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Advanced Study of Promoted Pt /SAPO-11 Catalyst for Hydroisomerization of the n-Decane Model and Lube Oil
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SAPO-11 is synthesized from silicoaluminophosphate in the presence of di-n-propylamine as a template. The results show that the sample obtained has good crystallinity, 396m2/g BET surface area, and 0.35 cm3/g pore volume. The hydroisomerization activity of (0.25)Pt (1)Zr (0.5)W/SAPO-11 catalyst was determined using n-decane and base oil. All hydroisomerization experiments of n-decane were achieved at a fixed bed plug flow reactor at a temperature range of 200-275°C and  LHSV 0.5-2h-1.  The results show that the n-decane conversion increases with increasing temperature and decreasing LHSV, the maximum conversion of 66.7 % was achieved at temperature 275°C and LHSV of 0.5 h-1. Meanwhile, the same catalyst was used to improve base oil specification by increasing viscosity index and decreasing pour point. The isomerization reaction conditions, employed are temperature (200-300)ºC, the liquid hourly space velocity of 0.5-2h-1, and the pressure kept atmospheric. The present study shows that Pt Zr W/SAPO-11 minimizes the pour point of lubricating oil to -16°C at isomerization temperature of  300°C and LHSV of 0.5 h-1 and viscosity index 134.8.

Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization of Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters to joint 7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy by Utilizing Taguchi Technique
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In this study, a 3 mm thickness 7075-T6 aluminium alloy sheet was used in the friction stir welding process. Using the design of experiment to reduce the number of experiments and to obtain the optimum friction stir welding parameters by utilizing Taguchi technique based on the ultimate tensile test results. Orthogonal array of L9 (33) was used based on three numbers of the parameters and three levels for each parameter, where shoulder-workpiece interference depth (0.20, 0.25, and 0.3) mm, pin geometry (cylindrical thread flat end, cylindrical thread with 3 flat round end, cylindrical thread round end), and thread pitch (0.8, 1, and 1.2) mm) this technique executed by Minitab 17 software. The results showed th

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New records of Naidid worms (Oligochaeta: Naididae) in Euphrates River: Haifa J. Jaweir|Elham O.S. Al- Janabi
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Naidid worms were sorted from 27 samples of aquatic macrophyta including ceratophyllum demersum , Potamogeton crispus and, Hydrilla verticellat with associated filamentous algae were collected from Euphrates River at Al-Mussayab city, 60 Km southwest Baghdad. The result of sorted worms revealed the presence of eight species of subfamily Naidinae, which are consider as new records for Iraq, including Stephensoniana trivandrana; Paranais frici, Ophidonais serpentine, Specaria josinae, Dero (Dero) evelinae , Dero (Aulophorus) indicus , Nais pseudobtusa and finally N. stolci. This investigation includes morphological descriptions for each species illustrated by identification criteria photos.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Contrast enhancement of infrared images using Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) with Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
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The objective of this paper is to improve the general quality of infrared images by proposes an algorithm relying upon strategy for infrared images (IR) enhancement. This algorithm was based on two methods: adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). The contribution of this paper is on how well contrast enhancement improvement procedures proposed for infrared images, and to propose a strategy that may be most appropriate for consolidation into commercial infrared imaging applications.
The database for this paper consists of night vision infrared images were taken by Zenmuse camera (FLIR Systems, Inc) attached on MATRIC100 drone in Karbala city. The experimental tests showed sign

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Crossref (10)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Switching dynamics in terms of effective time constant to determine switching points using a Debye relaxation equation
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In this work, the switching dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon were analyzed in term of effective time constant, which changes dramatically near the switching points. The switch-ON and switch-OFF have been analyzed numerically using a modified Debye dynamic equation. The method used to determine the solution of the Debye relaxation equations solved numerically to predict the behavior of the etalon for modulated input power.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Gypsum- Calcite Percentages Using a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), in Alexandria Gypsiferous Soil -Iraq
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In this study the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) provides a quick, efficient and relatively inexpensive method for identifying and quantifying gypsum concentrations in the samples taken from different sites from different localities from Alexandria district southwest Baghdad. A comprehensive spectroscopic study of gypsum-calcite system was reported to give good results for the first time by using IR for analytical grades of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and calcite (CaCO3) pure crystals. The spectral results were used to create a calibration curve relates the two minerals concentrations to the intensity (peaks) of FTIR absorbance and applies this calibration to specify gypsum and calcite concentrations in Iraqi gypsiferous soi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 26 2022
Journal Name
Electrical Engineering
Optimal insulation design of form-wound stator winding with stress grading system under fast rise-time excitation
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The effective insulation design of the stress grading (SG) system in form-wound stator coils is essential for preventing partial discharges and excessive heat generation under pulse-width modulation excitation. This paper proposes a method to find the optimal insulation design of the SG system aimed at reducing the dielectric and thermal stresses in the machine coil. The non-uniform transmission line model is used to predict the voltage propagation along the overhang, SG, and slot regions considering the variation in the physical properties of the insulation layers. The machine coil parameters for different insulation materials are calculated by using the finite element method. Two optimization algorithms, fmincon and particle swarm optimiz

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Ground Water Quality Evaluation with Using WQI of Selected wells in Mandali Area, Diyala Governorate, East Iraq
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     Groundwater is necessary to ensure the safety of Mandali's water supply. Groundwater samples were collected from various parts of the city for this study. Two aquifers have been identified: the first is a free bed made up of Quaternary deposits. The second is the primary bed that conveys water,  belonging to the Bai Hassan Formation. Nineteen groundwater samples were collected from wells and examined for physicochemical parameters in the current study during October 2021. Samples were analyzed for main cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+;  anions HCO3- , SO42- , Cl- and NO3-,  pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Total Dissol

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Peerj Computer Science
Performance evaluation of frequency division duplex (FDD) massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) under different correlation models
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) is considered as the key technology to meet the huge demands of data rates in the future wireless communications networks. However, for massive-MIMO systems to realize their maximum potential gain, sufficiently accurate downlink (DL) channel state information (CSI) with low overhead to meet the short coherence time (CT) is required. Therefore, this article aims to overcome the technical challenge of DL CSI estimation in a frequency-division-duplex (FDD) massive-MIMO with short CT considering five different physical correlation models. To this end, the statistical structure of the massive-MIMO channel, which is captured by the physical correlation is exploited to find sufficiently

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times
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This paper investigated the fatigue life behavior of two composite materials subjected to different times of shot peening (2, 4 and 6 min).The first material prepared from unsaturated polyester with E-glass reinforcement by 33% volume fraction. While, the second one was prepared from unsaturated polyester with aluminum powder by2.5% volume fraction. The experimental results showed that the improvement in endurance limit was obtained (for the first material) at 2, 4 and 6 min shot peening times where the percentage of maximum improvement was 25% at shot peening time of 6 min. While, the endurance limit of the second material decreased at shot peening times of 2, 4 and 6 min where the percentage of maximum reduction was 29 % at shot peenin

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Smartphones Addiction upon Primary School Pupil's Achievements at Al-Rusafa Educational Directorate in Baghdad City
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Objectives: To determine Smartphone addiction among primary school students and its impacts. The samples of the study were240primary school students in derived from stratified random sampling. The questionnaire was used to collect the data. The data were then an- analyzed using correlation statistics. It also caused a negative impact on demic performance of the primary school students.
Methodology: A cross- sectional study in assessment approach in applied in order to achieve the earlier stated objectives. The study was initiated from October 1st, 2019 to April 30th, 2020. Simple random sampling (probability) sample of (240) Pupils study In primary school at Al-Rusafa first directorate schools in Baghdad City.
Results: The study re

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