Finite Element Approach is employed in this research work to solve the governing differential equations related to seepage via its foundation's dam structure. The primary focus for this reason is the discretization of domain into finite elements through the placement of imaginary nodal points and the discretization of governing equations into an equation system; An equation for each nodal point or part, and unknown variables are solved. The SEEP / W software (program) is a sub-program of the Geo-Studio software, which is used by porous soil media to compensate for the problems of seepage. To achieve the research goals, a study was carried out on Hemrin dam, which located in the Diyala River 100 km northeast of Baghdad, Iraq. Thus, one cross-section is selected for different elevations (minimum, normal and maximum or flood design elevations) to compute the seepage of water, pore water pressure and phreatic line. By theoretical analysis appeared that when the water reservoir was connected to the flood level, a problem may occur in the downstream face of the dam lead to seepage failure. A set of solutions checked by using the Geo-Studio software has been suggested in this research to solve this problem. In addition, and by analytical approach SLOPE/W (a sub-program of the Geo-Studio software) are used to assess the stability of the downstream slope and calculation factor of safety.
Seepage occurs under or inside structures or in the place, where they come into contact with the sides under the influence of pressure caused by the difference in water level in the structure U / S and D / S. This paper is designed to model seepage analysis for Kongele (an earth dam) due to its importance in providing water for agricultural projects and supporting Tourism sector. For this purpose, analysis was carried out to study seepage through the dam under various conditions. Using the finite element method by computer program (Geo-Studio) the dam was analysed in its actual design using the SEEP / W 2018 program. Several analyses were performed to study the seepage across Kongele
Seepage through earth dams is one of the most popular causes for earth dam collapse due to internal granule movement and seepage transfer. In earthen dams, the core plays a vital function in decreasing seepage through the dam body and lowering the phreatic line. In this research, an alternative soil to the clay soil used in the dam core has been proposed by conducting multiple experiments to test the permeability of silty and sandy soil with different additives materials. Then the selected sandy soil model was used to represent the dam experimentally, employing a permeability device to measure the amount of water that seeps through the dam's body and to represent the seepage line. A numerical model was adopted using Geo-Studio software i
... Show More Finite element method is the most widely numerical technique used in engineering field. Through the study of behavior of concrete material properties, various concrete constitutive laws and failure criteria have been developed to model the behavior of concrete. A feature of the Finite Element program (ATENA) is used in this study to model the behavior of UHPC corbel under concentrated load only. The Finite Element (FE) model is followed by verification against experimental results. Some variable effects on the shear capacity of the UHPC corbels are also demonstrated in a parametric study. A proposed design equation of shear strength of UHPC corbel was presented and checked with numerical results.
The seismic can be threatened the stability of the flexible body of the earth dam and can cause completely damaged or deformation on their embankment. Therefore, a geotechnical engineer needs to know the effect of earthquakes on earth structures. The change in the seismic zone that recently Iraq affected is the reason for this research, in general, in 2017, the whole of Iraq, and in particular the region, where the Al-Wand earth dam (the subject of the study) is located, was exposed to several earthquakes. This research project mainly aims to study the behavior of Al-Wand earth dam under seismic load in different conditions by simulating Al-Wand earth dam through numerical modeling an
Diyala Governorate was exposed recently to high flood waves discharged from Hemrin Dam to Diyala River when the dam reached its full capacity. The recently recorded discharge capacity of Diyala River was reduced to just 750m3/s. This exposes cities and villages along the Diyala River to flood risk when discharging the flood waves, which may reach 3000 m3/s. It is important to manage, suggest, and design flood escapes to discharge the flood waves from Hemrin Dam away from Diyala River. This escape branches from Hemrin Lake towards Ashweicha Marsh. One dimensional hydraulic model was developed to simulate the flow within the escape by using HEC-RAS software. Eighty-two cross-sections were ext
... Show MoreIn this paper, the finite element method is used to study the dynamic behavior of the damaged rotating composite blade. Three dimensional, finite element programs were developed using a nine node laminated shell as a discretization element for the blade structure (the same element type is used for damaged and non-damaged structure). In this analysis the initial stress effect (geometric stiffness) and other rotational effects except the carioles acceleration effect are included. The investigation covers the effect speed of rotation, aspect ratio, skew angle, pre-twist angle, radius to length, layer lamination and fiber orientation of composite blade. After modeling a non-damaged rotating composite blade, the work procedure was to ap
... Show MoreFour simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams were test experimentaly and analyzed using the extended finite element method (XFEM). This method is used to treat the discontinuities resulting from the fracture process and crack propagation in that occur in concrete. The Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) used to model concrete as a heterogenous material consists of a three-phasic material (coarse aggregate, mortar, and air voids in the cement paste). The coarse aggregate that was used in the casting of these beams rounded and crashed aggregate shape with maximum size of 20 mm. The compressive strength used in these beams is equal to 17 MPa and 34 MPa, respectively. These RC beams are designed to fail due to flexure when subjected to lo
... Show MoreThe Halabja earthquake occurred on 12/11/2017 in Iraq, with a magnitude of 7.3 Mw, which happened in the Iraqi-Iranian borders. This earthquake killed and injured many people in the Kurdish region in the north of the country. There is no natural disaster more dangerous than earthquake, especially it occurs without warning, great attention must be paid to the impact of earthquakes on the soil and preparing for a wave of earthquakes. Numerical modeling using specific elements is considered a powerful tool to investigate the required behavior of structures in Geotechnical engineering, and the main objective of this is to assess the response of the Al-Wand dam to the Halabja earthquake, as this dam is located in an area that has been su
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