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استعمال تمرينات خاصة وفق جهاز verti max وتأثيرها في تطوير تحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية وانجاز رمي الرمح للاعبيين دون ال 16 سنة
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تكمن أهمية البحث من الاستفادة من تمرينات الخاصة بمساعدة استعمال أي جهاز تدريبي مثل استعمال جهاز (Vertimax) فإِنَّ هذهِ التدريبات تساعد في تطوير التحمل الخاص وفقًا لما يتطور من قدرات بدنية باستعمال هذا الجهاز، ومن هنا برزت مشكلة البحث انه من المهم  للاعب ان يعمل على الروافع الجسم للحصول على اداء افضل في عملية الرمي والحصول على افضل انجاز لهذة الفعالية باستعمال جهاز تدريبي جديد حيث يسلط مقاومات متعددة في ان واحد على جميع العضلات العاملة في اداء هذه الفعالية, إذ يمكن أنْ تكون هذهِ التدريبات مكملاً لبقية التدريبات في التأثير على تطوير الجانب البدني لرماة الرمح ويمكن تسهم في تقدم الإنجاز في هذهِ اللعبة على المستوى عالي . وهدف البحث الى التعرف على تأثير التدريبات على الجهاز (Vertimax) في تطوير بعض التحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية هذهِ وانجاز رمي الرمح اللاعبيين دون 16 سنة. وفرض البحث انه توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي في التحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية لمجموعة البحث. وأشتملت عينة البحث بالطريقة العمدية المقصودة وكانت العينة مجتمع البحث الأصلي البالغ عددهم  (6) لاعبين من لرمي الرمح وكانت أعمارهم دون 16 سنة ، واستخدمت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي بأسلوب المجموعة التجريبية الواحدة لملائمته طبيعة المشكلة المراد حلها.  وفي الختام استنتجت الباحثتان على حدوث تطور كبير في مستويات القوة التحمل الخاص للذراع الرامية نتيجة التدريب على جهاز(Vertimax). واوصت الباحثتان بضرورة استعمال الأجهزة والأدوات المساعدة في عملية التدريب مثل جهاز (Vertimax) والتأكيد على استعمال التقنيات الحديثة التي من شأَنها أنْ تعكس مؤشرات ومعايير حقيقية لمتغيرات القوة والتي تعطي مؤشرًا يبين مستوى التطور في التدريب

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The semantic and stylistic characteristics of historicism (marked vocabulary) In the modern russian literary language: Семантико-стилистическая характеристика Историзмов (маркированной лексики) В современном русском литературном языке
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The article considers semantic and stylistic motivations for using obsolete lexicon (historicisms) in the text of a work of art. The specifics of the functioning of this process are presented against the background of the features of the contemporary Russian literary language. Attention is focused on the fact that the layer of obsolete lexical units belongs to a number of nationally specific vocabulary, the development of which forms an understanding of the nature of the actualized language. In addition, it should be noted that the semantics of historicisms is culturally commensurate: the latter is explained by the fact that the deactuation of linguistic units is positioned as parallel to the sociocultural and political changes.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Density Distributions, Elastic Electron Scattering form factors and reaction cross sections of 9C, 12N and 23Al exotic nuclei
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The ground state densities of unstable proton-rich 9C, 12N and 23Al exotic nuclei are studied via the framework of the two-frequency shell model (TFSM) and the binary cluster model (BCM). In TFSM, the single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are used with two different oscillator size parameters βc and βv, where the former is for the core (inner) orbits and the latter is for the valence (halo) orbits. In BCM, the internal densities of the clusters are described by single particle Gaussian wave functions. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated proton and matter density distributions of these nuclei. The structure of the valence proton in 9C and 12N is a pure (1p1/2) configuration while that for 23Al is

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 09 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculations of the Quadrupole Moments for Some Nitrogen Isotopes in p and psd Shell Model Spaces Using Different Effective Charges
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The electric quadrupole moments for some nitrogen isotopes (12,14,15,16,18N) are
studied by shell model calculations with the proton-neutron formalism. Theoretical
calculations performed using the different set of effective charges due to the core
polarization effect. The effective charges in the p-shell nuclei are found to be
slightly different from those in the sd-shell nuclei. Most of the results we have
obtained are underestimated with the measured data for the isotopes considered in
this work.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of modern management accounting systems for continuous improve the performance of Jordanian Industrial Companies
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        The intensification of competition among all companies and at different levels has become necessary for every company need to continue to improve its performance in order to be able to face the competition and stay in the market. To achieve this, we must rely on the company's accounting information more accurate and appropriate and provided in a timely manner, for the purpose of use in planning and decision making.

So there must be information systems that help the administration to continuous development and improvement of the performance of companies in general, and this is what you need Jordanian companies, especially after the accession of Jordan to the field

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Microscopic effective charges and quadrupole moments of sd-shell and sd-pf cross-shell nuclei with Z≥13
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dry Canal in Iraq and Mutual Growth in International Economic Environment
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In this paper, an attempt was made to measure and interpret the impact of several variables on global maritime transport, including: OECD industrial productions, high growth rates of some developing countries, and growth in world GDP. These variables contribute to higher rates of maritime transport revenues of 800 billion dollars annually; in the form of numerical sequences. The dry canal in Iraq was assumed to transfer 99 million tons of goods annually. This was made sure through the economic feasibility of the difference between maritime and land transport through railways. The effect of geographical and anthropological nature of Iraq on this project was studied too. Our findings indicated that the project will not drive growth

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Certain Figures of Emphasis in the Televised Debate between Macron and Le Pen on may 3, 2017».: Le rôle de certaines figures d’insistance utilisées dans le débat télévisé entre Macron et Le Pen le 3 mai 2017
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      Political Discourse Analysis is an important linguistic study approach used by politicians to gain people support. The present paper sheds light on the figures of speech  of emphasis in the televised debate between the two presidential elections candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the distinctive effect they add to the political discourse to win general public support as well as the presidential elections.

       The present paper provides a rudimentary definition and an analysis of the terms “discourse” and “political discourse” and traces the significant role played by politically directed televised Media and internet to support political pa

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Controls for Transfer and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues in Sultanate of Oman- Reality and Hope
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This study ideals with the Omani legal regulations of transferring and transplanting human organs and tissues in light of the Minister of Health decree No. 179 on the year 2018. As the last update, article 27 in 2019 has prohibited conducting such operations unless permission from the Minister of Health is obtained. In the absence of a further law update until the completion of writing the research, we intend to analyze and study some of the current provisions for the transfer and transplantation of human organs and tissues, compared to the legislative trends of some related laws. To achieve this, we divided the study into three sections; the first section introduces the historical development of the legislator criminal policy in regulat

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Mathematical Modelling of Gene Regulatory Networks
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    This research includes the use of an artificial intelligence algorithm, which is one of the algorithms of biological systems which is the algorithm of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs), which is a dynamic system for a group of variables representing space within time. To construct this biological system, we use (ODEs) and to analyze the stationarity of the model we use Euler's method. And through the factors that affect the process of gene expression in terms of inhibition and activation of the transcription process on DNA, we will use TF transcription factors. The current research aims to use the latest methods of the artificial intelligence algorithm. To apply Gene Regulation Networks (GRNs), we used a progr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Cluster Analysis by Using Nonparametric Cubic B-Spline Modeling for Longitudinal Data
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Longitudinal data is becoming increasingly common, especially in the medical and economic fields, and various methods have been analyzed and developed to analyze this type of data.

In this research, the focus was on compiling and analyzing this data, as cluster analysis plays an important role in identifying and grouping co-expressed subfiles over time and employing them on the nonparametric smoothing cubic B-spline model, which is characterized by providing continuous first and second derivatives, resulting in a smoother curve with fewer abrupt changes in slope. It is also more flexible and can pick up on more complex patterns and fluctuations in the data.

The longitudinal balanced data profile was compiled into subgroup

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