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تعزيز التجارة الدولية واثره في تحقيق النمو والتنمية المستدامين
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يعد تعزيز التجارة الدولية في مقدمة اهتمامات اي دولة ، فكل دولة تسعى الى تقديم خدمة مشروعات لتنمية الخدمات والبنى التحتية بوسائل عدة ، ومن اهمها قيامها بتمويل تجارتها الداخلية والخارجية مما يؤدي الى ازدهار وتحقيق التنمية والنمو المستدامين في تلك الدولة . ولكي تؤدي التجارة الدولية دوراً بارزاً في تحقيق النمو والتنمية المستدامين، لابد من توافر بيئة تجارية دولية مناسبة و نظام تجاري دولي مساند لعملية التنمية فالتجارة الدولية تعد محركاً للنمو والتنمية ، ويعود سبب ذلك لمساهمتها بشكل كبير في ازدهار النشاط التجاري والاقتصادي لدول العالم ، والنشاطات المذكورة آنفاً تعتمد بشكل اساس على مدى فاعلية تجارتها الدولية ، لذلك تستخدم أدواتها الفاعلة في تحقيق التنمية والنمو المستدامين، لا سيما في مجال التبادل التجاري الدولي ، الذي يؤدي إلى اكتساح الافراد لحقل التجارة الدولية ، وظهور علاقات تعاقدية عابرة للحدود تسمى بعقود التجارة الدولية بوصفها اداة للمبادلات الاقتصادية والخدمية عبر الحدود ويؤدي بالنتيجة الى تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.

Publication Date
Mon May 02 2016
Journal Name
مكتبة السيسبان بغداد
دراسات في قانون التجارة الدولية
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دراسات في قانون التجارة الدولية

Publication Date
Fri Nov 03 2017
Journal Name
منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية
الاخلال بالتنفيذ في بيوع التجارة الدولية
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يتناول الاخلال في عقد البيع الدولي للبضائع وفقاً لاتفاقية فيينا والمسؤولية الناشئة عنه

Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
أساس انتقال المخاطر في عقود التجارة الدولية
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أساس انتقال المخاطر في عقود التجارة الدولية

Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The basics of transferring risks in international trade contracts
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         The goods sold during the transport phase may be exposed to the risk of the buyer's state, whether those risks are land, sea or air, resulting in the loss of the goods in whole or in part, or damage, as if they were destroyed by the ship sinking or colliding with another or the cause of the loss or damage is due to a fire, as in the case of a spark on the goods, and the goods is a combustible material. The risk should be borne by one of the parties. To identify the responsible party for the risks, it should determine a particular moment for transferring risks. There has been a difference in legislation, whether at the national or international level, on determining the basis for risk

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese Economy and its impact on international trade (Study on the role of the port of Gwadar)
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China's economic policy and its huge capabilities operate according to an expansion strategy, especially in investing foreign projects, as the past ten years have witnessed a major development in the elements of comprehensive strength, especially in the economic field, in 2014 China launched the largest initiative in the world, represented by the Belt and Road Project (BRI), which links nearly 70 countries, through this project, a very important region has emerged, which is (the port of cadres) in Pakistan, as China has headed towards that region and given the highest importance that is in its interest in the first place regardless of the great Pakistani interest, This is consistent with its future aspirations, especially after breaking

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الحقوق جامعة النهرين
دور المبادئ العامة للقانون في إطار التجارة الدولية
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المبادئ العامة للقانون ودرها في اطار التجارة الدولية

Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legislative Position on Emergency Arbitration in the Settlement of Private International Disputes
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       The emergency arbitration mechanism is a relatively recent system in arbitration at the level of both national and medicinal legislation and rules.  It does not adequately accommodate the needs of the parties in situations that require quick and effective procedures. In many cases, the complaint of the arbitral tribunal may take weeks or months, in order to obtain the primary protection on which the settlement of the dispute is focused. For the past decade, emergency arbitration has become one of the biggest activity of the success of international arbitration, and it can even be said that there is no other new arbitration, this mechanism provides urgent protection to the parties before the forma

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Elements of the economic intelligence of the organization and its role in achieving economic growth: Applied research
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   The aim of the research is to demonstrate of the relation and the influence of the components of economic intelligence (strategic alertness, information security policy, impact policy) in achieving of economic growth (creativity, competitiveness, quality improvement). The questionnaire was used as a main tool for selected sample. Answers analyzed by using the statistical program (SPSS)  to calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, weight percentage, correlation, F test, and Squared factor (R2).

 The research derived its importance from the distinguished role of information systems in the work of industrial companies, and its impact toward achieving economic growth rates in its various activities. T

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dry Canal in Iraq and Mutual Growth in International Economic Environment
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In this paper, an attempt was made to measure and interpret the impact of several variables on global maritime transport, including: OECD industrial productions, high growth rates of some developing countries, and growth in world GDP. These variables contribute to higher rates of maritime transport revenues of 800 billion dollars annually; in the form of numerical sequences. The dry canal in Iraq was assumed to transfer 99 million tons of goods annually. This was made sure through the economic feasibility of the difference between maritime and land transport through railways. The effect of geographical and anthropological nature of Iraq on this project was studied too. Our findings indicated that the project will not drive growth

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of adopting international accounting and financial reporting standards to measure investments in stock on sustainable growth: applied research
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Investments in shares represent an essential component of companies’ assets and a source of profit making resources. These investments are linked to the areas of trading and speculation, which is reflected on their market value, which makes accounting for and evaluating these investments require their own accounting standards, and thus several international standards were issued regarding this as well as a statement of their impact on growth Sustainable, as the research problem is to show the impact of measuring investments in shares according to international accounting and financial reporting standards on the sustainable growth of economic units, the research sample and its reflection on audit procedures. In accordance with i

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