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The Use of Ergative Verbs to Background the Role of the Agent in two Selected Short Stories: A Syntactico-Semantic Study
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The study explores the use of ergative verbs in constructing clauses and their impact on the backgrounding of the agent's role in two selected short stories. Contrary to hypothesis No. 1, the research indicates that changes in sentence patterns don't affect the meaning of the process. Additionally, hypothesis No. 2 is refuted as the middle structure is found to highlight the agent's role in the science fiction short story, Terra Infirmum, rather than concealing it as hypothesized for "The Invisible Man." The analysis uncovers that writers utilize ergative processes to narrate stories in various ways, including transitive/active voice, intransitive/active voice, and transitive/passive voice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that writers employ ergative processes to depict actions either from the perspective of the entity performing the action or from the viewpoint of the entity involved and affected by the process, thereby offering a nuanced portrayal of events.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
CFD Application on Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
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This work is concerned with the design and performance evaluation of a shell and double concentric tubes heat exchanger using Solid Works and ANSY (Computational Fluid Dynamics).

Computational fluid dynamics technique which is a computer-based analysis is used to simulate the heat exchanger involving fluid flow, heat transfer. CFD resolve the entire heat exchanger in discrete elements to find: (1) the temperature gradients, (2) pressure distribution, and (3) velocity vectors.  The RNG k-ε model of turbulence is used to determining the accurate results from CFD.

The heat exchanger design for this work consisted of a shell and eight double concentric tubes. The number of inlets are three and that of o

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Optical Properties for Nanostructure (Ag2O/Si & Psi) Films for Photodetector Applications
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Ag2O (Silver Oxide) is an important p-type (in chasm to most oxides which were n-type), with a high conductivity semiconductor. From the optical absorbance data, the energy gap value of the Ag2O thin films was 1.93 eV, where this value substantially depends on the production method, vacuum evaporation of silver, and optical properties of Ag2O thin films are also affected by the precipitation conditions. The n-type and p-type silicon substrates were used  with porous silicon wafers to precipitate  ±125 nm, as thick Ag2O thin film by thermal evaporation techniques in vacuum and via rapid thermal oxidation of 400oC and oxidation time 95 s, then characterized by measurement of

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Large Campus Network Using hierarchical Model
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This paper presents a hierarchical model of localized company effective when is used in a university campus or site. To highlight the standard criteria for each layer of the model and to prove the positive aspects of this model is the best in use and make the Dell Network as case of study. Through the case of study it has been shown that the expansion of the on-site network does not affect services or bandwidth.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
AL-Dibdiba Formation Basin Hydrological Aspects Extraction Using GIS techniques and Quantitative Morphometric Analysis
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The drainage basin's hydrological aspect studying is considered to be important issue because of their influence (especially in arid to semi-arid regions) on the water management projects, agricultural management projects, and grazing ones. The importance of this study is coming from the fact that AL-Dibdiba formation basin climate is arid to semi-arid and there are human activities (habitation and agricultural) in the east part of it, so the water resources management is needed for this basin. The morphometric analysis illustrates the hydrological aspects in a quantitative form; the problem is the use of the traditional schemes in the calculation processes (such as the topographic map and the planmeter), which coast time and money and a

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Environmental Lead Exposure and Male Infertility
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Background: Lead (pb )is suspected to be one of the endocrine disruptors. People are exposed to high levelsof it in the environment through several ways .In the last years there was an evidence that it affects semenquality. The aim of the study is to assess the level of lead in the blood of male patients and correlate it with theseminal fluid parameters and hormonal levels.Methods: Fifty three infertile male patients, attending the infertility clinic in Baghdad Teaching Hospital fromFebruary 2016 till June 2016, participated in this study. Detailed history was taken and careful examinationwas done. Semen was collected from the patients and analyzed. Blood was withdrawn for hormonal and leadanalysis.Results: There was an increase in blood le

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das Mittelfeld im Deutschen und ihre Angabe im Arabischen Vorgelegt von
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Die vorliegende Forschung handelt es um die Satzfelder, besonders das Mittelfeld des Satzes im deutschen und Arabischen. Diese Forschung wurde mit der Satzdefinition, Satzglieder begonnen, damit wir diese klar werden und dann werden die Felder des Satzes gut gekannt. Der erste Abschnitt schlieβt auch den Mittelfeld des Satzes und, wie man das Feld erkennen und bestimmen kann. Die Forschung untersucht auch. Ob es in der arabischen Sprache den selben Struktur wie im Deutschen gibt, z.B Bildung des Satzes sowie Satzfelder bezügllich das Mittelfeld.

Der zweite Abschnitt handelt sich um den arabischen Teil und behandelt die Wortarten im Arabischen sowie den Satz als auch Satzarten (Nominal- Verbal- Halbsatz).

Danach befinden

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller – Based Spectrum Analyzer
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This work includes design, implementation and testing of a microcontroller – based spectrum analyzer system. Both hardware and software structures are built to verify the main functions that are required by such system. Their design utilizes the permissible and available tools to achieve the main functions of the system in such a way to be modularly permitting any adaptation for a specific changing in the application environment. The analysis technique, mainly, depends on the Fourier analysis based methods of spectral analysis with the necessary required preconditioning processes. The software required for waveform analysis has been prepared. The spectrum of the waveform has been displayed, and the instrument accuracy has been checked.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
King Khalid University towards Strategies Compatible with Brain-Based Learning (BBL)
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The study aimed to reveal the level of knowledge and tendencies of high- study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with brain-based learning (BBL). And Then, putting a proposed concept to develop knowledge and tendencies of high-study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with Brain-based learning (BBL). For achieving this goal, a cognitive test and a scale of tendency were prepared to apply harmonious strategies with brain-based learning. The descriptive approach was used because it suits the goals of the study. The study sample consisted of (70) male and female students of postgraduate

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Horan Valley Basin Geomorphological Aspects Assessment by Integrating Hypsometric Analysis with Remotely Sensed Morphometric Characteristics
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     The extraction, study, and accurate interpretation of the morphology database of a basin are the basic blocks for building a valid geomorphological understanding of this basin. In this work, a new approach is presented which is to use three different GIS based methods to extract databases with specific geographical information and then use the concept of information intersection to make a realistic geomorphological perspective for the study area.

In the first method, data integration of remote sensing images from Google Map and SRTM DEM images were used to identify Horan basin borders.

In the second method, the principle of data integration was represented by extracting the quantitative values of the morphometric c

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Post COVID-19 Effect on Medical Staff and Doctors' Productivity Analysed by Machine Learning
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The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the healthcare sector and the productivity of medical staff and doctors. This study employs machine learning to analyze the post-COVID-19 impact on the productivity of medical staff and doctors across various specialties. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 960 participants from different specialties between June 1, 2022, and April 5, 2023. The study collected demographic data, including age, gender, and socioeconomic status, as well as information on participants' sleeping habits and any COVID-19 complications they experienced. The findings indicate a significant decline in the productivity of medical staff and doctors, with an average reduction of 23% during the post-COVID-19 period. T

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