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(The Importance of Knowledge and Work in Islamic Thought) A Study of the Stages of Spiritual Purification According to Imam Al-Ghazali
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Science occupies great importance in Islamic thought. Science and learning are considered an essential part of Islamic teachings, and this importance appears in several aspects,Among them is thatScience as a means of understanding religion :Science is a means of understanding the teachings of the Islamic religion. Islam encourages thinking and rational research to understand the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, enabling Muslims to direct their lives and actions in accordance with the directives of their religion,And also to encourageResearch :Islam encourages scientific research and the use of reason in understanding the nature of the universe and God’s signs in it. Muslims are encouraged to study the natural and social sciences and all fields that are useful in developing human knowledge. Science and community development :Islam views science as playing a crucial role in the progress and development of society. It encourages the use of science and technology in the service of humanity, in improving living conditions and promoting social and economic progress, science and piety :Islam views science as a means to achieve piety, that is, a close connection with God and living according to His teachings. The search for and acquisition of knowledge is a form of worship, and Islam promotes people’s understanding that achieving knowledge leads to deeper piety, knowledge, and individual and collective excellence. :Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and achieving excellence in its field. It glorifies academic achievement and individual and collective skills as means of serving society and making positive contributions, science and justice :Islam promotes the use of science to achieve justice in society. The Islamic religion expects those with knowledge to contribute to serving justice, ensuring the rights of individuals, and achieving balance in society. In Islamic thought, science is linked to religion and lifeAlyumiaIt encourages Muslims to use science as a means to achieve personal well-beingAnd socialAt the same time To serve God and his creation. This is what Imam Al-Ghazali argued in the content of the research, where:Not all knowledge is science. For example, our life experiences do not include direct observation and practical activity, which do not go beyond the pure description of facts and processes, and which do not go beyond monitoring their external aspects only. That Work is all the activities that a person practices, whether physical or mental, with the aim of production in the institution in which he works, whether governmental or private, or the work may be in a personal profession or craft. The concept of work in Islam: Work is everything that brings benefit to the believer, and this benefit may be material, worldly, or moral in the hereafter. Work has great importance and great status in Islam, and through it the Muslim obtains a great reward and reward, as it is considered worship and compliance with the commands of God Almighty, so through it Life flourishes, the country is prospered, and stability is achieved for the individual and society as a whole. Work in Islam is considered a type of jihad for the sake of God, and its goal is not just to collect money, but rather it is an act of worship that brings goodness to the Muslim, and what is required of him is to strive hard in life seeking the doors of sustenance. And to adhere to God’s limits and not disobey His commands, as good deeds are what guarantee a good life and strength for a person. 

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Applied Sciences
Comparison between Expert Systems, Machine Learning, and Big Data: An Overview
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Today, the science of artificial intelligence has become one of the most important sciences in creating intelligent computer programs that simulate the human mind. The goal of artificial intelligence in the medical field is to assist doctors and health care workers in diagnosing diseases and clinical treatment, reducing the rate of medical error, and saving lives of citizens. The main and widely used technologies are expert systems, machine learning and big data. In the article, a brief overview of the three mentioned techniques will be provided to make it easier for readers to understand these techniques and their importance.

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Color Image Steganography Based on Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transforms
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        The secure data transmission over internet is achieved using Steganography. It is the art and science of concealing information in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an observer’s suspicion. In this paper the color cover image is divided into equally four parts, for each part select one channel from each part( Red, or Green, or  Blue), choosing one of these channel depending on the high color ratio in that part. The chosen part is decomposing into four parts {LL, HL, LH, HH} by using discrete wavelet transform. The hiding image is divided into four part n*n then apply DCT on each part. Finally the four DCT coefficient parts embedding in four high frequency sub-bands {HH} in

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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This research include design and implementation of an Iraqi cities database using spatial data structure for storing data in two or more dimension called k-d tree .The proposed system should allow records to be inserted, deleted and searched by name or coordinate. All the programming of the proposed system written using Delphi ver. 7 and performed on personal computer (Intel core i3).

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
China's Soft Power and Diplomacy towards Middle East Region after 2011
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The study deals with China's soft power and diplomacy in the Middle East, and it focuses specifically on the tools and foundations of China's soft diplomacy and how it achieves its goals in the region in addition to its challenges in the region. In this regard, the study also focuses on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its soft foundations and how they serve China’s diplomacy and soft power in the region. The study ends with a set of conclusions, perhaps the most prominent of which is that diplomacy and soft power have become a fundamental pillar of China's foreign policy to achieve its foreign goals and to establish an international system compatible with China's principles. As for the Middle East, China has established a poli

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling and optimum design band pass filter for mid IR region
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In this study, we design narrow band pass filter for window (3_5) ?m dependent on the needle optimization method , and a comparison with global designs published -Also, the effect of change parameter design on the optical performance of filter was studded and being able to overcome the difficulties of the design.In this study, the adoption of homogeneous optical properties materials as thin film depositing on a substrate of germanium at wavelength design (? = 4 ?m). For design this kind of filters we used advanced computer program (Matlab )to build a model design dependent both matrix characteristic and Needle technique. In this paper we refer to the type of Mert function , which is used for correct optical performance acces

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences
Monitoring and Control on Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Oil Pipelines
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This research is devoted to design and implement a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) for monitoring and controlling the corrosion of a carbon steel pipe buried in soil. A smart technique equipped with a microcontroller, a collection of sensors and a communication system was applied to monitor and control the operation of an ICCP process for a carbon steel pipe. The integration of the built hardware, LabVIEW graphical programming and PC interface produces an effective SCADA system for two types of control namely: a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) that supports a closed loop, and a traditional open loop control. Through this work, under environmental temperature of 30°C, an evaluation and comparison were done for

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Antenatal, Intrapartum, and Postnatal Maternal health Care during COVID-19 Pandemic
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There is limited data and evidence about the effects of COVID-19 on Maternal health, especially when new information is emerging daily, through pregnancy, child birth and post natal period, women are vulnerable to have the infection, this article, aimed to show the suitable measures that should be applied for women at reproductive age who are suspected /confirmed with COVID -19 infection,

During pregnancy it is advisable to continue the antenatal care schedule, although reducing face to face visit is recommended (unless the pregnant condition required that ),and prioritize ANC at health facilities for high-risk pregnancy and during second half of pregnancy with adequate infection prevention control  measures.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Neglect and Its Relationship with Internet Addiction among University Students
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The research aims to measure family negligence and its relationship with internet addiction among university students. The researcher has developed a scale of (20) items to measure the negligence of family, which was applied to (308) male and female university students in the first and fourth stages. The research concluded that University students suffer from family negligence. The research sample has an addiction to the Internet. There is a relationship between family neglect and addiction to the Internet among university students. The researcher came out with a number of suggestions and recommendations.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling and Forecasting Periodic Time Series data with Fourier Autoregressive Model
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Most frequently used models for modeling and forecasting periodic climatic time series do not have the capability of handling periodic variability that characterizes it. In this paper, the Fourier Autoregressive model with abilities to analyze periodic variability is implemented. From the results, FAR(1), FAR(2) and FAR(2) models were chosen based on Periodic Autocorrelation function (PeACF) and Periodic Partial Autocorrelation function (PePACF). The coefficients of the tentative model were estimated using a Discrete Fourier transform estimation method. FAR(1) models were chosen as the optimal model based on the smallest values of Periodic Akaike (PAIC) and Bayesian Information criteria (PBIC). The residual of the fitted models was diagn

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
(Evaluation and Mobility) As Two self-Organizing Posts for University Students
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One of the important goals in the learning process is to be effective learning through the self-direction of the learner , because it has an impact on the effort of learners , it is better to be a learner responsible for learning and independent of the acquisition of knowledge ,

اذ اكدتكثيرAs many have confirmed منFrom الدراساتStudies والادبياتAnd literature انthat فشلالكثير The failure of many منFrom الطلبةStudents فيin a تنظيمgroup المعلوماتthe information ومعالجتهاAnd processed اثناءduring عمليةProcess تعلمهمLearn them لاNo يرجعReturns الىto me انخفاضdrop فيin a درجةDegree ذكائهمTheir intelligence اوor عدمNo

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