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Differential evolution detection models for SMS spam
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With the growth of mobile phones, short message service (SMS) became an essential text communication service. However, the low cost and ease use of SMS led to an increase in SMS Spam. In this paper, the characteristics of SMS spam has studied and a set of features has introduced to get rid of SMS spam. In addition, the problem of SMS spam detection was addressed as a clustering analysis that requires a metaheuristic algorithm to find the clustering structures. Three differential evolution variants viz DE/rand/1, jDE/rand/1, jDE/best/1, are adopted for solving the SMS spam problem. Experimental results illustrate that the jDE/best/1 produces best results over other variants in terms of accuracy, false-positive rate and false-negative rate. Moreover, it surpasses the baseline methods.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
SMS Spam Detection Based on Fuzzy Rules and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
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2013 Ieee International Rf And Microwave Conference (rfm)
Differential Evolution algorithm for linear frequency modulation radar signal denoising
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Signal denoising is directly related to sample estimation of received signals, either by estimating the equation parameters for the target reflections or the surrounding noise and clutter accompanying the data of interest. Radar signals recorded using analogue or digital devices are not immune to noise. Random or white noise with no coherency is mainly produced in the form of random electrons, and caused by heat, environment, and stray circuitry loses. These factors influence the output signal voltage, thus creating detectable noise. Differential Evolution (DE) is an effectual, competent, and robust optimisation method used to solve different problems in the engineering and scientific domains, such as in signal processing. This paper looks

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Computer Systems Science & Engineering
Parameters' fine tuning of differential evolution algorithm
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Most heuristic search method's performances are dependent on parameter choices. These parameter settings govern how new candidate solutions are generated and then applied by the algorithm. They essentially play a key role in determining the quality of the solution obtained and the efficiency of the search. Their fine-tuning techniques are still an on-going research area. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is a very powerful optimization method and has become popular in many fields. Based on the prolonged research work on DE, it is now arguably one of the most outstanding stochastic optimization algorithms for real-parameter optimization. One reason for its popularity is its widely appreciated property of having only a small number of par

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Constrained Differential Evolution for Cost and Energy Efficiency Optimization in 5G Wireless Networks
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The majority of real-world problems involve not only finding the optimal solution, but also this solution must satisfy one or more constraints. Differential evolution (DE) algorithm with constraints handling has been proposed to solve one of the most fundamental problems in cellular network design. This proposed method has been applied to solve the radio network planning (RNP) in the forthcoming 5G Long Term Evolution (5G LTE) wireless cellular network, that satisfies both deployment cost and energy savings by reducing the number of deployed micro base stations (BSs) in an area of interest. Practically, this has been implemented using constrained strategy that must guarantee good coverage for the users as well. Three differential evolution

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
A hybrid Grey Wolf optimizer with multi-population differential evolution for global optimization problems
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
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2015 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation (cec)
Differential evolution with adaptive repository of strategies and parameter control schemes
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A new Differential Evolution (ARDE) algorithm is introduced that automatically adapt a repository of DE strategies and parameters adaptation schemes of the mutation factor and the crossover rate to avoid the problems of stagnation and make DE responds to a wide range of function characteristics at different stages of the evolution. ARDE algorithm makes use of JADE strategy and the MDE_pBX parameters adaptive schemes as frameworks. Then a new adaptive procedure called adaptive repository (AR) has been developed to select the appropriate combinations of the JADE strategies and the parameter control schemes of the MDE_pBX to generate the next population based on their fitness values. Experimental results have been presented to confirm the reli

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Algorithmic design issues in adaptive differential evolution schemes: Review and taxonomy
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
2014 Ieee Symposium On Differential Evolution (sde)
Comparative analysis of a modified differential evolution algorithm based on bacterial mutation scheme
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A new modified differential evolution algorithm DE-BEA, is proposed to improve the reliability of the standard DE/current-to-rand/1/bin by implementing a new mutation scheme inspired by the bacterial evolutionary algorithm (BEA). The crossover and the selection schemes of the DE method are also modified to fit the new DE-BEA mechanism. The new scheme diversifies the population by applying to all the individuals a segment based scheme that generates multiple copies (clones) from each individual one-by-one and applies the BEA segment-wise mechanism. These new steps are embedded in the DE/current-to-rand/bin scheme. The performance of the new algorithm has been compared with several DE variants over eighteen benchmark functions including sever

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Engineering Software
System identification and control of robot manipulator based on fuzzy adaptive differential evolution algorithm
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 26 2014
Journal Name
Engineering Optimization
A new modified differential evolution algorithm scheme-based linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising
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The main intention of this study was to investigate the development of a new optimization technique based on the differential evolution (DE) algorithm, for the purpose of linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising. As the standard DE algorithm is a fixed length optimizer, it is not suitable for solving signal de-noising problems that call for variability. A modified crossover scheme called rand-length crossover was designed to fit the proposed variable-length DE, and the new DE algorithm is referred to as the random variable-length crossover differential evolution (rvlx-DE) algorithm. The measurement results demonstrate a highly efficient capability for target detection in terms of frequency response and peak forming that was isola

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