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Experimental Investigation of Composite Circular Encased GFRP I-Section Concrete Columns under Different Load Conditions
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Pultruded materials made of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) come in a broad range of shapes, such as bars, I-sections, C-sections, etc. FRP materials are starting to compete with steel as structural materials owing to their great resistance, low self-weight, and cheap maintenance costs, especially in corrosive conditions. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel concrete Composite Column (CC) using Encased I-Section (EIS) as a reinforcement in contrast to traditional steel bars by using Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) as I-section (CC-EIS) to evaluate the effectiveness of the hybrid columns which have been built by combining GFRP profiles with concrete columns. To achieve the aims of this study, nine circular columns with a diameter of 150 mm and a height of 1000 mm were cast with compression strength equal to 42.4 MPa at the test day. The research involved three different types of reinforcement: Hybrid circular columns with GFRP I-section and 1% reinforcement ratio of steel bars, Hybrid circular columns with steel I-section and 1% reinforcement ratio of steel bars (the cross-section area of the I-section was the same for GFRP and for steel), and a reference column without an I-section. This study investigates the ultimate capacity, axial and lateral deformation, and failure mode of the circular columns under different loading conditions: concentric, eccentric (with eccentricities of 25 mm), and flexural loading. The results showed that the ultimate capacity of the composite columns using either encased steel I-section or GFRP I-section was higher than the traditional columns under all loading conditions. The concentric tested specimens, with steel I-section and with GFRP I-section, exceeded the ultimate strength of the reference specimen by 8.9% and 2.9%, respectively. Specimens with steel I-section and GFRP I-section achieved 11.9% and 9.7% higher ultimate strength than the reference specimens under a compression load of 25 mm eccentricity. Specimens with steel I-section and the specimens with GFRP I-section achieved ultimate strengths of 114.3% and 36.6% under flexural loading testing.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2024
Journal Name
Strength and Deformation of Encased Concrete Columns by I- Section Steel and I- Section GFRP Subjected to Different Load Conditions
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2025
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
A Numerical Study of Concrete Composite Circular Columns encased with GFRP I-Section using the Finite Element Method
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This paper presents ABAQUS simulations of fully encased composite columns, aiming to examine the behavior of a composite column system under different load conditions, namely concentric, eccentric with 25 mm eccentricity, and flexural loading. The numerical results are validated with the experimental results obtained for columns subjected to static loads. A new loading condition with a 50 mm eccentricity is simulated to obtain additional data points for constructing the interaction diagram of load-moment curves, in an attempt to investigate the load-moment behavior for a reference column with a steel I-section and a column with a GFRP I-section. The result comparison shows that the experimental data align closely with the simulation

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 24 2025
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Experimental and numerical investigation on the behavior of composite reinforced concrete columns encased by steel section and hybrid GFRP section
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GFRP was employed in constructions as an alternative to steel, which has many advantages like lightweight, large tensile strength and resist corrosion. Existing researches are insufficient in studying the influence of hybrid reinforced concrete composite columns encased by GFRP I-section (RCCCEG) and I-section steel (RCCCES). In this study twenty one (RC) specimens of a cross-section of 130 mm × 160 mm, with different length (long 1600 mm and short 750 mm) were encased by using I-section (steel and GFRP) and tested under various loading (concentric, eccentric and flexural loads). The test was focused on the influence of many parameters; load-carrying capacity, mode of failure, deformation and drawing an interaction diagram (N-

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Experimental and FE analysis of composite RC beams with encased pultruded GFRP I-beam under static loads
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Experimental and FE analysis of composite RC beams with encased pultruded GFRP I-beam under static loads
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Encasing glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) beam with reinforced concrete (RC) improves stability, prevents buckling of the web, and enhances the fire resistance efficiency. This paper provides experimental and numerical investigations on the flexural performance of RC specimens composite with encased pultruded GFRP I-sections. The effect of using shear studs to improve the composite interaction between the GFRP beam and concrete was explored. Three specimens were tested under three-point loading. The deformations, strains in the GFRP beams, and slippages between the GFRP beams and concrete were recorded. The embedded GFRP beam enhanced the peak loads by 65% and 51% for the composite specimens with and without shear connectors,

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 27 2022
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Flexural Performance of Encased Pultruded GFRP I-Beam with High Strength Concrete under Static Loading
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There is an interesting potential for the use of GFRP-pultruded profiles in hybrid GFRP-concrete structural elements, either for new constructions or for the rehabilitation of existing structures. This paper provides experimental and numerical investigations on the flexural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) specimens composite with encased pultruded GFRP I-sections. Five simply supported composite beams were tested in this experimental program to investigate the static flexural behavior of encased GFRP beams with high-strength concrete. Besides, the effect of using shear studs to improve the composite interaction between the GFRP beam and concrete as well as the effect of web stiffeners of GFRP were explored. Encasing the GFRP

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Flexural Behavior of Composite GFRP Pultruded I-Section Beams under Static and Impact Loading
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In this study, the effect of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) section and compressive strength of concrete in composite beams under static and low velocity impact loads was examined. Modeling was performed and the obtained results were compared with the test results and their compatibility was evaluated.‎ Experimental tests of four composite beams were carried out, where two of them are control specimen with 20 MPa compressive strength of concrete deck slab and 50 MPa for other. Bending characteristics were affected by the strength of concrete under impact loading case, as it increased maximum impact force and damping time at a ratio of 59% and reduced the damping ratio by 47% compared to the reference hybrid beam. Under stat

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
The Scientific World Journal
Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Response for an Annular Circular Plate Made of Glass/Polyester Composite Under Different Boundary Conditions
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Fiber‐reinforced elastic laminated composites are extensively used in several domains owing to their high specific stiffness and strength and low specific density. Several studies were performed to ascertain the factors that affect the composite plates’ dynamic properties. This study aims to derive a mathematical model for the dynamic response of the processed composite material in the form of an annular circular shape made of polyester/E‐glass composite. The mathematical model was developed based on modified classical annular circular plate theory under dynamic loading, and all its formulas were solved using MATLAB 2023. The mathematical model was also verified with real experimental work involving the vibration test of the f

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 17 2022
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Analysis and Residual Behavior of Encased Pultruded GFRP I-Beam under Fire Loading
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In this paper, fire resistance and residual capacity tests were carried out on encased pultruded glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) I-beams with high-strength concrete beams. The specimens were loaded concurrently under 25% of the ultimate load and fire exposure (an increase in temperature of 700 °C) for 70 min. Subsequently, the fire-damaged specimens were allowed to cool and then were loaded statically until failure to explore the residual behaviors. The effects of using shear connectors and web stiffeners on the residual behavior were investigated. Finite Element (FE) analysis was developed to simulate the encased pultruded GFRP I-beams under the effect of fire loading. The thermal analyses were performed using the general-pu

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Web Stiffeners on The Flexural Behavior of Composite GFRP- Concrete ‎Beam Under Impact Load
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In this paper, numerical and experimental studies on the elastic behavior of glass fiber reinforced ‎polymer (GFRP) with stiffeners in the GFRP section's web (to prevent local buckling) are presented. ‎The GFRP profiles‎ were connected to the concrete deck slab by shear connectors. Two full-scale simply supported ‎composite beams (with and without stiffeners) were tested under impact load (three-point load) to ‎assess its structural response. The results ‎proved that the maximum impact force, maximum ‎deflection, damping time, and ‎damping ratio of the composite beam were affected by the GFRP ‎stiffeners‎. The experimental results indicated that the damping ratio and deflection were diminished compare

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