إحدى أهم الطرق لتقصي توزيع المجرات عبر الزمن الكوني هي دالة اللمعان LF بدلالة كتلة القرص الباريوني ψS(Mb)، القدر . لقد درسنا تقديرًا لكثافة كتلة الباريون في عينة من المجرات الحلزونية القضيبية وغير القضيبية من الادبيات السابقة، والتي تتضمن فعليًا، لكل صنف من الاجرام السماوية ذات المحتوى الباريون المرئي، جزءًا لا يتجزأ من ناتج دالة الضيائية (LF) ونسبة الكتلة إلى الضوء. استخدمت تقنية الانحدار المتعدد لحزمة البرامج الإحصائية في دراستنا ونتائجنا، مثل برنامج تحليل قواعد البيانات والرسوم البيانية)برامج Statistics Win و(Origin Pro . وفقًا للتحليل الإحصائي، هناك علاقة إيجابية قوية وارتباط وثيق للغاية (α MB~1), ، وغالبًا ما تظهر المجرات الحلزونية القرصية القضيبية وغير القضيبية قدراً مطلقاً بحدود MB < -18 mag . "الركبة" لدالة الضيائية للمجرات الحلزونية تبين قطعًا كبيرًا عند كتلة باريونية تبلغ Mb > 1010 Mʘ للمجرات الحلزونية القضيبية وغير القضيبية. يوفر هذا دليلاً يدعم الفرضية القائلة بأن اللوالب الحلزونية لنظام القرص بدأت تتشكل داخل عتبة كتلة متزايدة. نظرًا لأن زيادة دالة الكتلة الأولية للنجم مع الانزياح نحو الأحمر تكون أسرع بكثير، فقد أشارت النتائج التي توصلنا إليها إلى أن دالة الكتلة الأولية المنتقلة ψS(Mb) للمجرات القضيبية وغير القضيبيةعند انزياح أحمر مرتفع z > 0.027 للمجرات االقضيبية وz > 0.02للمجرات غير القضيبية والذي يبدو أنه يتناقص مقارنة بالكون الحرج.
Several specimens of the avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta L. are found infected with
Himantocestus gigantivcus sp. nov. ( Cestoda , Diploposthidae) . This cestode is related to H.
blanksoni Ukoli 1965 but easily differentiated from it in having longer and wider strobila,
larger size of testes but lesser in number, cirrus situated in the middle of mature segment
histead of anterior third and slightly posterior to the middle in gravid segment instead of the
middle , ovary and vitelline gland are larger , and the uterus has more branches.
Some studies indicated a relationship between increased serum levels of osteoprotegerin with arterial calcification and as a result, it leads to the risk of cardiovascular disease. In our study group we selected patients with osteoporosis, with similar age and body mass index for the assessment of the relationship between cardiovascular disease and osteoprotegerin serum level. We took into account the analysis of correlation and association between the presence of distinct patterns of atherosclerosis and associated diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, low HDL cholesterol, increased LDL cholesterol, increased triglycerides and was the case of presence of any type of dyslipidemia,
... Show More
A field study was conducted in Al-Khalis district, Diyala Governorate in 2019 to test the sensitivity of three varieties of pepper to the population density of the whitefly B. tabaci, Anaheim pepper, Aleppo and local variety, and the results showed that the Anaheim variety was the most infested with the whitefly density 4.08 whitefly/ leaf and then the local variety 2.7 whitefly/ leaf. The lowest population density was 1.25 whitefly/ leaf of Aleppo variety. Variety Aleppo also recorded the lowest percentage of whitefly infection B. tabaci of 39.22%, but not have significant differences in the percentage of whitefly infestation, as it reached 53.64% and 54.85% for the Anaheim and local varieties, respectively. The resistance of variety Alepp
... Show MoreThe downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently. Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ r
... Show MoreIntroduction: Cerebral hydatid disease (CHD) is rare and the multiple-cystic variety is even rarer. In this paper, we report a case of multiple CHD and explore a possible link with a preceding spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). Case presentation: A 27-year old gentleman with a history of surgically-evacuated, spontaneous ICH presented with severe headache, left-sided weakness - Medical Research Council (MRC) grade II - and recurrent tonic-clonic seizures, while on a full dose of anti-epileptic medication. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans showed multiple intra-axial cystic lesions in the right hemisphere. The cysts were removed intact using Dowling’s technique through a large temporoparietal crani
... Show MoreMany of the Iraqi agricultural researches are used spraying technique to add chemical products including pesticides and growth regulators. Various studies were performed to study the effect of these substances at different concentrations to improve plant production. In order to adopt specific criteria of spraying researches and to replicate them easily, it is a necessary to mention all information related to the spraying processes and regulations for improving sprayer’s performance by increasing the amount of pesticide deposited on the target. The current study aims to survey Iraqi researches in details and analyse them randomly. Also, to highlight on the importance of information applied in sprayi