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Computer-based plagiarism detection techniques: A comparative study
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Plagiarism is becoming more of a problem in academics. It’s made worse by the ease with which a wide range of resources can be found on the internet, as well as the ease with which they can be copied and pasted. It is academic theft since the perpetrator has ”taken” and presented the work of others as his or her own. Manual detection of plagiarism by a human being is difficult, imprecise, and time-consuming because it is difficult for anyone to compare their work to current data. Plagiarism is a big problem in higher education, and it can happen on any topic. Plagiarism detection has been studied in many scientific articles, and methods for recognition have been created utilizing the Plagiarism analysis, Authorship identification, and Near-duplicate detection (PAN) Dataset 2009- 2011. Verbatim plagiarism, according to the researchers, plagiarism is simply copying and pasting. They then moved on to smart plagiarism, which is more challenging to spot since it might include text change, taking ideas from other academics, and translation into a more difficult-to-manage language. Other studies have found that plagiarism can obscure the scientific content of publications by swapping words, removing or adding material, or reordering or changing the original articles. This article discusses the comparative study of plagiarism detection techniques.

Publication Date
Sat Mar 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of levels in Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform when design Universal image stego-analytic
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Universal image stego-analytic has become an important issue due to the natural images features curse of dimensionality. Deep neural networks, especially deep convolution networks, have been widely used for the problem of universal image stegoanalytic design. This paper describes the effect of selecting suitable value for number of levels during image pre-processing with Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform. This value may significantly affect the detection accuracy which is obtained to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The proposed system is evaluated using three content-adaptive methods, named Highly Undetetable steGO (HUGO), Wavelet Obtained Weights (WOW) and UNIversal WAvelet Relative Distortion (UNIWARD).
The obtain

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using of Different Satellite-Derived Indices to Detect the Spatiotemporal Changes of the Al-Razzaza Lake, Iraq
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          Remote sensing and GIS applications (Geoinformatics tools) involve a wide range of techniques for providing a solution for future water resources management and offer an excellent means to improve knowledge of sustainable planning. Al-Razzaza is the second largest lake in Iraq; it is a common source of fishery fortune and floodwater reservoir in southwestern Iraq. In recent years, the lake faced a noticeable amount of desiccation, which is considered a threat to the biodiversity and wildlife of the lake. The study aimed to detect the Lake's spatiotemporal changes from 1988 to 2018. Multi satellite-derived indices were investigated for the extracting of the lake water body. Results showed that the lake volume decrea

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison between Dipole-dipole and Pole-dipole Arrays in Delineation of Subsurface Weak Zones Using 2D Electrical Imaging Technique in Al- Anbar University, Western Iraq
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The presence of natural voids and fractures (weak zones) in subsurface gypsiferous soil and gypsum, within the University of Al-Anbar, western Iraq. It causes a harsher problem for civil engineering projects. Electrical resistivity technique is applied as an economic decipher for investigation underground weak zones. The inverse models of the Dipole-dipole and Pole-dipole arrays with aspacing of 2 m and an n-factor of 6 clearly show that the resistivity contrast between the anomalous part of the weak zone and the background. The maximum thickness and shape are well defined from 2D imaging with Dipole-dipole array, the maximum thickness ranges between 9.5 to 11.5 m. It is concluded that the 2D imaging survey is a useful technique and more

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the students’ academic performance
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the academic performance of high school first-grade male and female students in Yazd. For this purpose, from among all first-grade students, as many as 250 students (130 females and 120 males) were selected by using multistage cluster sampling. The data needed were then collected through using California Critical Thinking Skills Test, Schommer's Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Biggs’ Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire. The findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between critical thinking and academic performance and achievement. Moreover, four fa

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Color Image Steganography Using Gradient Selective Bezier Curves
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     Internet technology has revolutionized the landscape of communication technologies in the modern era. However, because the internet is open to the public, communication security cannot be guaranteed. As a result, data concealment approaches have been developed to ensure confidential information sharing. Various methods have emerged to achieve the goal of secure data communication via multimedia documents. This study proposes a method, which is both adaptable and imperceptible, for concealing a secret text in a color image. From an adaptivity perspective, image corners are detected using the Harris corner detection algorithm and utilized as anchor points for picking the optimal hiding regions of interest using Bezier curve interp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
The Antimicrobial Activity of Melanin-Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
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Background: Nowadays, the environmentally friendly procedures must be developed to avoid using harmful compounds in synthesis methods. Their increase interest in creating and researching silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) because of their numerous applications in many fields especially medical fields such as burn, wound healing, dental and bone implants, antibacterial, viral, fungal, and arthropodal activities. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles mediated pigments have been widely used as antimicrobial agent against microorganisms. Silver nanoparticles had synthesized by using melanin from locally isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and used as antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Aim of the study: Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Adaptive digital technique for discriminating between shadow and water bodies in the high resolution satellite imagery
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This research presents a new algorithm for classification the
shadow and water bodies for high-resolution satellite images (4-
meter) of Baghdad city, have been modulated the equations of the
color space components C1-C2-C3. Have been using the color space
component C3 (blue) for discriminating the shadow, and has been
used C1 (red) to detect the water bodies (river). The new technique
was successfully tested on many images of the Google earth and
Ikonos. Experimental results show that this algorithm effective to
detect all the types of the shadows with color, and also detects the
water bodies in another color. The benefit of this new technique to
discriminate between the shadows and water in fast Matlab pro

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Diagnosis of Malaria Infected Blood Cell Digital Images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
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     Automated medical diagnosis is an important topic, especially in detection and classification of diseases. Malaria is one of the most widespread diseases, with more than 200 million cases, according to the 2016 WHO report. Malaria is usually diagnosed using thin and thick blood smears under a microscope. However, proper diagnosis is difficult, especially in poor countries where the disease is most widespread. Therefore, automatic diagnostics helps in identifying the disease through images of red blood cells, with the use of machine learning techniques and digital image processing. This paper presents an accurate model using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network build from scratch. The paper also proposed three CNN

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Applying Quran Security and Hamming CodesFor Preventing of Text Modification
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The widespread of internet allover the world, in addition to the increasing of the huge number of users that they exchanged important information over it highlights the need for a new methods to protect these important information from intruders' corruption or modification. This paper suggests a new method that ensures that the texts of a given document cannot be modified by the intruders. This method mainly consists of mixture of three steps. The first step which barrows some concepts of "Quran" security system to detect some type of change(s) occur in a given text. Where a key of each paragraph in the text is extracted from a group of letters in that paragraph which occur as multiply of a given prime number. This step cannot detect the ch

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