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(The Importance of Knowledge and Work in Islamic Thought) A Study of the Stages of Spiritual Purification According to Imam Al-Ghazali
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Science occupies great importance in Islamic thought. Science and learning are considered an essential part of Islamic teachings, and this importance appears in several aspects,Among them is thatScience as a means of understanding religion :Science is a means of understanding the teachings of the Islamic religion. Islam encourages thinking and rational research to understand the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, enabling Muslims to direct their lives and actions in accordance with the directives of their religion,And also to encourageResearch :Islam encourages scientific research and the use of reason in understanding the nature of the universe and God’s signs in it. Muslims are encouraged to study the natural and social sciences and all fields that are useful in developing human knowledge. Science and community development :Islam views science as playing a crucial role in the progress and development of society. It encourages the use of science and technology in the service of humanity, in improving living conditions and promoting social and economic progress, science and piety :Islam views science as a means to achieve piety, that is, a close connection with God and living according to His teachings. The search for and acquisition of knowledge is a form of worship, and Islam promotes people’s understanding that achieving knowledge leads to deeper piety, knowledge, and individual and collective excellence. :Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and achieving excellence in its field. It glorifies academic achievement and individual and collective skills as means of serving society and making positive contributions, science and justice :Islam promotes the use of science to achieve justice in society. The Islamic religion expects those with knowledge to contribute to serving justice, ensuring the rights of individuals, and achieving balance in society. In Islamic thought, science is linked to religion and lifeAlyumiaIt encourages Muslims to use science as a means to achieve personal well-beingAnd socialAt the same time To serve God and his creation. This is what Imam Al-Ghazali argued in the content of the research, where:Not all knowledge is science. For example, our life experiences do not include direct observation and practical activity, which do not go beyond the pure description of facts and processes, and which do not go beyond monitoring their external aspects only. That Work is all the activities that a person practices, whether physical or mental, with the aim of production in the institution in which he works, whether governmental or private, or the work may be in a personal profession or craft. The concept of work in Islam: Work is everything that brings benefit to the believer, and this benefit may be material, worldly, or moral in the hereafter. Work has great importance and great status in Islam, and through it the Muslim obtains a great reward and reward, as it is considered worship and compliance with the commands of God Almighty, so through it Life flourishes, the country is prospered, and stability is achieved for the individual and society as a whole. Work in Islam is considered a type of jihad for the sake of God, and its goal is not just to collect money, but rather it is an act of worship that brings goodness to the Muslim, and what is required of him is to strive hard in life seeking the doors of sustenance. And to adhere to God’s limits and not disobey His commands, as good deeds are what guarantee a good life and strength for a person. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proposed Hiding Text in Text Based On RNA for Encoding Secret Information
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In any security system, we need a high level of security, to maintain the secrecy of important data. Steganography is one of the security systems that are hiding secret information within a certain cover (video, image, sound, text), so that the adversary does not suspect the existence of such confidential information. In our proposed work will hide secret messages (Arabic or English) text in the Arabic cover text, we employed the RNA as a tool for encoding the secret information and used non-printed characters to hide these codes. Each character (English or Arabic) is represented by using only six bits based on secret tables this operation has provided a good compression since each Arabic character needs 16 bits and each English characte

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Signal Processing Techniques for Diagnosis Rotor Faults in Small Wind Turbine Motor
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The core objective of this paper was to diagnosis and detect the expected rotor faults in small wind turbine SWT utilize signal processing technique. This aim was achieved by acquired and analyzed the current signal of SWT motor and employed the motor current signature analysis MCSA to detect the sudden changes can have occurred during SWT operation. LabVIEW program as a virtual instrument and (NI USB 6259) DAQ were take advantage of current measurement and data processing.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
Increasing Safety in Highways Transit Systems by Using Ethical Artificial Intelligence AI
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“Smart city” projects have become fully developed and are actively using video analytics. Our study looks at how video analytics from surveillance cameras can help manage urban areas, making the environment safer and residents happier. Every year hundreds of people fall on subway and railway lines. The causes of these accidents include crowding, fights, sudden health problems such as dizziness or heart attacks, as well as those who intentionally jump in front of trains. These accidents may not cause deaths, but they cause delays for tens of thousands of passengers. Sometimes passers-by have time to react to the event and try to prevent it, or contact station personnel, but computers can react faster in such situations by using ethical

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 04 2013
Journal Name
1st Post – Graduate Students Conference, Alnahrain University / College Of Engineering
Convection Heat Transfer in Horizontal Annulus Porous Media with Rotating Outer Cylinder
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A numerical investigation of mixed convection in a horizontal annulus filled with auniform fluid-saturated porous medium in the presence of internal heat generation is carried out.The inner cylinder is heated while the outer cylinder is cooled. The forced flow is induced by thecold outer cylinder rotating at a constant angular velocity. The flow field is modeled using ageneralized form of the momentum equation that accounts for the presence of porous mediumviscous, Darcian and inertial effects. Discretization of the governing equations is achieved usinga finite difference method. Comparisons with previous works are performed and the results showgood agreement. The effects of pertinent parameters such as the Richardson number and internalRay

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Extrapituitary prolactin –1149 G/T promoter polymorphism in some rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Background: Prolactin is a hormone, as well as a cytokine which is synthesized and secreted from the anterior pituitary gland and various extra pituitary sites including immune cells under control of a superdistal promoter that contains a single nucleotide polymorphism -1149 G/T. Rheumatoid Arthritis has been associated with increased serum prolactin levels.Objectives: To investigate the association of the extra pituitary -1149 G/T promoter polymorphism among Iraqi rheumatoid arthritis patients and prolactin levels.Methods: We tested 73 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 40 healthy individuals. The DNA samples were genotyped using the Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction fragment Length Polymorphism method and the levels of prolacti

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Surface Roughness Prediction for Steel 304 In Edm Using Response Graph Modeling
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Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-traditional cutting technique for metals removing which is relied upon the basic fact that negligible tool force is produced during the machining process. Also, electrical discharge machining is used in manufacturing very hard materials that are electrically conductive. Regarding the electrical discharge machining procedure, the most significant factor of the cutting parameter is the surface roughness (Ra). Conventional try and error method is time consuming as well as high cost. The purpose of the present research is to develop a mathematical model using response graph modeling (RGM). The impact of various parameters such as (current, pulsation on time and pulsation off time) are studied on

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Psychological Well-being for Elderly People at Geriatric Centers in Baghdad City
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Objective: To evaluate the levels of Psychological well-being among elderly people and To find out the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and psychological well-being among elderly people who live in Geriatric centers. Methodology: A descriptive study in which evaluation approach is applied to achieve the objectives of the study the period of the study was from 29 December 2014 to 25 may 2015, The sample is non-probability (purposive sample) of 60 elderly people and selecte according to criteria of sample and for the purpose of the study , ( 40 ) are from Al Rashad and ( 20 ) Sleek

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Symbol Significances in Fakhir Mohammad Paintings 1980 - 2010: إيناس مهدي ابراهيم الصفار
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Address the current research study " Symbol Significances in Fakhir Mohammad Paintings " in an attempt to detect signs of the icon in the artist's fee . The research contains four chapters The first chapter of which the methodological framework for the search starting with the problem of the specific research and asking the following: Maaltold semantic code in fees Luxury Muhammad? As well as displaying the importance of research and the need for it and in order to search through ( you know the implications of the code in the fee Luxury Muhammad) and for the period of ( 1980-2010 ) in his works of art as well as identifying the search terms . In the second chapter , such as the theoretical framework , and contained three sections focus o

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Securing Data in Wireless Body Area Network Using Hyper-Chaotic Zhou System
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  E-Health care system is one of the great technology enhancements via using medical devices through sensors worn or implanted in the patient's body. Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) offers astonishing help through wireless transmission of patient's data using agreed distance in which it keeps patient's status always controlled by regular transmitting of vital data indications to the receiver. Security and privacy is a major concern in terms of data sent from WBAN and biological sensors. Several algorithms have been proposed through many hypotheses in order to find optimum solutions. In this paper, an encrypting algorithm has been proposed via using hyper-chaotic Zhou system where it provides high security, privacy, efficiency and

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Screening for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at Elementary Schools in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To determine the prevalence of ADHD among elementary school pupils; identify the association between pupil's level of ADHD and age, etc., and investigate the differences in pupils ADHD based on gender, and grade.

Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on elementary school pupils. The study started from the period of 16th of September 2019 to the 1st of October 2020. A cluster sample of 800 pupils was selected. The questionnaire was constructed and developed and include two parts: the first part includes the pupil's general information and the second part includes scale of ADHD prevalence.

Results: The results of the present study indicated that 38(4.

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