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New Predictive Block Matching Searching Algorithms and Hybrid Predictive Search System

In this paper, two new simple, fast and efficient block matching algorithms are introduced, both methods begins blocks matching process from the image center block and moves across the blocks toward image boundaries. With each block, its motion vector is initialized using linear prediction that depending on the motion vectors of its neighbor blocks that are already scanned and their motion vectors are assessed. Also, a hybrid mechanism is introduced, it depends on mixing the proposed two predictive mechanisms with Exhaustive Search (ES) mechanism in order to gain matching accuracy near or similar to ES but with Search Time ST less than 80% of the ES. Also, it offers more control capability to reduce the search errors. The experimental tests showed that the two proposed search methods outperform the famous three step search algorithm.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Selected salivary constituents, physical properties and nutritional status in relation to dental caries among 4-5 year’s old children (Comparative study)

Background: Tooth decay is still one of most common diseases of childhood, child’s primary teeth are important even though they aretemporary. This study was conducted to assess the physiochemical characteristic of saliva among caries experience preschool children and compared them with caries free matching in age and gender. Then an evaluation was done about these salivary characteristics to dental caries and evaluated the relation of body mass index to dental caries and to salivary variables. Materials and method: After examination 360 children aged 4-5 years of both gender. Caries-experiences was recorded according to dmfs index by (World Health Organization criteria 1987) during pilot study children with caries experience was di

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Comparison Between Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) and Extended Recursive Least-Squares (E-RLS) for Tracking Multiple Fast Time Variation Rayleigh Fading Channel

In order to select the optimal tracking of fast time variation of multipath fast time variation Rayleigh fading channel, this paper focuses on the recursive least-squares (RLS) and Extended recursive least-squares (E-RLS) algorithms and reaches the conclusion that E-RLS is more feasible according to the comparison output of the simulation program from tracking performance and mean square error over five fast time variation of Rayleigh fading channels and more than one time (send/receive) reach to 100 times to make sure from efficiency of these algorithms.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of the Elevation and Residual Static Correction methods on a selected Seismic data of West Luhais area in the South of Iraq

The present study deals with processing of one seismic line (2WL2) with a length of (37km) for (2D) seismic data of west Luhais area that is located within the administrative borders of the province of Muthanna in south of Iraq. The quality of the recorded data of this line is in general weak due to the effect of noise mainly. The study was made up in oil Exploration Company by utilizing OMEGA software which consists of a great number of the processing programs. The elevation static correction and residual static correction were applied on the studied line and the final section were resulted after completing the treatment processes that proceed followed of the static correction process and the result of elevation static correcting was go

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Iterative Reweighting Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm to Calculate The Estimation of The Parameters Of The Maximum Likelihood of The Skew Normal Distribution

Excessive skewness which occurs sometimes in the data is represented as an obstacle against normal distribution. So, recent studies have witnessed activity in studying the skew-normal distribution (SND) that matches the skewness data which is regarded as a special case of the normal distribution with additional skewness parameter (α), which gives more flexibility to the normal distribution. When estimating the parameters of (SND), we face the problem of the non-linear equation and by using the method of Maximum Likelihood estimation (ML) their solutions will be inaccurate and unreliable. To solve this problem, two methods can be used that are: the genetic algorithm (GA) and the iterative reweighting algorithm (IR) based on the M

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Early and delayed effect of 2% chlorhexidine on the shear bond strength of composite restorative material to dentin using a total etch adhesive

Background: Lack of durability of the bond of the dental adhesive systems to tooth structure is one of the most important problems in tooth colored restorative work. This in vitro study was performed to evaluate the effect of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate(CHX) on dentin bond strength by using total etch adhesive system at twenty-four hours and three months of water storage. Material and methods:A flat dentin surface was prepared for forty sound human maxillary premolar teeth which were acid etched with 36% phosphoric acid gel after being divided randomly into four groups of ten teeth each according to storage time and CHX application, theCHX was applied for 60 seconds before adhesive application for groups I and III which were tested after twe

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Prevalence of Smoking among Health Workers and Effectiveness of Instructional Booklet concerning Risks of Smoking on Health Workers′ Knowledge in Baghdad Teaching Hospital

Objective(s): The present study aims at assessing the prevalence of smoking among health workers in Baghdad Teaching Hospital and to find out the effectiveness of instructional booklet concerning risk of smoking on health workers′ knowledge in hospital.

Methodology: A pre-experimental design study was conducted from 1st of October 2019 to 17th of March 2020. A non-probability sample consists of (500) participant (343 non-smokers and 157 smokers) from (1500) health workers in Baghdad Teaching Hospital, they included the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, Laboratory Technicians, Medical Assistants. A questionnaire is constructed to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional booklet on health workers’ knowledge

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the antibacterial effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis L., Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Morus nigra L. extracts against some pathogenic bacteria in vitro

This study aimed to test the effect of using different concentrations of three different plants extracts to inhibit the growth of gram negative and gram positive bacteria by two technics. Eucalyptus camaldulensis bark, Glycyrrhiza glabra rhizomes and Morus nigra leaves ethanolic extract at (0,20,30,40 and 50 mg/ml) were used. The antimicrobial activity and the biofilm inhibition assay used with these extracts showed positive effect in inhibiting the growth of bacteria. E.amaldulensis extract showed the higher effect than G. glabra and M.nigra extracts in antimicrobial activity assay, while the effect of E. camaldulensis extract in biofilm inhibition assay was higher than G. glabra that was higher than M. nigra extracts for both gram nega

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing the performance of the structural capital according to standards of e-learning and its reflection on the performance of universities: applied research

The developments and transformations taking place in the era and the growth of knowledge economies and communication technology led this development to compel higher education institutions in Iraq to reconsider their objectives to keep pace with development. And one of the most important tools of development was the application of e-learning standards and its long-term impact on the performance of the educational institution. Performance auditing plays an important role in verifying the extent to which these institutions have implemented their activities and programs that auditing performance by adopting e-learning standards helps the institutions’ management by providing appropriate information on the extent to which they achieve thei

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A Role of Therapy that Targets Immune Checkpoint Proteins for the Treatment of Melanoma Brain Metastasis, Liver, Breast, Pancreatic Cancer and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Checkpoint inhibitors are a type of immune therapy used to treat different types of cancers. These drugs block different checkpoint proteins, for example, CTLA-4, PD-1, and PD-L1 inhibitors.

They block proteins that stop the immune system from attacking the cancer cells.  Checkpoints are also described as a type of monoclonal antibody that antagonizes binding between B7 to CTLA-4 and PD-L1 to PD-1.

 Immune checkpoint inhibitors are used to treat BARCA mutated triple-negative breast cancer (TNBCS) in patients who do not respond to chemotherapy, and also in the treatment of highly mutated and solid tumors such as brain tumors, liver, and pancreatic cancers.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors exhibit an effect on solid tumo

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the continuity of the demand for money and its impact on the Iraqi dinar exchange rate for the period 1991-2013 function

 Research Summary

It highlights the importance of assessing the demand for money function in Iraq through the understanding of the relationship between him and affecting the variables by searching the stability of this function and the extent of their influence in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate in order to know the amount of their contribution to the monetary policies of the Iraqi economy fee, as well as through study behavior of the demand for money function in Iraq and analyze the determinants of the demand for money for the period 1991-2013 and the impact of these determinants in the demand for money in Iraq.

And that the problem that we face is how to estimate the total demand for money in

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