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COVID-19 Diagnostics from the Chest X-Ray Image Using Corner-Based Weber Local Descriptor
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Corona Virus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a novel virus belongs to the corona virus's family. It spreads very quickly and causes many deaths around the world. The early diagnosis of the disease can help in providing the proper therapy and saving the humans' life. However, it founded that the diagnosis of chest radiography can give an indicator of coronavirus. Thus, a Corner-based Weber Local Descriptor (CWLD) for COVID-19 diagnostics based on chest X-Ray image analysis is presented in this article. The histogram of Weber differential excitation and gradient orientation of the local regions surrounding points of interest are proposed to represent the patterns of the chest X-Ray image. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Deep Belief Network (DBN) classifiers are utilized for CWLD classification. Experimental results on a real chest X-Ray database showed that the gradient orientation gives the desired accuracy which is 100% using DBN classifier and CWLD size equals to 400.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2923
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
Enantiosemy in a Comparative Aspect: On the Material of Modern Russian and Arabic Languages Энантиосемия в сравнительном аспекте: На материале современного русского и арабского языков التضاد - دراسة مقارنة : اللغات الروسية والعربية الحذيثة أنمورجا
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This work is devoted to a comparative study of the phenomenon of enantiosemy in Russian and Arabic.Everyone knows the term antonyms - words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning, such as: Day and night, white and black, truth and lies. But in Russian, Arabic and other languages there is an interesting phenomenon, which consists in the fact that one word has two opposite meanings. Such a phenomenon in linguistics is called enantiosemy (from the Greek words enantios - "opposite" and sema - "sign")

Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future Teachers' Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Assistant Professor of Education Techniques, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Techniques Faculty of Education and Literature, Northern Border University Saudi Arabia
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The research aims to identify the future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view. The research adopted the descriptive approach, and a questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (370) male and female teachers in governmental and private general education schools in the Al-Jouf region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the research concluded that the reality of future teachers' attitudes towards cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view is very high and that most areas of using computing are in the field of assessment, then teaching, and activities. The challenges of future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing are recorded at a high level, parti

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Criticism and study of Al-Bandari's Arabic translation of the story Bigan and Manijeh by Shahnameh Ferdowsi: نقد و بررسی ترجمه¬ی عربی بنداری به داستان بیژن و منیژه از شاهنامه¬ی فردوسی
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      Among Persian poets and literary works, Ferdowsi and Shahnameh have a distinctive and prominent place. Since the 5th  C. AH , they took the interest of all Persian language and literature scholars and were one of the first books to be translated into different languages including Arabic by Al Fatih Bin Ali Bin Mohammed Al-Bandari in  the year of (620)AH  .Because it was completed in the early 7th C. AH and in terms of antiquity, there is no older copy than  of Al-Bandari’s version  which holds great value in the analysis of  Shahnameh other different copies.

      To find out the how far analogy goes, the present paper makes a general comparisons of  Bijan and Manijeh in Shahnameh Fer

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of serum levels of Proinflammatory Cytokines IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients
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Gastritis can be defined as histological inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be classified according to the time course of the disease as acute or chronic, histological findings, anatomic location, and pathological mechanisms. The objective of this study was to evaluation of serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, IL-17 and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients. The case-control prospective study consists of 60 patients who attended the Gastrointestinal Tract Center at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital during the period from December 2019 to April 2020. In addition, the control group included 60 apparently healthy individuals. Bio

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the extent to which listed companies comply with sustainability accounting standards by improving performance and financial reporting to enhance confidence in financial statements: بحث تطبيقي مقارن في عينة من الشركات العراقية والعربية
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The objective of this research is to know the extent to which Iraqi and Arab companies apply the criteria of accounting for sustainability and disclosure, as well as to analyze the content of the annual financial reports of the companies listed in the financial market to determine their compliance with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board )SASB(. Annual Report The commitment of telecommunications companies to implement sustainability issues related to the standard of telecommunications services reached a general average of (54%) for the sample of the research sample. This means that there is a degree of admissibility in applying the standard. As well as the highest level of reporting to the criterion of the (Jordan Telec

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El porqué de la confusión entre el pretérito indefinido y el imperfecto en la lengua española para alumnos de Irak The reason of confusion between past perfect and imperfect in Spanish for Iraqi students
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Las diferencias entre el pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto son uno de los temas más complejos de la lengua española, no sólo para el estudiante, sino para el profesor, puesto que sistematizar los casos y hacerlos fácilmente comprensibles al alumno es tarea difícil. Los profesores de lengua, cuyas investigaciones han dado lugar a una serie de teorías y de corrientes metodológicas y didácticas que permiten enfocar la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera de manera muy distinta a como se hacía tradicionalmente. Vamos a repasar muy brevemente cuáles son estas teorías.

En primer lugar es necesario señalar en qué consiste el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua:

"El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es el

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the infection with intestinal protozoa Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia among Patients who attending Bint Al- Huda for maternity and children hospital and Al hussin hospital in Nassriyia city in Thi-Qar province
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The aims of this study the infection with parasites Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia and prevalence rates and their relationship with gende , age group , the number of family members and source of drinking water among the patients at attending the Bint Al Huda and Al- Hussin Teaching hospital in Nassriyia city in Thi- Qar province , it was noticed that the percentage of parasitic infection at females was 38.55% and at males was 61.45% and the percentage of parasitic infection with Entamoeba histolytica 97% was higher than the percentage of parasitic infection with Giardia lamblia 3%,and the reduction of percentage of infection is associated with increasing of the number of family member ,the percentage of infection was 49% at the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Implications of Financial Reporting Governance in rationalizing investors decisions In financial markets in light of An International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/ An analytical study of a selected sample of the joint stock companies in Iraq
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The financial crises that occurred in South East Asia and America, and the discovery of the financial and administrative corruption that affected these companies, which led to the crisis. Since then, organizations and institutions interested in accounting have begun new ways to further rationalize the management of these companies. Hence the concept of governance, which means good governance. Al-Susiya confirmed its adoption of the financial reporting standards and adopted internal and external auditing for the purpose of increasing the reliability and credibility of the financial and reports that increase the confidence of investors in making their investment decisions in the financial markets The study dealt with the contributi

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial&n

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2024
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran
The Association of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio and Other Complete Blood Count Parameters with Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events Risk Score in Patients with Non-ST Segment Elevation – Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Single-Center Study
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