Objective Using two complementary techniques of virus detection human papillomavirus (HPV)[capture of hybrids (CH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)], relate the cytological study and/or cervical biopsy with high-risk HPV (HPV-HR) genotypes presence, as well as relating their viral load (VL). Methods About 272 women, who presented most cell alterations compatible with lesions cervical HPV, which has been detected in all high risk by the CH method and HPV genotype detection by PCR. Results In 22% of the patients it was not detected HPV DNA. Genotype 16 and/or 18 was prevalent and was found in 33% of the 212 women studied, meanwhile, mixed infections were found by several genotypes in 25%. In as for the histological lesions found, in 61 patients with squamous intraepithelial lesions of high grade (H-SIL) and cancer, 55.73% presented genotypes 16 and/or 18, while in 38 patients with presence of altered squamous cells of significance uncertain (ASCUS) and 126 with squamous lesions low-grade intraepithelial (L-SIL), were put on manifest these genotypes only in 7.9% and 22.2%, respectively (p< 0.05). About 12.13% of the 272 patients had a VL< 3 pg/ml. In those with an HPV VL> 3 pg/ml, were HPV-AR found in 77.40% of these (p< 0.05). Conclusions In patients with H-SIL biopsy revealed genotypes 16 and/or 18. The CH2 technique is useful as a screening procedure, while PCR is interesting to identify HPV-HR genotypes