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Text classification based on optimization feature selection methods: a review and future directions
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A substantial portion of today’s multimedia data exists in the form of unstructured text. However, the unstructured nature of text poses a significant task in meeting users’ information requirements. Text classification (TC) has been extensively employed in text mining to facilitate multimedia data processing. However, accurately categorizing texts becomes challenging due to the increasing presence of non-informative features within the corpus. Several reviews on TC, encompassing various feature selection (FS) approaches to eliminate non-informative features, have been previously published. However, these reviews do not adequately cover the recently explored approaches to TC problem-solving utilizing FS, such as optimization techniques. This study comprehensively analyzes different FS approaches based on optimization algorithms for TC. We begin by introducing the primary phases involved in implementing TC. Subsequently, we explore a wide range of FS approaches for categorizing text documents and attempt to organize the existing works into four fundamental approaches: filter, wrapper, hybrid, and embedded. Furthermore, we review four optimization algorithms utilized in solving text FS problems: swarm intelligence-based, evolutionary-based, physics-based, and human behavior-related algorithms. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of state-of-the-art studies that employ optimization algorithms for text FS methods. Additionally, we consider several aspects of each proposed method and thoroughly discuss the challenges associated with datasets, FS approaches, optimization algorithms, machine learning classifiers, and evaluation criteria employed to assess new and existing techniques. Finally, by identifying research gaps and proposing future directions, our review provides valuable guidance to researchers in developing and situating further studies within the current body of literature.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Technological Change in Process Design Decisions (Applied study in an organization)
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     Due to the importance of technology and the accompanying changes of the environment affecting companies that use the technology mainly in their work, especially as most companies live in an unstable dynamic environment, which motivated the researchers to choose the International Company for smart card (Keycard) as a field of research and find ways to them to face Those changes.

     The problem of the study was "limited attention to the components of technological change", which included research and development, innovation and information technology, which had an impact on the design decisions of the process (process selection, cust

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 13 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics Trends And Technology
Designed Algorithms for Compute the Tenser Product of Representation for the Special Linear Groups
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The main objective of this paper is to designed algorithms and implemented in the construction of the main program designated for the determination the tenser product of representation for the special linear group.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 03 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Spectral Reflective Changes for Temporal Resolution of Land Cover (LC) for Two Different Seasons in central Iraq
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The purpose of the study is the city of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was chosen to study the spectral reflection of the land cover and to determine the changes taking place in the areas of the main features of the city using the temporal resolution of multispectral bands of the satellite Landsat 5 and 8 for MSS and OLI sensors respectively belonging to NASA and for the period 1999-2021, and calculating the increase and decrease in the basic features of Baghdad. The main conclusions of the study were, This study from 1999 to 2021 and in two different seasons: the Spring of the growing season and Summer the dry season. When using the supervised classification method to determine the differences, the results showed remarkable changes. Where h

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bifurcation Diagram of W(u_j;τ)-Function with (p,q)-Parameters
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      This study aims to classify the critical points of functions with 4 variables and 8 parameters, we found the caustic for the certain function with the spreading of the critical points. Finally, as an application, we found the bifurcation solutions for the equation of sixth order with boundary conditions using the Lyapunov-Schmidt method in the variational case.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Spectral Reflective Changes for Temporal Resolution of Land Cover (LC) for Two Different Seasons in central Iraq
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       The purpose of the study is the city of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was chosen to study the spectral reflection of the land cover and to determine the changes taking place in the areas of the main features of the city using the temporal resolution of multispectral bands of the satellite Landsat 5 and 8 for MSS and OLI sensors respectively belonging to NASA and for the period 1999-2021, and calculating the increase and decrease in the basic features of Baghdad .The main conclusions of the study were,

This study from 1999 to 2021 and in two different seasons: the Spring of the growing season and Summer the dry season. When using the supervised classification method to determine the differences, the results showed rema

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compression of an ECG Signal Using Mixed Transforms
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Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important physiological signal for cardiac disease diagnosis. With the increasing use of modern electrocardiogram monitoring devices that generate vast amount of data requiring huge storage capacity. In order to decrease storage costs or make ECG signals suitable and ready for transmission through common communication channels, the ECG data
volume must be reduced. So an effective data compression method is required. This paper presents an efficient technique for the compression of ECG signals. In this technique, different transforms have been used to compress the ECG signals. At first, a 1-D ECG data was segmented and aligned to a 2-D data array, then 2-D mixed transform was implemented to compress the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Computer And Communications
Parallel Quick Search Algorithm for the Exact String Matching Problem Using OpenMP
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String matching is seen as one of the essential problems in computer science. A variety of computer applications provide the string matching service for their end users. The remarkable boost in the number of data that is created and kept by modern computational devices influences researchers to obtain even more powerful methods for coping with this problem. In this research, the Quick Search string matching algorithm are adopted to be implemented under the multi-core environment using OpenMP directive which can be employed to reduce the overall execution time of the program. English text, Proteins and DNA data types are utilized to examine the effect of parallelization and implementation of Quick Search string matching algorithm on multi-co

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hybrid Techniques with Support Vector Machine for Improving Artifact Ultrasound Images
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     The most common artifacts in ultrasound (US) imaging are reverberation and comet-tail. These are multiple reflection echoing the interface that causing them, and result in ghost echoes in the ultrasound image. A method to reduce these unwanted artifacts using a Otsu thresholding to find region of interest (reflection echoes) and output applied to median filter to remove noise. The developed method significantly reduced the magnitude of the reverberation and comet-tail artifacts. Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is most suitable for hyperplane differentiate. For that, we use image enhancement, extraction of feature, region of interest, Otsu thresholding, and finally classification image datasets to normal or abnormal image.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Age Estimation Using Support Vector Machine
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Recently there has been an urgent need to identify the ages from their personal pictures and to be used in the field of security of personal and biometric, interaction between human and computer, security of information, law enforcement. However, in spite of advances in age estimation, it stills a difficult problem. This is because the face old age process is determined not only by radical factors, e.g. genetic factors, but also by external factors, e.g. lifestyle, expression, and environment. This paper utilized machine learning technique to intelligent age estimation from facial images using support vector machine (SVM) on FG_NET dataset. The proposed work consists of three phases: the first phase is image preprocessing include four st

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
تقصي فاعلية التعليم الالكتروني خلال فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد 19) في كلية التربية للبنات/ جامعة بغداد
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      تبنت العديد من المؤسسات الأكاديمية التعلم الإلكتروني منذ سنوات ، وقد أثبت فاعليته في كثير من هذه المؤسسات لاسيما تلك المهتمة بتعلم اللغات الاجنبية. الا انه  مع انتشار جائحة كورونا اصبح التعليم الالكتروني  ضرورة ملحة في الجامعات في جميع أنحاء العالم ، بما في ذلك الجامعات العراقية.  تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى تقصي أثر هذا الوباء على التعلم الإلكتروني في أحدى الكليات العراقية . يفترض الباحث أن تقبل ال

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