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Implementation of a control and monitoring system for a cathodic protection cell to mitigate localized corrosion in fixed and mobile steel structures
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The current study introduces a novel technique to handle electrochemical localized corrosion in certain limited regions rather than applying comprehensive cathodic protection (CP) treatment. An impressed current cathodic protection cell (ICCPC) was fabricated and firmly installed on the middle of a steel structure surface to deter localized corrosion in fixed or mobile steel structures. The designed ICCPC comprises three essential parts: an anode, a cathode, and an artificial electrolyte. The latter was developed to mimic the function of the natural electrolyte in CP. A proportional-integrated-derivative (PID) controller was designed to stabilize this potential below the ICCPC at a cathodic potential of −850 mV, which is crucial for protection efficacy. The controller of the protection system was designed to automatically activate the ICCPC when the environment of the steel structure is exposed to humidity. At a temperature range from 27 °C to 35 °C, the protection potential, current, and power showed an increase in percentage by 411 %, 688.74 %, and 2842.3 %, respectively when the humidity level rose from 10 % to 100 %. The intended spraying of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution on the structure at different concentrations from 1.5 % to 5 % showed excellent protection against corrosion, notable improvements in electrical conductivity, and reduction in resistance between the anode and cathode. The energy dispersive spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses confirm effective corrosion inhibition under ICCPC coverage compared to unprotected areas. These tests revealed an absence of oxidation beneath the ICCPC compared with areas outside of its coverage. The areas outside of ICCPC protection showed a reduction in iron and carbon contents from 57.1 % to 47.0 % and 41.4 %–22.4 %, respectively, and an increase in oxygen from 1.6 % to 30.6 %.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of the Standard Atmospheric Earth Model Parameters at 86 km Altitude
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     Utilizing the Turbo C programming language, the atmospheric earth model is created from sea level to 86 km. This model has been used to determine atmospheric Earth parameters in this study. Analytical derivations of these parameters are made using the balancing forces theory and the hydrostatic equation. The effects of altitude on density, pressure, temperature, gravitational acceleration, sound speed, scale height, and molecular weight are examined. The mass of the atmosphere is equal to about 50% between sea level and 5.5 km. g is equal to 9.65 m/s2 at 50 km altitude, which is 9% lower than 9.8 m/s2 at sea level. However, at 86 km altitude, g is close to 9.51 m/s2, which is close to 15% smaller than 9.8 m/s2.  These resu

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biological Activity of Levan Produced from Rhizospheric Soil Bacterium Brachybacterium phenoliresistens KX139300
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Levan is an exopolysaccharide produced by various microorganisms and has a variety of applications. In this research, the aim was to demonstrate the biological activity of levan which produced from B. phenoliresistens KX139300. These were done via study the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antileishmanial activities in vitro. The antioxidant levan was shown 80.9% activity at 1250 µg/mL concentration. The efficient anti-inflammatory activity of 88% protein inhibition was noticed with levan concentration at 35 µg/mL. The cytotoxic activity of levan at 2500 µg/mL concentration showed a maximum cytotoxic effect on L20B cell line and promastigotes of Leishmani tropica. Levan has dose-dependent anticancer and antileishman

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Destruction Levels Caused by Earthquakes Using Grip RADIUS 99 Program
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The most universal and basic damages caused by an earthquakes are buildings damage and human casualties. A simplified method, the RADIUS 99 Tool is used to calculate seismic intensity (shaking) distribution, buildings damage, number of casualties and lifelines damage, due to assumed earthquake scenario. In this study, Al - Kadhmiya sector in Baghdad city was chosen for assessing seismic risk, for this purpose, this area was divided into mesh of 1*1 km2 cell size, and a scenario of (Manjil) earthquake (that struck Iran in 1990) was utilized with following earthquake magnitudes (5 and 7), with epicenter distance (3, 10 and 100 km), and depths (2 and 5 km). It was found that, the best soil types for constructions are those with medium and h

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Theoretical study of electronic transfer current rate at dye-sensitized solar cells
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Radiation Effect on the Optical& Structural Properties of CdTe: Zn thin Films
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The Films of CdTe:Zn were prepared on a glass by using vacuum vapor deposition technique .The x-ray diffraction pattern revealed that the films have polycrystalline with FCC structure and the preferred orientation was along (111) plane.  The films were exposed to a low dose of gamma ray.(5µCi for 30 days) Transmission and absorptance spectra were recorded in the range of (400-1100) nm before and after irradiation. It was found that irradiation has a clear effect on the optical and structural properties which include the transmition and absorption spectra, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and the energy gap.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Structural –Stratigraphic Study of Dhufria Area (Mid -Iraq) Using (3D) Techniques
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This study deals with the seismic reflection interpretation of lower Cretaceous Formations in Dhufria area, including structural and stratigraphic techniques. In the interpretation process, the 3-D seismic data volume and well logs have been used. Based on well logs and synthetic traces two horizons were identified and picked which are the top and bottom of Zubair Formation. These horizons were followed over all the area in order to obtain structural setting as well as studying Kirkuk group Formation of Tertiary age which represents highstand progradational seismic facies.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
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Plant Disease
Pathotypes Detected Among Populations of <i>Pratylenchus neglectus</i> Collected From Montana
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The root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus neglectus, is one of the most damaging nematodes to affect wheat worldwide. The nematode is widely distributed in Montana, primarily affecting winter wheat within the state. Managing the nematode primarily involves rotation to resistant and moderately resistant crops (peas, lentils, and barley). A nematode survey was conducted across the state nearly 10 years after an initial survey, to reassess the nematode threat and assess the impact of changing trends in crop rotations. To assess the broad applicability of rotation crops to control P. neglectus across Montana, greenhouse trials were conducted to challenge rotational crops using eight populations of P. neglectus collected from geographicall

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Lithofacies Characterization of the Early – Middle Miocene Succession, Case-Study, South Iraq
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The Early – Middle Miocene Ghar and Lower Fars sedimentary succession at the representative oil-well Nu-18 of the Nahr Umr oil field south Iraq; is taken by this study to investigate the sedimentological to reservoir rock facies buildups and related reservoir zonation; as first rock-typing attempt for the both formations. The sedimentological characterization of the Early Miocene Ghar formation is mainly comprised by successive buildups of sands-gravels and sandstones, whereas; the Middle Miocene Lower Fars formation is started by limestone, limestone-marly/marl anhydritic, upgraded into interbedded-series of marl and anhydrite facies, with less-common occurrences of thin-sandstone interlayers, terminated by marl-sandy-secti

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 03 2016
Journal Name
Applied Research Journal
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In this work, a large part of Baghdad University campus has been selected. The determination of Geoidal height for the local area requires Ground Control Points which both Ellipsoidal and Orthometric heights are known to compute the difference between them. The first step of the leveling process began by selected the Ground Control Points (GCPs) around the area of the work, and then divided them into two groups of the network traverse stations. They were leveled and adjusted depend on the number of the Bench Marks (B.M.s). Total Station TS (Nikon Nivo 5C) and Global Positioning System (GPS-Garmin 78 map) are used to do this application. The aim of the proposed work was to determine the height of the Geoid surface in the study area. The Geoi

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