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Ironic Metonymy in Russian and Arabic
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This article is devoted to the cognitive study of ironic metonymy in Russian and Arabic. Metonymy and irony have traditionally been seen as parallel linguistic phenomena. But their formation and interpretation are based on different cognitive mechanisms. At the formal and functional level, metonymy and irony have a number of significant differences. Metonymy is an artistic technique, the mechanism of which is based on obvious, easily traced connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Irony is a satirical technique or a rhetorical figure that is used to create a certain artistic image, aimed at forming the hidden meaning of the statement. A native speaker intuitively feels the difference between metonymy and irony and expresses it in a linguistic form. Аннотация Данная статья посвящена когнитивному исследованию иронической метонимии в русском и арабском языках. Метонимия и ирония традиционно рассматривались как параллельные языковые явления. Но в основе их образования и интерпретации лежат разные когнитивные механизмы. На формальном и функциональном уровне метонимия и ирония имеют ряд существенных различий. Метонимия – художественный прием, в основе механизма которого лежат очевидные, легко прослеживаемые связи предметов и явлений окружающего мира. Ирония – сатирический прием либо риторическая фигура, которые используются для создания определенного художественного образа, направлены на формирование скрытого смысла высказывания. Носитель языка интуитивно чувствует разницу между метонимией и иронией и выражает ее в языковой форме. Имеют метонимия и ирония много общих характеристик с точки зрения семантики и коммуникативных свойств. Они представляют собой лингвистически двухслойные явления, в которых проявляется творческая функция языка.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Utilization of Remote Sensing Imagery and Inverse Distance Weighted Scheme to Simulate the White Oil Effects on Soil Geotechnical Properties
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     This research aims to utilize a complementarity of field excavations and laboratory works with spatial analyses techniques for a highly accurate modeling of soil geotechniques properties (i.e. having lower root mean square error value for the spatial interpolation). This was conducted, for a specified area of interest, firstly by adopting spatially sufficient and  well distributed samples (cores). Then, in the second step, a simulation is performed for the variations in properties when soil is contaminated with commonly used industrial material, which is white oil in our case. Cohesive (disturbed and undisturbed) soil samples were obtained from three various locations inside Baghdad University campus in AL-J

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of some Divalent Metall Ion Complexes of 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(3-(4-nitrobenzoyl) thioureido) propanoic acid
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Inhibition Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Compared with D-Glycin and Imipenem Effect on the Biofilm Formation by Food-origin Salmonella
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Since decades silver was depended worldwide as a treatment to a lot of diseases
ranging from burn infections, anthrax, and typhoid fever to bacterial conjunctivitis
in stillbirth, but its effectiveness against biofilms is still undetermined. Salmonella is
a major cause of food poisoning outbreaks especially in the third world countries.
Thus, in the present study; the antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles (Ag-
NPs) against Salmonella enterica biofilm was examined; their activity was
compared with amino acid; D-Glycin and imipenem antibiotic. The result of the
study revealed that Ag-NPs exhibited considerable antimicrobial property against
Salmonella enterica biofilm where the minimum inhibitory concentrat

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The validity of salivary microRNAs (hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-125a and hsa- miR-93) as oral squamous cell carcinoma biomarker
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Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma represents the vast majority of oral cancer it is a common malignant tumor with an increasing incidence. Around the world, the 5 year mortality rate of oral cancer is about 50%. Thus novel biomarkers for early detection oral squamous cell carcinoma are needed. The level of three salivary microRNAs namely hsa-miR-200a, hsa-miR-125a and hsa- miR-93 were measured in saliva of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and compared their levels in saliva of healthy control subjects to determine their potential as oral cancer biomarker. Materials and methods: The level of these three microRNAs was measured by using revers transcription, preamplification and quantitative PCR. Results: Only miR-200a presen

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Unstable Angina /Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Frequency of Conventional Risk Factors; TIMI Risk Score, and Their Impact On Angiographic Data
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Background: Appreciation of the crucial role of risk factors in the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most significant advances in the understanding of this important disease. Extensive epidemiological research has established cigarette smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension as independent risk factors for CADObjective: To determine the prevalence of the 4 conventional risk factors(cigarette smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension) among patients with CAD and to determine the correlation of Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score with the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with unstable angina /non ST elevation myocardial infarction (UA/NSTEMI).Methods: We

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of the Gap Size between the Cathode and the Wehnelt Cylinder Bore on the Emittance of the Thermionic Electron Gun
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This paper includes simulating an electron gun design to investigate the effect of the distance between the cathode and the Wehnelt cylinder bore on the quality of the ion beam emittance and to obtain the best distance of that geometrical factor. A study of a group of designs was conducted to find this distance. The SIMION8.0 program has been used to calculate the trajectories of the electrons with initial kinetic energy of (0.1 eV) and electron current of (1×10-12 A). The investigation also includes comparisons between the equipotential line trajectories for each design as well as the field distribution and the electron trajectories. The best emittance distance was concluded to be (3 mm).

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Effect of Time and Place Dimensions on Changing the Quality Dimensions of Sizes of Cities: A Case Study (Baghdad city)
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The city has normal natural state, and the man has a usual movement, change and search for the new .Also, the city has a usual change and transform in its time, place and quality (sizes)structures. The city has a solid memory diving into the past and the future and reflects The real present, and this memory has a timing layers change into real materialistic place making the city has accumulated overlapping circles which is hard to break u , and it broadcasts the lockup timing density ,in which there is no visual record precisely, it is just like((the social record)) that evaluates the un visual relationships between the components and parts of the city (community and form) in a visual quiet exhibition and transform change inside.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of analysis and comparison to the low nutrient density foods that more normality for children age (3 –5 years)
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Through the early childhood and after the ablactating the child learns acquired food habbits that might studying with him throughout his life. Here the parents role arises: teaching the child the sound food habits and hygienic styles and whatever beneficial to the health and with the sufficient quantities for the body. In this way the experiences the child learns at home will be of great help in his future life in choosing the suitable food after becoming more dependent in making his decisions and choices away from his parents. The results in this study showed that the averages of the children’s consumption of the high energy foods in comparison with the other highest consumption average , after that comes the con sumption of soft drills

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Approximated Solutions for nth Order Linear Delay Integro-Differential Equations of Convolution Type Using B-Spline Functions and Weddle Method
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The paper is devoted to solve nth order linear delay integro-differential equations of convolution type (DIDE's-CT) using collocation method with the aid of B-spline functions. A new algorithm with the aid of Matlab language is derived to treat numerically three types (retarded, neutral and mixed) of nth order linear DIDE's-CT using B-spline functions and Weddle rule for calculating the required integrals for these equations. Comparison between approximated and exact results has been given in test examples with suitable graphing for every example for solving three types of linear DIDE's-CT of different orders for conciliated the accuracy of the results of the proposed method.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural, Optical, and Morphological Study of the Zinc Oxide Nano-Thin Films with Different Thickness Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique
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The goal of this investigation is to prepare zinc oxide (ZnO) nano-thin films by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique through Q-switching double frequency Nd:YAG laser (532 nm) wavelength, pulse frequency 6 Hz, and 300 mJ energy under vacuum conditions (10-3 torr) at room temperature. (ZnO) nano-thin films were deposited on glass substrates with different thickness of 300, 600 and 900 nm. ZnO films, were then annealed in air at a temperature of 500 °C for one hour. The results were compared with the researchers' previous theoretical study. The XRD analysis of ZnO nano-thin films indicated a hexagonal multi-crystalline wurtzite structure with preferential growth lines (100), (002), (101) for ZnO nano-thin films with differe

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