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Molybdenum Induces Growth, Yield, and Defence System Mechanisms of the Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) under Water Stress Conditions
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Water stress has a negative impact on the yield and growth of crops worldwide and consequently has a global impact on food security. Many biochemical changes occur in plants as a response to water stress, such as activation of antioxidant systems. Molybdenum (Mo) plays an important part in activating the expression of many enzymes, such as CAT, POD, and SOD, as well as increasing the proline content. Mo therefore supports the defence system in plants and plays an important role in the defence system of mung bean plants growing under water stress conditions. Four concentrations of Mo (0, 15, 30, and 45 mg·L−1) were applied to plants, using two approaches: (a) seed soaking and (b) foliar application. Mung bean plants were subjected to three irrigation intervals (4 days control, 8 days-moderate water stress, and 12 days severe water stress). Irrigation intervals caused a reduction in the growth and production of mung beans, especially when the plants were irrigated every 12 days. It also led to the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in mung bean leaves, and these are considered to be indicators of lipid peroxidation and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) accumulation, respectively. On the other hand, applying Mo enhanced some growth and yield traits and also enhanced the defence system by upregulating antioxidant expressions, such as proline, catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The MDA content did not change under the effect of Mo treatments. However, H2O2 content slightly increased with an increase of Mo concentration of up to 30 mg·L−1 followed by a significant decrease when Mo concentration was increased to 45 mg·L−1. It can be concluded that Mo is a robust tool for the activation of the defence system in mung beans.

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Identification of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in Salmonella Typhi Isolated From Typhoid Patient in Samawa City
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A total of 100 blood samples taken from patients with suspected typhoid fever aged between (1-60) years, were involved in this study. Blood samples were cultured directly on brain heart infusion broth. After that sub cultured of isolates on MacConkey agar and XLD agar and S.S agar to find the Salmonella typhi then identified by the biochemical and antibiotic sensitivity test. Resistant genes were identified by using aacc2 gene and cat gene. Results showed that there was 7 Salmonella typhi isolates from blood culture, as well as, aacc2 gene success in amplification of 450bp fragment for amino glycoside resistant, while not improve amplification

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 24 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Science And Technology
Removal of copper ions from contaminated groundwater using waste foundry sand as permeable reactive barrier
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Total Quality Management (TQM) Requirements in Risk Management in Construction Projects in Iraq
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Total quality management  considers one of the modern scientific entrances  which practiced by productivity service organizations alike to provide appropriate quality required outputs according to the needs and desires of customers manage , enable the organization seeking to continue and grow in light of the increasing competition from the satisfy and provide the appropriate total quality management requirements whenever led to face risks that they may have  in a manner in which they can be addressed and find ways to avoid them in the future when repeated.                          &n

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
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Synthesis of Ag2O films by pulsed laser deposited on porous silicon as gas sensor application
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Acceleration of canine movement by laser assisted flapless corticotomy [An innovative approach in clinical orthodontics]
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Background: Corticotomy-assisted orthodontic treatment is done to induce a state of increased tissue turnover and transient osteopenia, which is followed by a faster rate of orthodontic tooth movement. It considered as an adjunct treatment option for orthodontic treatment of adults. The aim of this Study was to elucidate the effectiveness of a new surgical approach for acceleration of maxillary canine retraction in human with laser assisted flapless corticotomy and evaluate its effect on vitality of pulp and gingival sulcus depth. Materials and methods: the sample comprised of 15 Iraqi patients (9 females and 6 males; mean age 21.7), who were required extraction for their maxillary first premolars followed by retraction of the canines as pa

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 17 2020
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Photocatalytic activity of Ag-doped TiO2 nanostructures synthesized by DC reactive magnetron co-sputtering technique
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Blow-up Time of a One-Dimensional Semilinear Parabolic Equation with a Gradient Term
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  This paper deals with numerical approximations of a one-dimensional semilinear parabolic equation with a gradient term. Firstly, we derive the semidiscrete problem of the considered problem and discuss its convergence and blow-up properties. Secondly, we propose both Euler explicit and implicit finite differences methods with a non-fixed time-stepping procedure to estimate the numerical blow-up time of the considered problem. Finally, two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency, accuracy, and numerical order of convergence of the proposed schemes.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removing of Methylene Blue Dye from its Aqueous Solutions Using Polyacrylonitrile/Iron Oxide/Graphene Oxide
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      Organic contaminants are used to be found in industrial wastewater treatment procedures, and heavy metal ion removal is difficult. Photo Fenton reaction activity was exploited in this study to decompose organic contaminants using a functional composite hydrogel. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), Fe3O4 particles, and graphene oxide make up the hydrogel (GO). It is made from GO/ Fe3O4 and is made using the precipitation technique. GO is made from graphite using the Hummers process. And it has exceptional mechanical strength and Photo-Fenton activity as a result of various breakdown data that were influenced differently, such as H2O2 concentration, dye concentration, temper

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Synthesis of New Ibuprofen Derivatives Containing (Oxothiazolidin-3-yl) Amino Moiety with Expected Biological Activity
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs that help reduce inflammation, which often helps to relieve pain. In this research new ibuprofen oxothiazolidnone derivatives were synthesized from the reaction of Schiff base derivatives of Ibuprofen with mercapto acetic acid VI a-c, to improve the potency and to decrease the drug's potential side effects, a new series of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives of ibuprofen was synthesized VI a-c . The characterizations of the compounds were identified by using FTIR, 1HNMR technique and by measuring the physical properties.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Investigation of Seismic Velocity Variation through a Tectonic Boundaries-Case Study in Central Iraq
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      A 3D velocity model was created by using stacking velocity of 9 seismic lines and average velocity of 6 wells drilled in Iraq. The model was achieved by creating a time model to 25 surfaces with an interval time between each two successive surfaces of about 100 msec.  The summation time of all surfaces reached about 2400 msec, that was adopted according to West Kifl-1 well, which penetrated to a depth of 6000 m, representing the deepest well in the study area. The seismic lines and well data were converted to build a 3D cube time model and the velocity was spread on the model. The seismic inversion modeling of the elastic properties of the horizon and well data was applied to achieve a corrected veloci

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