Two orders of zooblankton,were studied Cladocera and Copepeda in two classes Calanoida and Cyclopoda, where it was studied inside floating cages and for breeding fish placed in the Tigris River in the Rashidiya area. Has been study The population density of zooplankton groups and measure some chemical and physical characters, was studie where she collected samples of zooplankton and water from two locations of cages (inside the cages, after 100m from cages). The study was conducted within six months from January to the end of June 2014 during which there was study of the Wallace pH, water temperature, biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen, as to the zooplankton study the species disappeared inside cages of fish and existed after
... Show MoreSeasonal variations of the species composition and abundance of Cladocera were studied in two stations at the end of the Tigris River and one station at the confluence of the Tigris with Euphrates area, at the beginning of the Shatt Al-Arab River in Al-Qurnah North of Basrah Province, from October 2015 to August 2016. Samples of zooplankton were collected by plankton net 100-µm. mesh size. The population density of Cladocera ranged between 1 Ind /m³ during summer and 211 Ind./m³ during winter at station 1 (Al-Jewaber Bridge). A total of 16 species of Cladocera belonging to 12 genera were recorded in the study. The average density of Cladocera ranged from 23.2 ind./m3 at Station 2 (Hamayon Bridge) to 53.7 Ind./m3
... Show MoreZooplanktons from the artificial lake of Madenat Al-Alaab at Baghdad city have been
studied, during the period from may 2009 to April 2010. In addition to some ecological
factors (Temperature, pH and Turbidity) which were ranged (10.2-28.4)°C (7.1-8.4) and (20-50) cm respectively.
The results of the present study revealed that there are 22 species of zooplankton
belonging to Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera. Some of the species recorded during all
months of the study period, while other have disappeared during some months. Numbers of
species recorded were varied during different groups .
The dominant species were (Cyclops vernalis, C. hyalinus, C. scutifer, Diaptomus
leptopus, Bosmina longirostris, Kerate
The study was conducted from November 2021 to May 2022 at the three study sites within the Baghdad governorate. The study aims to identify the impact of human activities on the Tigris River, so an area free of human activities was chosen and represented the first site. A total of 48 types were diagnosed, 6204 ind/m3 spread over three sites. The following environmental indicators were evaluated: Constancy Index (S), Relative abundance index (Ra), Richness Index (between 17.995 and 23.251), Shannon Weiner Index (0.48-1.25 bit/ind.), Uniformity Index (0.124 -0.323). The study showed that the highest percentage recorded was for the phylum Annileda 34%; and the stability index shows that taxes (Stylaria sp., Aoelosoma sp., Branchinra sowerby, Ch
... Show MoreThe present study is considered the first on this sector of the Tigris River after 2003. It is designed for two aims, the first is to demonstrate the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters of Tharthar-Tigris Canal and Tigris River; the second is to explain the possible effects of canal on some environmental properties in the Tigris River. Water samples were being collected monthly. Six sampling sites were selected, two on Tharthar Canal and four along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence with the canal. For a period from January to December 2020, nineteen physicochemical parameters were investigated including air and water temperature, turbidity, electrical cond
... Show MoreThe present work included a study of benthic algae on two substrates: rocks and clay on a section of the Tigris River at the Al-Atifiyah site in the fall of 2018. The result of this study was recorded 89 species belong to 50 genus of benthic algae on both substrates and composed of Bacillariophyceae (59.6%, 61.2%), Chlorophyceae (25.8%, 20.4%) and Cyanophyceae (14.5%, 18.3%) respectively on epilithic and epipelic algae. The present study was recorded the highest total algae cell density (1173.2 cells *103/cm2) on epilithic algae while the lowest total algae cell density was recorded on epipelic algae (76.95 cells *103/gm). For measure div
F0od and feeding habits of Hetropnezt.s!fes ]ossili/}:. (Bloch) have been investigated. Monthly samples (twice a m()nth} were taken during the period from March 2000 to February 20.Ql , using small -
meshed cast net. A total of l9J ftsh were used to examine the stomach
The analysis of stomach contents of H fo.s-silis in the- area of study revealed that fish were fed on the bottom, mid ·surface and surface &
... Show MoreIn the current study, two sites were selected from the city of Adhamiya, central Baghdad. The first site is the Adhamiya Corniche, which includes a sample of river water and the second includes domestic sewage in the same area. The total density of benthic invertebrates was 775 ind/m2, which is divided into 15 taxa. Biological indices were found, such as the stability index, the abundance index, the biodiversity index (Shannon’s index), the homogeneity index, and the invader’s guide. The result showed an increase in the density of benthic invertebrates, as well as an increase in the diversity of these organisms.
This study was conducted from February 2010 to December 2010. Water Samples were collected every two months in three stations in Baghdad city. The study involved the assessment of concentrations of some heavy metals such as: Chromium, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Nickel and Zinc. the values of chromium were undetected for the entire of the study, while the rest of the heavy metal were ranged between 0.001 -0.438 mg / l, ND -0.077 mg / L, ND -0.778 mg / l, 0.36 - 0.011 mg / l, 0.011-0 .08mg/ l, ND - 0.1985 mg / l, ND -0.0416 mg / l, respectively. The results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals were fluctuated during the study period, except Lead which have high concentrations and exceeded the permit limits in all statio
... Show More