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The effect of chlorine and combined chlorine/UV treatment on coliphages in drinking water disinfection
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Chlorine disinfection is a globally used method to ensure the safety of drinking water. However, it has not always been successful against viruses and, therefore, it is important to find new methods to disinfect water. Seventeen different coliphages were isolated from the treated municipal wastewater. These coliphages and MS2 were treated with different dosages of chlorine in drinking water, and a combined chlorine/ultraviolet irradiation treatment for the chlorine-resistant coliphages. Chlorine disinfection with 0.3–0.5 mg/L total chlorine (free Cl-dosage 0.12–0.21 mg/L) for 10 min achieved 2.5–5.7 Log10-reductions for 11 sensitive coliphages. The six most resistant coliphages showed no reduction with these chlorine concentrations. MS2 was intermediate in chlorine resistance, and thus it is not a good indicator for viruses in chlorine disinfection. In the combined treatment total chlorine of 0.05–0.25 mg/L (free Cl-dosage 0.02–0.08 mg/L) and ultraviolet irradiation (14–22 mWs/cm2) were more effective than chlorine alone, and 3–5 Log10-reductions were achieved for the chlorine-resistant strains. The chlorination efficiency could be increased by higher dosages and longer contact times, but this could increase the formation of disinfection by-products. Therefore, the combination treatment is a recommended disinfection method.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Structural Concrete
Enhancement of RC T‐beams toughness using laced stirrups reinforcement for blast response predictions
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Abstract<p>The dynamic behavior of laced reinforced concrete (LRC) T‐beams could give high‐energy absorption capabilities without significantly affecting the cost, which was offered through a combination of high strength and ductile response. In this paper, LRC T‐beams, composed of inclined continuous reinforcement on each side of the beam, were investigated to maintain high deformations as predicted in blast resistance. The beams were tested under four‐point loading to create pure bending zones and obtain the ultimate flexural capacities. Transverse reinforcement using lacing reinforcement and conventional vertical stirrups were compared in terms of deformation, strain, and toughness changes of the tes</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 25 2015
Journal Name
مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث الهندسية
Smart Sensing for Variable Pressure of Oil Well Safety Valve Using Proportional Pressure Control valve
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Protection of the oil pipelineswhich extracted from the wells was found to shut the well and prevent the leakage of oil when broken using safety valve. This valve is automatically activated by loss of pressure between the well and pipelines, which take the pressure, signal from hydraulic pressure sensor through pressure control valve which has constant or variable value but it is regulated manually. The manual regulatory process requires the presence of monitoring workers continuously near the wells which are always found in remote areas. In this paper, a smart system has been proposed that work with proportional pressure control valve and also electronic pressure sensor through Arduino controller, which is programmed in a way that satisfie

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Nano Science And Nano Technology
Preparation CuInSe2 (CIS) by arrested precipitation method as alight absorption layer of photovoltaic solar-cells
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The CuInSe2 (CIS) nanocrystals are synthesized by arrested precipitation from molecular precursors are added to a hot solvent with organic cap- ping ligands to control nanocrystal formation and growth. CIS thin films deposited onto glass substrate by spray - coating, then selenized in Ar- atmosphere to form CIS thin films. PVs were made with power conversion efficiencies of 0.631% as -deposited and 0.846% after selenization, for Mo coated, under AM 1.5 illumination. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis it is evident that CIS have the chalcopyrite structure as the major phase with a preferred orientation along (112) direction and the atomic ratio of Cu : In : Se in the nanocrystals is nearly 1 : 1 : 2

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Craniomaxillofacial Research &amp; Innovation
Partial Bone Necrosis Following Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy: Report of a Complicated Orthognathic Jaw Surgery
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Study Design

Case Report.


To present a case of a previous complicated mandibular orthognathic surgery that aimed to setback the mandible in a female cleft lip and palate (CLP) patient, which led to bone necrosis on one side with subsequent severe mandibular deviation and facial asymmetry. We additionally reviewed the previous reports of similar complications, the pathophysiology and the factors that could lead to this dreadful result.


A 27-year-old female patient presented with a severe dentofacial deformity secondary to a complicated bilateral sagittal spli

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Improvement of noisy images filtered by bilateral process using a multi-scale context aggregation network
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Deep learning has recently received a lot of attention as a feasible solution to a variety of artificial intelligence difficulties. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) outperform other deep learning architectures in the application of object identification and recognition when compared to other machine learning methods. Speech recognition, pattern analysis, and image identification, all benefit from deep neural networks. When performing image operations on noisy images, such as fog removal or low light enhancement, image processing methods such as filtering or image enhancement are required. The study shows the effect of using Multi-scale deep learning Context Aggregation Network CAN on Bilateral Filtering Approximation (BFA) for d

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Water, Air, &amp; Soil Pollution
Decontamination of Cobalt-Polluted Soils Using an Enhanced Electro-kinetic Method, Employing Eco-friendly Conditions
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Experimental Investigation for Small Horizontal Portable Wind Turbine of Different Blades Profiles under Laboratory Conditions
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Experimental investigation for small horizontal portable wind turbine (SHPWT) of NACA-44, BP-44, and NACA-63, BP-63 profiles under laboratory conditions at different wind velocity range of (3.7-5.8 m/s) achieved in present work. Experimental data tabulated for 2, 3, 4, and 6- bladed rotor of both profiles within range of blade pitch angles . A mathematical model formulated and computer Code for MATLAB software developed. The least-squares regression is used to fit experimental data. As the majority of previous works have been presented for large scale wind turbines, the aims were to present the performance of (SHPWT) and also to make a comparisons between both profiles to conclude which is the best performance. The overall efficiency and el

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, And Pathology
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: An Iraqi experience of 16 consecutive cases followed up for up ten years
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Publication Date
Thu May 23 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Real-time classification of shoulder girdle motions for multifunctional prosthetic hand control: A preliminary study
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In every country in the world, there are a number of amputees who have been exposed to some accidents that led to the loss of their upper limbs. The aim of this study is to suggest a system for real-time classification of five classes of shoulder girdle motions for high-level upper limb amputees using a pattern recognition system. In the suggested system, the wavelet transform was utilized for feature extraction, and the extreme learning machine was used as a classifier. The system was tested on four intact-limbed subjects and one amputee, with eight channels involving five electromyography channels and three-axis accelerometer sensor. The study shows that the suggested pattern recognition system has the ability to classify the sho

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
Increasing validation accuracy of a face mask detection by new deep learning model-based classification
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During COVID-19, wearing a mask was globally mandated in various workplaces, departments, and offices. New deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifications were proposed to increase the validation accuracy of face mask detection. This work introduces a face mask model that is able to recognize whether a person is wearing mask or not. The proposed model has two stages to detect and recognize the face mask; at the first stage, the Haar cascade detector is used to detect the face, while at the second stage, the proposed CNN model is used as a classification model that is built from scratch. The experiment was applied on masked faces (MAFA) dataset with images of 160x160 pixels size and RGB color. The model achieve

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