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Effect of Leishmania major infection on the expression of TGF beta in murine
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Leishmania major is a protozoan parasite that causes cutaneous Leishmaniasis disease in human beings and animals. The disease is prevalent in tropical and semitropical countries and has great health importance. The present study aimed to identify the histological changes in the organs infected with L. major and to provide a sophisticated diagnostic method for infection through detecting TGF-β cytokine by immunohistochemistry technique(IHC) from October 2020 to January 2021. A total of 40 samples of paraffin blocks were used for different organs including skin, spleen, liver, kidney, and heart of male and female BALB/c mice, aged 6-8 weeks, which were previously infected subcutaneously with L. major promastigotes at a dose of 1×107 promastigotes/moues. The result indicated epidermal hyperplasia with diffuse severe lymphohistiocytic inflammatory cells infiltration in the dermis. Hyperplasia of the lymphoid follicles was observed in infected spleen and scattered polymorphonuclear cells mainly neutrophil masses with a random distribution of microgranulomas foci composed of lymphocytes and macrophages within the liver parenchyma around central veins and portal areas. The infected kidney showed aggregation of perivascular mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) in the renal cortex. Mononuclear lymphocytes and macrophages were observed within the heart parenchyma especially around blood vessels. Additionally, evaluation of TGF-β1 expression was highly strong for skin, spleen, relatively strong for liver, heart, and weak for the kidney. In conclusion, infection was accompanied by clinical and histological changes as well as inflammatory diseases. Furthermore, the determination of TGF-β expression level depends on the diagnosis of infection. A clear understanding of immune mechanisms is essential for preventing, treating, and controlling strategies of this infection.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of He:Ne Laser on Viability and Growth Rate of Leishmania Major
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An isolate of Leishmania major was grown on the semisolid medium and incubated at 26ºC. The isolate was irradiated by He: Ne laser (632.8 nm, 10 mW) at exposure times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes in their respective order. The unirradiated groups represent control group. Growth rate and percentage of viability were examined during six days after irradiation. The change in these two parameters reflects the effect of irradiation on the parasite. The results refers that the general growth effected by irradiation in comparison with un irradiation group, The growth rate of parasite decrease with increasing the exposure time in comparison with control group. Parasite viability decrease with irradiation and the percentage of living cell dec

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Clinical Complications of Beta-Thalassemia Major
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Beata thalassemia

Beta thalassemia syndrome by reduction or absence of B-globin chain synthesis. Without iron chelation therapy (ICT) the regular blood transfusion would increase the iron stores to several times. Endocrine glands are vulnerable to iron overload causing endocrine dysfunction.  Iron deposition within the parathyroid gland causes hypoparathyroidism particularly after ten years of age. Pancreatic islets are very susceptible to oxidative damage due to iron overload; their high divalent metal expression makes them highly susceptible to iron-catalyzing oxidative stress. The pathogenicity of osteopathy in  is multifactorial comprising environmental (diet and lifestyle), iatrogenic (medicines), genetic and acqui

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research
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Sphingolipids (SLs) are major structural constituents of eukaryotes, including the kinetoplastid parasite Leishmania. SLs are important for cellular trafficking and signaling and participate in different cell functions, such as, differentiation and cell death (apoptosis). In this study we have investigated the viability of Leishmania major wild type (W.T) and L. major knockout LmLCB2, one of two subunits of serine palmitoyl transferase (SPT) after treatment with myriocin (potent inhibitor of SPT) in order to detect the survival and proliferation of the parasites in vitro. This is to focus on the de novo sphingolipids biosynthesis pathway in both Leishmania wild type which can synthesize SPT and knockout Leishmania which genetically ablated

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of transforming growth factor beta one (TGF-?1) immunohistochemical (IHC) expression profile in the gingival tissue of patients with different forms of periodontal diseases
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Background: This study evaluate the immunohistochemical expression profile of transforming growth factor beta-1 in inflamed gingival tissue of patients with gingivitis and chronic periodontitis compared to healthy subjects and, determine the correlation between this cytokine and the clinical periodontal parameters, intensity of inflammation and chronic periodontitis severity. Materials and methods: Gingival tissue specimens were taken from 23 chronic periodontitis patients, 20 gingivitis patients and 20 periodontally healthy subjects. The periodontal status was evaluated by dichotomous measurements of the clinical periodontal parameters (PLI, GI, BOP, PPD, CAL). The gingival specimens were fixed immediately in 10% formalin and processed ro

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Age Gender and Site Effect on Immunohistochemical Expression of TGF-β1 and IFN-γ in Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis
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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Immunohistochemical Expression of P16 Protein and TGF β1 in Mice Liver Exposed to Fumonisin B1
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Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a mycotoxin produced in some grains (mainly corn) by Fusarium species. Due to a structural similarity between FB1 and sphinganine, sphingolipids metabolism is inhibited. Such inhibition plays a critical role in cell to cell singling and structure of lipoprotein; therefore FB1 has been suggested to have a relationship with human and animal cancer. This research is planned to study the effect of FB1 on male mice at two doses (20 and 30 µg/ ml) on the expression of TGF-β1 and p16 in liver cells. Three groups of Swiss albino male mice; each group was orally administrated with FB1 toxin as the following: normal saline (control group); 20 and 30 µg/ ml. All groups were sacrificed after two weeks of oral manage

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Scopus (5)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Effect of HPV infection on the expression of fibronectin in a group of Iraqi women with cervical carcinoma
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: Cervical malignancy positioned as the fourth most prevalent disease among women around the world. HPVs especially HPV16 are the causative agent of cervical cancer, responsible of about 5% of all human cancers worldwide. Some researchers found that the fibronectin is repressed by the papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 E7 oncoprotein in both HPV-positive nontumorigenic and tumorigenic cell lines, while others found that the HPV oncoprotein increase the levels of fibronectin. The aim is to study the effect of HPV infection on Fibronectin expression and their correlation onthe development of Cervicalcancinoma. The current retrospective study enrolled paraffinized blocks of two groups. The research included 30 cervical carcinomatous tissues as well

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The role of low level laser therapy on the expression of IL_1 beta in wound healing
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Background: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been extensively applied to improve wound healing due to some biostimulatory properties presented by laser arrays apparently able to accelerate the repair of soft tissue injuries. However, the role of proinflammatory interlukines not been studied yet. IL_1 ? represent one of the most important poroinflammatory interlukines that involved in wound healing. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of 790-805nm diode laser on the expression of IL_1 ? during wound healing in mice. Materials and Methods: Standard-sized wounds (1.5cm) were carried out in the face of 96 white albino mice. Half of them underwent LLLT treatment (360 J/cm 2) at 790-805 nm delivered immediately after wound pro

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Electrocardiographic changes among beta-thalassemic major patients in ibn al-baladi thalassemia center-Baghdad
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Background :Thalassemia is an autosomal
disease of the haemoglobin. Two types of
thalassemia are recognized: thalassemia major
and thalassemia intermedia.
The most serious cardiac complication in
thalassemia major is due to multiple blood
transfusions rather than the disease itself, which
is due to iron overload.
Cardiomyopathy is the most common cardiac
defect that occurs with iron overload. Pricarditis,
congestive heart failure and arrhythmias are due
to hemosidrosis and chronic aneamia.
Aim of the study: to demonstrate the prevalence
and types of electrocardiographic changes among
thalassemic patients with aged over ten years old.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
Exploring Leishmania major Inositol Phosphorylceramide Synthase (LmjIPCS): Insights into the ceramide binding domain
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