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Estimation of Some Trace Elements and Antioxidant Status in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy

Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent tract cancer in the world, including Iraq. The classified breast tumors to benign, malignant, and radiotherapy. Cancer treatment depends on certain stages such as mastectomy then chemotherapy alone or with radiation therapy or endocrine therapy according to the prognostic features obtained from the pathology report. The present study included 100 females. The women were split into two groups, control group that consisted of 50 apparently healthy females and 50 patients with BC group who undergo the radiotherapy. The current study highlighted on some of the anthropometric measurements, including the oxidative stress index malondialdehyde (MDA), the concentrations of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), serum albumin (Alb), serum uric acid (UA), and finally the concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) as trace elements were measured as well. The results were compared to control. There was a significant variation in MDA and albumin when comparing patient group with control, while uric acid was statistically insignificant when comparing control group with patients group. Cu concentration was statistically high when compared with control group. On the other side, a significant decrease of Zn concentration of patients was observed compared to control group .In this study, the evaluation of these parameters maybe used as a helpful tool in treatment of breast cancer.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Study the effect of mixing N2 with SF6 gas on electron transport coefficients

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 24 2022
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Double-Slope Solar Still Productivity Based on the Number of Rubber Scraper Motions

In low-latitude areas less than 10° in latitude angle, the solar radiation that goes into the solar still increases as the cover slope approaches the latitude angle. However, the amount of water that is condensed and then falls toward the solar-still basin is also increased in this case. Consequently, the solar yield still is significantly decreased, and the accuracy of the prediction method is affected. This reduction in the yield and the accuracy of the prediction method is inversely proportional to the time in which the condensed water stays on the inner side of the condensing cover without collection because more drops will fall down into the basin of the solar-still. Different numbers of scraper motions per hour (NSM), that is

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 22 2018
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Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering
Engineered coatings for titanium implants to present ultra-low doses of BMP-7

The ongoing research to improve the clinical outcome of titanium implants has resulted in the implementation of multiple approaches to deliver osteogenic growth factors accelerating and sustaining osseointegration. Here we show the presentation of human bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP-7) adsorbed to titanium discs coated with poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA). We have previously shown that PEA promotes fibronectin organization into nanonetworks exposing integrin- and growth-factor-binding domains, allowing a synergistic interaction at the integrin/growth factor receptor level. Here, titanium discs were coated with PEA and fibronectin and then decorated with ng/mL doses of BMP-7. Human mesenchymal stem cells were used to investigate cellular resp

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
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Alexandria Engineering Journal
The operational matrix of Legendre polynomials for solving nonlinear thin film flow problems

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 24 2015
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Multi-level control of zero-moment point-based humanoid biped robots: a review
SUMMARY<p>Researchers dream of developing autonomous humanoid robots which behave/walk like a human being. Biped robots, although complex, have the greatest potential for use in human-centred environments such as the home or office. Studying biped robots is also important for understanding human locomotion and improving control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. Control systems of humans walking in cluttered environments are complex, however, and may involve multiple local controllers and commands from the cerebellum. Although biped robots have been of interest over the last four decades, no unified stability/balance criterion adopted for stabilization of miscellaneous walking/running modes of biped </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Baghdad Science Journal
Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Cu2O/ZnO/GO Nanocomposites on the Methylene Blue Degradation

This study synthesized nanocomposite photocatalyst materials from a mixture of Cu2O nanoparticles, ZnO nanoparticles, and graphene oxide (GO) through coprecipitation and hydrothermal methods. This study aims to determine the optimum composition of Cu2O/ZnO/GO nanocomposites in degrading methylene blue. The nanocomposite was synthesized in two steps:  1  the synthesis of Cu2O and ZnO nanoparticles through the coprecipitation method and the preparation of GO through the modified Hummer method.  2  The preparation of Cu2O and ZnO nanoparticles mixtures with GO through the hydrothermal method to form Cu2O/ZnO/GO nanocomposites. The adsorption-photocatalysis process of methylene blue

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
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Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solution of Population Growth Rate Linear Differential Model via Two Parametric SEE Transformation

The integral transformations is a complicated function from a function space into a simple function in transformed space. Where the function being characterized easily and manipulated through integration in transformed function space. The two parametric form of SEE transformation and its basic characteristics have been demonstrated in this study. The transformed function of a few fundamental functions along with its time derivative rule is shown. It has been demonstrated how two parametric SEE transformations can be used to solve linear differential equations. This research provides a solution to population growth rate equation. One can contrast these outcomes with different Laplace type transformations

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural Reservoir Characterization of Akkas Gas Field, Western Iraq: Implications for Hydrocarbon Recovery

     Akkas Field is a structural trap with a sandstone reservoir that contains proven gas condensate. The field is a faulted anticline that consists of the Ordovician Khabour Formation. The objective of this research is to use structural reservoir characterization for hydrocarbon recovery. The stratigraphic sequence of the Silurian and older strata was subjected to an uplift that developed a gentle NW-SE trending anticline. The uplifting and folding events developed micro-fractures represented by tension cracks.  These microfractures, whether they are outer arc or release fractures, are parallel to the hinge line of the anticline and perpendicular to the bedding planes. The brittle sandstone laye

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Aip Conference Proceedings
Investigation of the optimum cutting conditions during turning aluminum alloy using Taguchi method

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
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Spherical Aromaticity of Tetrahedral Pnictogens Through <i>Off</i> ‐Nucleus Isotropic Magnetic Shielding

This work revealed the spherical aromaticity of some inorganic E4 cages and their protonated E4H+ ions (E=N, P, As, Sb, and Bi). For this purpose, we employed several evaluations like (0D-1D) nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS), multidimensional (2D-3D) off-nucleus isotropic shielding σiso(r), and natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. The magnetic calculations involved gauge-including atomic orbitals (GIAO) with two density functionals B3LYP and WB97XD, and basis sets of Jorge-ATZP, 6-311+G(d,p), and Lanl2DZp. The Jorge-ATZP basis set showed the best consistency. Our findings disclosed non-classical aromatic characters in the above molecules, which decreased from N to Bi cages. Also, the results showed more aromaticity in E4 than E4H+

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