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Correlation of Vitamin D Level with Electrophysiological Findings and Clinical Grading in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neurological disease that presented with paresthesias, pain, and numbness in the hand's median nerve compression. Vitamin D was assumed to affect both electrophysiological &clinical gradings, the study aims to assess the correlation between the deficiency of vitamin D and both electrophysiological and clinical gradings. This study was conducted in Ghazi Alhariri Hospital during the period from the first of November/2020 to the twenty-eighth of February/2021, fifty five individuals were referred to as Carpal tunnel syndrome patients, and compared to (55) control individuals, blood samples were withdrawn from the patients (3ml), centrifuged and kept in the freezer (-20°C) until the time of analysis of vitamin D3, Sensory and motor nerve conduction studies of both median and ulnar nerve were done bilaterally. patients were classified electrophysiologically and clinically into two subgroups (mild to moderate) and (severe) groups. The result showed that the differences are not significant in the gender, BMI and vitamin D of the patients versus the control group (p>0.05), the difference of the electrophysiological parameters was not significant between patients with low vitamin D versus those with normal vitamin D (p value>0.05), there was a significant association between the electrophysiological and clinical grading in addition to a significant association between vitamin D level and the clinical grading. Vitamin D deficiency does not affect the electrophysiological parameters while the clinical grading becomes worse with the decrease in its level. The electrophysiological grading is associated with clinical grading.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Assessing the performance of commercial Agisoft PhotoScan software to deliver reliable data for accurate3D modelling

3D models delivered from digital photogrammetric techniques have massively increased and developed to meet the requirements of many applications. The reliability of these models is basically dependent on the data processing cycle and the adopted tool solution in addition to data quality. Agisoft PhotoScan is a professional image-based 3D modelling software, which seeks to create orderly, precise n 3D content from fixed images. It works with arbitrary images those qualified in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions. Following the recommendations of many users all around the globe, Agisoft PhotoScan, has become an important source to generate precise 3D data for different applications. How reliable is this data for accurate 3D mo

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering

High smoke emissions, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter typically produced by diesel engines. Diminishing the exhausted emissions without doing any significant changes in their mechanical configuration is a challenging subject. Thus, adding hydrogen to the traditional fuel would be the best practical choice to ameliorate diesel engines performance and reduce emissions. The air hydrogen mixer is an essential part of converting the diesel engine to work under dual fuel mode (hydrogen-diesel) without any engine modification. In this study, the Air-hydrogen mixer is developed to get a homogenous mixture for hydrogen with air and a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio according to the speed of the engine. The mixer depends on the balance between th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 17 2020
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Photocatalytic activity of Ag-doped TiO2 nanostructures synthesized by DC reactive magnetron co-sputtering technique

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Effect Some of Electrodeposition Parameters on Wear Resistance for Cu-MWCNT Composite Coating

A Copper- Mullet walled Carbon Nanotube Cu/MWCNT composite coatings prepared by direct and pulse electrodeposition with various contents of MWCNT particles, using electrodeposition method from acidic sulfate bath. The effect of the current density, pulse frequency and  particle loading (PL) of MWCNT particle in the electrolyte on the morphology and volume fraction Vol% of MWCNT in deposit were investigate. The experimental results indicated that the depositing condition affect on the microstructure of deposited copper and MWCNT Vol% in deposit. Also, the Vol% of MWCNT increases in deposit with particle loading (PL) increasing in the bath and increased with increased current density. Increasing MWCNTs in electrolyte produced increase

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removing of Methylene Blue Dye from its Aqueous Solutions Using Polyacrylonitrile/Iron Oxide/Graphene Oxide

      Organic contaminants are used to be found in industrial wastewater treatment procedures, and heavy metal ion removal is difficult. Photo Fenton reaction activity was exploited in this study to decompose organic contaminants using a functional composite hydrogel. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), Fe3O4 particles, and graphene oxide make up the hydrogel (GO). It is made from GO/ Fe3O4 and is made using the precipitation technique. GO is made from graphite using the Hummers process. And it has exceptional mechanical strength and Photo-Fenton activity as a result of various breakdown data that were influenced differently, such as H2O2 concentration, dye concentration, temper

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Adding High-Density Polyethylene Polymer on the Engineering Characteristics for Sandy Soil

The loose sand is subject to large settlement when it is exposed to high stresses. This settlement is due to the nature of the high drainage of sand, which displays foundations and constructions to a large danger. The densification of loose sandy soils is required to provide sufficient bearing capacity for the structures. Thus soil stabilization is used to avoid failure in the facilities. Traditional methods of stabilized sandy soil such as fly ash, bituminous, and cement often require an extended curing period. The use of polymers to stabilize sandy soils is more extensive nowadays because it does not require a long curing time in addition to being chemically stable. In this study, the effect of adding different percent

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stability Improvement of The Iraqi Super Grid (400kV) using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission

This research analyzes the level of the short circuit effect of the Iraqi super network and decides the suitable location for the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) connections in order to obtain the best short circuit reduction of the total currents of the buses in the network. The proposed method depends on choosing the transmission lines for Alternating current (AC) system that suffers from high Short Circuit Levels (SCLs) in order to reduce its impact on the transmission system and on the lines adjacent to it and this after replacing the alternating current (AC) line by direct current (DC) line. In this paper, Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) is used to model two types of HVDC lines in an effective regi

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The influence of various pH values on the aerogel physical properties by sol-gel technique

Hydrophobic silica aerogels were successfully preparation by an ambient pressure drying method from sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) with different pH values (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10). In this study, acidic HCl (1M), a basic NH4OH (1M) were selected as a catalyst to perform the surface modification in a TMCS (trimethylchlorosilane) solution. The surface chemical modification of the aerogels was assured by the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic studies. Other physical properties, such as pore volume and pore size and specific surface area were determined by Brunauer-Emmett- Teller (BET) method. The effect of pH values on the bulk density of aerogel. The sol–gel parameter pH value in the sol, have marked effects on the physical proper

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Sequencing Technique for Diagnostic Different Species of Genus Rhizobium Which Isolated from Legume Plants

      Samples of the root nodules were collected to isolate different species of the genus Rhizobium from several leguminous plants; Trigonella  foenum-graecum, Medicago sativa, Lens culinaris, Vigna mungo, Vicia faba,  Phaseolus vulgaris, and Cicer arietinum, and based on their morphological, cultural, and biochemical characteristics, in addition to the identification of each isolate at the species level by amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and using the sequencing of the nitrogenous bases of the 16S rRNA gene, it was identified as Sinrhizobium meliloti, Sinrhizobium meliloti, Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar viciae, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar phaseoli and Mesorh

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Effect of wettability on particle settlement behavior within Mono-Ethylene Glycol regeneration pre-treatment systems

This study was undertaken to diagnose routine settling problems within a third-party oil and gas companies’ Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) regeneration system. Two primary issues were identified including; a) low particle size (<40 μm) resulting in poor settlement within high viscosity MEG solution and b) exposure to hydrocarbon condensate causing modification of particle surface properties through oil-wetting of the particle surface. Analysis of oil-wetted quartz and iron carbonate (FeCO₃) settlement behavior found a greater tendency to remain suspended in the solution and be removed in the rich MEG effluent stream or to strongly float and accumulate at the liquid-vapor interface in comparison to naturally water-wetted particles. As su

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