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Motivation of Word Formation in Russian and Arabic Languages and its Role in Achieving Translation Equivalence
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The article is devoted to the issue of word-formation motivation, which does not lose its relevance and plays a role not only in disclosing formal-semantic relations between words of one language and has not only theoretical, but also applied significance. The authors consider word-formation motivation consistently in its varieties in a comparative way on the materials of so different languages as Russian and Arabic and approach the mechanism of achieving semantic equivalence of translation. To the greatest extent, word-formation activity today, due to objective reasons, affects some special branch (technical, medical, etc.) vocabulary, which is increasing from year to year in national dictionaries. This extensive material, selected by the authors, not only illustrates the current trends in word formation in modern languages, but also provides an answer to the question about the degree of equivalence of this subgroup of words in Russian and Arabic. The goal to compare word-formation motivation according to a number of criteria in different-structured languages made possible not only to obtain theoretical information about what features each of the languages has in word formation and what derivational potential it has, but also to reveal an algorithm for translating derived words from one language to another. For this, the authors complete a number of such particular tasks as highlighting significant elements in the neologisms of the Russian and Arabic languages, establishing standards for the formation of scientific and terminological vocabulary in Arabic, searching for tools (transformation operations, specific word-formation formants) that will contribute to the achievement of translation equivalence from Russian to Arabic, etc. Also the analysis of differences in the mechanisms of the formation of new vocabulary in the Russian and Arabic languages provided an opportunity to supplement the relatively young and rapidly developing private methodology of Russian-Arabic translation.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Classification of soil infiltration rate depending on the Hydrological soil group map South East Iraq
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The study area is located in the East of Missan governorate, southeast of Iraq between (32°'29.52" – 32°37'30") latitude and (46°46'21.16" – 47°58'53.52")longitude. It encompasses an area of (1858 ) with elevation ranges from 8 to 165m. Soil is a natural body that exists as part of the pedosphere and which performs four important functions. It is a medium for plant growth and a means of water storage, supply and purification. The spatial mapping of soil usually involves delineating soil types that have identifiable characteristics. The delineation is based on many factors such as geomorphologic origin and conditions under which the soil is formed. Hydrologic soil group (HSG) refers to the classification of soils based on their ru

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Multilayer Single Point Incremental Forming on Residual Stresses for Bottom Plates
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Knowing the amount of residual stresses and find technological solutions to minimize and control them during the production operation are an important task because great levels of deformation which occurs in single point incremental forming (SPIF), this induce highly non-uniform residual stresses. In this papera propose of a method for multilayer single point incremental forming with change in thickness of the top plate (0.5, 0.7, 0.9) mm and lubrication or material between two plates(polymer, grease, grease with graphite, mos2) to knowing an effect of this method  and parameters on residual stresses for the bottom plates. Also compare these results for the

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System to Predict Rate of Penetration from Dynamic Elastic Properties
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Rate of penetration plays a vital role in field development process because the drilling operation is expensive and include the cost of equipment and materials used during the penetration of rock and efforts of the crew in order to complete the well without major problems. It’s important to finish the well as soon as possible to reduce the expenditures. So, knowing the rate of penetration in the area that is going to be drilled will help in speculation of the cost and that will lead to optimize drilling outgoings. In this research, an intelligent model was built using artificial intelligence to achieve this goal.  The model was built using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system to predict the rate of penetration in

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some new transition metal complexes of bis (2-methyl furfuraldene)-4,4`-methylene bis (cyclohexylamine) ligand
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New Fe(II),Co(II),Ni(II),Cu(II) and Zn(II) Schiff base complexes which have the molar ratio 2:1 metal to ligand of the general formula [M2( L) X4] (where L=bis(2-methyl furfuraldene)-4-4`-methylene bis(cyclo-hexylamine) ) were prepared by the reaction of the metal salts with the ligand of Schiff base derived from the condensation of 2:1 molar ratio of 2-acetyl furan and 4-4`-methylene bis (cyclohexylamine). The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer ,molar conductance measurements, infrared, electronic spectra,and magnetic susceptibility measurement. These studies revealed binuclear omplexes. The metal(II) ion in these complexes have four coordination sites giving the most ex

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of the Iranian Seperation Dikes on the Water Salinity Patterns Within Al Huweizah Marsh
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Al Huweizah Marsh is considered as the largest marsh at the southern part of Iraq. About one third of the marsh is located within the Iranian territory. Iran began to construct earth dikes along the Iraqi-Iranian international borders to separate the Iranian part of the marsh. The electrical conductivity, EC, value was adopted to be the indicator for the water salinity within the marsh. A steady two-dimensional water quality routing model was implemented by using the RMA2 and RMA4 softwares within the SMS computer package to estimate the distribution of the
EC values within the marsh seasonally during the wet, moderate and dry water years. The EC distribution Patterns were estimated considering the expected two cases of the marsh futu

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Soil Water from a Trickle Irrigation System for Sandy Loam Soils
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Trickle irrigation is a system for supplying filtered water and fertilizer directly into the soil and water and it is allowed to dissipate under low pressure in an exact predetermined pattern. An equation to estimate the wetted area of unsaturated soil with water uptake by roots is simulated numerically using the HYDRUS-2D/3D software. In this paper, two soil types, which were different in saturated hydraulic conductivity were used with two types of crops tomato and corn, different values of emitter discharge and initial volumetric soil moisture content were assumed. It was assumed that the water uptake by roots was presented as a continuous sink function and it was introduced into Richard's equation in the unsaturated z

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Calcium/iron-layered double hydroxides-sodium alginate for removal of tetracycline antibiotic from aqueous solution
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Multi Response Optimization of Submerged Arc Welding Using Taguchi Fuzzy Logic Based on Utility Theory
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2019
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Absorption Wavebands for Discriminating Oxidation Time of Engine Oil as Detected by FT-IR Spectroscopy
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Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was used to analyze gasoline engine oil (SAE 5W20) samples that were exposed to seven different oxidation times (0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h, and 144 h) to determine the best wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges for the discrimination of the oxidation times. The thermal oxidation process generated oil samples with varying total base number (TBN) levels. Each wavenumber (400–3900 cm−1) and wavenumber ranges identified from the literature and this study were statistically analyzed to determine which wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges could discriminate among all oxidation times. Linear regression was used with the best wavenumbers and wavenumber ranges to predict oxidation time.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 15 2022
Journal Name
Natural Hazards
Temporal dynamic drought interpretation of Sawa Lake: case study located at the Southern Iraqi region
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