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Approaches to Lexicography in English and Arabic
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Lexicography, the art and craft of dictionary-making, is as old as writing. Since its very early stages several thousands of years ago, it has helped to serve basically the every-day needs of written communication among individuals in communities speaking different languages or different varieties of the same language. Two general approaches are distinguished in the craft of dictionary-making: the semasiological and the onomasiological. The former is represented by usually-alphabetical dictionaries as such, i.e. their being inventories of the lexicon, while the latter is manifested in thesauruses. English and Arabic have made use of both approaches in the preparation of their dictionaries, each having a distinct aim ahead. Within the confines of each language, an approach may yield various trends as to, for instance, the arrangement of entries within a dictionary. The present paper aims at distinguishing the various trends in writing dictionaries in both English and Arabic. By so doing, it is hoped that the bases on which variation has relied are arrived at in order to provide the appropriate explanations of how and why differences have followed. To achieve this aim, an expository critical account of the approaches to the compilation of monolingual dictionaries in English and Arabic is presented; reference to bi-lingual dictionaries is going to be made appropriately, however. These trends, or schools, within each approach followed a certain system in compiling its representative dictionaries.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
AIP Conference Proceedings 2437, 020060 (2022); 2437, 020060© 2022 Author(s).Theoretical calculation of the electroniccurrent at N3 contact with TiO2 solar celldevices (3) (PDF) Theoretical calculation of the electronic current at N 3 contact with TiO 2 solar cell devices ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Theoretical studies of electronic transition characteristics of senstizer molecule dye N3-SnO 2 semiconductor interface AIP Conference. Available from: [accessed May 01 2023].
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Theoretical calculation of the electronic current at N 3 contact with TiO 2 solar cell devices ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Theoretical studies of electronic transition characteristics of senstizer molecule dye N3-SnO 2 semiconductor interface AIP Conference. Available from: [accessed May 01 2023].

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Преподаватель ХХi век
Фонограмматическая когниция в русском и арабском языках: основы флективного когнитивного строя
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В статье рассматривается вопрос о связи флективных изменений с мыслительными процессами на материале русского и арабского языков, анализируются семантические, фонетические, морфологические и синтаксические основы фонограмматической когниции. Цель статьи выявление прямой связи между количественным звуковым изменением согласного состава слова и мыслительными процессами, с помощью которых человеческ

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das Mittelfeld im Deutschen und ihre Angabe im Arabischen Vorgelegt von
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Die vorliegende Forschung handelt es um die Satzfelder, besonders das Mittelfeld des Satzes im deutschen und Arabischen. Diese Forschung wurde mit der Satzdefinition, Satzglieder begonnen, damit wir diese klar werden und dann werden die Felder des Satzes gut gekannt. Der erste Abschnitt schlieβt auch den Mittelfeld des Satzes und, wie man das Feld erkennen und bestimmen kann. Die Forschung untersucht auch. Ob es in der arabischen Sprache den selben Struktur wie im Deutschen gibt, z.B Bildung des Satzes sowie Satzfelder bezügllich das Mittelfeld.

Der zweite Abschnitt handelt sich um den arabischen Teil und behandelt die Wortarten im Arabischen sowie den Satz als auch Satzarten (Nominal- Verbal- Halbsatz).

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