This article is devoted to the cognitive study of ironic metonymy in Russian and Arabic. Metonymy and irony have traditionally been seen as parallel linguistic phenomena. But their formation and interpretation are based on different cognitive mechanisms. At the formal and functional level, metonymy and irony have a number of significant differences. Metonymy is an artistic technique, the mechanism of which is based on obvious, easily traced connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Irony is a satirical technique or a rhetorical figure that is used to create a certain artistic image, aimed at forming the hidden meaning of the statement. A native speaker intuitively feels the difference between metonymy and irony and expresses it in a linguistic form. Аннотация Данная статья посвящена когнитивному исследованию иронической метонимии в русском и арабском языках. Метонимия и ирония традиционно рассматривались как параллельные языковые явления. Но в основе их образования и интерпретации лежат разные когнитивные механизмы. На формальном и функциональном уровне метонимия и ирония имеют ряд существенных различий. Метонимия – художественный прием, в основе механизма которого лежат очевидные, легко прослеживаемые связи предметов и явлений окружающего мира. Ирония – сатирический прием либо риторическая фигура, которые используются для создания определенного художественного образа, направлены на формирование скрытого смысла высказывания. Носитель языка интуитивно чувствует разницу между метонимией и иронией и выражает ее в языковой форме. Имеют метонимия и ирония много общих характеристик с точки зрения семантики и коммуникативных свойств. Они представляют собой лингвистически двухслойные явления, в которых проявляется творческая функция языка.
This paper deals with an analytical study of the flow of an incompressible generalized Burgers’ fluid (GBF) in an annular pipe. We discussed in this problem the flow induced by an impulsive pressure gradient and compare the results with flow due to a constant pressure gradient. Analytic solutions for velocity is earned by using discrete Laplace transform (DLT) of the sequential fractional derivatives (FD) and finite Hankel transform (FHT). The influences of different parameters are analyzed on a velocity distribution characteristics and a comparison between two cases is also presented, and discussed in details. Eventually, the figures are plotted to exhibit these effects.
This study was prepared to investigate the performance and behavior of concrete thrust blocks supporting pipe fittings. In the water distribution networks, it is always necessary to change the path of the pipes at different degrees or to create new branches. In these regions, an unbalanced force called the thrust force is generated. In order to counter this force, these regions are supported with concrete blocks. In this article, the system components (soil, pipe with its bend and thrust blocks) have been numerically modeled and simulated by the ABAQUS CAE/2019 software program in order to study the behavior and stability of the thrust block with different burial conditions (several b
Oil recovery could be impacted by the relation between vertical permeability (Kv) and horizontal permeability (Kh) (Kv/Kh). 4816 plugs that have been getting hold of 18 wells of Mishrif formation in the West Qurna oilfield were used. Kv/Kh data provided some scatter, but the mean is ~1. Kv/Kh =1 was used for the Petrel model before upscaling according to the heterogeneity of each layer.
Kv/Kh values for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna Oilfield are 0.8 for relatively homogeneous, 0.4 for heterogeneous rock, and 0.1 for cap rocks (CRII).
Eclipse TM was used for reservoir simulation. PVT and SCAL data e
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