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A sustainable pavement concrete using warm mix asphalt and hydrated lime treated recycled concrete aggregates
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Recently, increasing material prices coupled with more acute environmental awareness and the implementation of regulation has driven a strong movement toward the adoption of sustainable construction technology. In the pavement industry, using low temperature asphalt mixes and recycled concrete aggregate are viewed as effective engineering solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change and sustainable development. However, to date, no research has investigated these two factors simultaneously for pavement material. This paper reports on initial work which attempts to address this shortcoming. At first, a novel treatment method is used to improve the quality of recycled concrete coarse aggregates. Thereafter, the treated recycled aggregates were used in warm mix asphalt at varied rates to replace virgin raw coarse aggregates. The asphalt concrete mixes produced were tested for modulus, tensile strength, permanent deformation, moisture susceptibility and fatigue life. The comparison of these properties with that of the mixes using the same rates of untreated course aggregates from the same source has demonstrated the effectiveness of the new technology. Lastly, the cost, material and energy saving implications are discussed.

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