraq. The preliminary presentation of the studied highways was performed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. Data collection was done to obtain crash numbers and types over five years with their locations, hourly traffic flow, and average spot speed and define roadway segments lengths of crash locations. The cumulative speed distribution curves introduce that the spot speed spectrum for each highway's whole traffic extends over a relatively wide range, indicating a maximum speed of 180 kph and a minimum speed of 30 kph. Multiple linear regression analysis is applied to the data using SPSS software to attain the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables to identify elements strongly correlated with crash densities. Four regression models are developed which verify good and strong statistical relationships between crash densities with the studied factors. The results show that traffic volume and driving speed have a significant impact on the crash densities. It means that there is a positive correlation between the single factors and crash occurrence. The higher volumes and the faster the driving speed, the more likely it is to crash. As the hourly traffic flow of automobile grows, the need for safe traffic facilities also extended. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091719 Full Text: PDF
Gastropod species belonging to Qamchuqa Formation (Aptian-Cenomanian) in the North of Iraq are studied. These species are Harpagodes nodosus ( C. Sowerby,1823), Ampullina sp.1 (Hannaa and Furisch, 2011), Ampullina sp.2 (Hannaa and Furisch, 2011), Tylostoma pallaryi (Peron and Fourtau, 1904), Calliomphalus orientalis (Douville,1916), and Pyrgulifera (Meek, 1871). They are recorded in the Upper Cretaceous succession of Northern Iraq for the first time. Most of these species are internal moulds and not abundant at any stratigraphic level but irregularly scattered in the formation.
The specialized Journalism plays an important role in our daily lives using all of its different ways, including news, caricature, commentary and dialogue. The specialized Journalism deserves vigilance and interest for it is caring about having a new media system. It is meant by “specialization”, first: identifying the areas of work in which the person concerned possesses great knowledge in the specialty resulting from a long experience, it also means being able to continuously develop required skills in that specialty. The specialization is not only a feature of the press, but also a feature of human development; thousands of years ago, the primitive society consisted of people from different specializations: fishermen, farmers, her
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the model was estimated on simulati
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children under two years old of a non-probability sample.
Methodology: A non-probability sample of size (420) children under two years selected from 12 Primary
Health Care Centers in Diyala governorate during the period from 15th Nov. 2010 to 13th Mar. 2011
according to admix of a different properties together in one chart/or growth curve chart included in at least
weight, Height, and Head circumference.
Results: the results showed different properties that can be admix together in one chart/or growth curve
chart included in at least weight, Height, and Head circumference. And to overtake the problem of the norm
The using of the parametric models and the subsequent estimation methods require the presence of many of the primary conditions to be met by those models to represent the population under study adequately, these prompting researchers to search for more flexible models of parametric models and these models were nonparametric models.
In this manuscript were compared to the so-called Nadaraya-Watson estimator in two cases (use of fixed bandwidth and variable) through simulation with different models and samples sizes. Through simulation experiments and the results showed that for the first and second models preferred NW with fixed bandwidth fo
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... Show More<span>Dust is a common cause of health risks and also a cause of climate change, one of the most threatening problems to humans. In the recent decade, climate change in Iraq, typified by increased droughts and deserts, has generated numerous environmental issues. This study forecasts dust in five central Iraqi districts using machine learning and five regression algorithm supervised learning system framework. It was assessed using an Iraqi meteorological organization and seismology (IMOS) dataset. Simulation results show that the gradient boosting regressor (GBR) has a mean square error of 8.345 and a total accuracy ratio of 91.65%. Moreover, the results show that the decision tree (DT), where the mean square error is 8.965, c
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