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Parametric Study of Mixed Convective Radiative Heat Transfer in an Inclined Annulus
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The steady state laminar mixed convection and radiation through inclined rectangular duct with an interior circular tube is investigated numerically for a thermally and hydrodynamicaly fully developed flow. The two heat transfer mechanisms of convection and radiation are treated independently and simultaneously. The governing equations which used are continuity, momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function and the Body Fitted Coordinates (B.F.C) methods. The finite difference approach with the Line Successive Over-Relaxation (LSOR) method is used to obtain all the computational results. The (B.F.C) method is used to generate the grid of the problem. A computer program (Fortran 90) is built to calculate the steady state Nusselt number (Nu) for Aspect Ratio AR (0.55-1) and Geometry Ratio GR (0.1-0.9). The fluid Prandtl number is 0.7, Rayleigh number Ra = 400, Reynolds number Re = 100, Optical Thickness (0 ≤ t ≤ 10), Conduction- Radiation parameter (0 ≤ N ≤ 100) and Inclination angle λ = 45. For the range of parameters considered, results show that radiation enhance heat transfer. It is also indicated in the results that heat transfer from the surface of the circle exceeds that of the rectangular duct. Generally, Nu is increased with increasing GR, t and N but it decreased with AR increase. When the radiation effect added to the heat transfer mechanism, the heat transfer rate increased. This effect increased with increasing in GR and decreasing with AR. The increasing in radiation properties lead to increase the radiation effect. Tecplot 7 program was used to plot the curves which cleared these relations and isotherms and streamlines which illustrate the behavior of air through the channel and its variation with other parameters. A correlation equation is concluded to describe the radiation effect. Comparison of the results with the previous work shows a good agreement.

Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Parametric Study of Mixed Convective Radiative Heat Transfer in an Inclined Annulus
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The steady state laminar mixed convection and radiation through inclined rectangular duct with an interior circular tube is investigated numerically for a thermally and hydrodynamicaly fully developed flow. The two heat transfer mechanisms of convection and radiation are treated independently and simultaneously. The governing equations which used are continuity, momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function and the Body Fitted Coordinates (B.F.C) methods. The finite difference approach with the Line Successive Over-Relaxation (LSOR) method is used to obtain all the computational results. The (B.F.C) method is used to generate the grid of the problem. A computer program (Fortr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The unsteady state laminar mixed convection and radiation through inclined
cylindrical annulus is investigated numerically. The two heat transfer mechanisms of
convection and radiation are treated independently and simultaneously. The outer
cylinder was kept at a constant temperature while the inner cylinder was heated with
constant heat flux. The study involved numerical solution of the governing equations
which are continuity, momentum and energy equations using finite difference method
(FDM), where the body fitted coordinate system (BFC) was used to generate the grid
mesh for computational plane. A computer program (Fortran 90) was built to calculate
the bulk Nusselt number (Nub) after reaching steady state con

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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A numerical investigation has been performed to study the effect of eccentricity on unsteady state, laminar aiding mixed convection in a horizontal concentric and eccentric cylindrical annulus. The outer cylinder was kept at a constant temperature
while the inner cylinder was heated with constant heat flux. The study involved numerical solution of transient momentum (Navier-Stokes) and energy equation using finite difference method (FDM), where the body fitted coordinate system (BFC) was
used to generate the grid mesh for computational plane. The governing equations were transformed to the vorticity-stream function formula as for momentum equations and to the temperature and stream function for energy equation.
A computer progra

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Rotation and Inclined Magnetic Field with Mixed Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in an Inclined Symmetric Channel on Peristaltic Flow with Slip Conditions
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     In paper, we study the impact of the rotationn inclined magnetic felid and inclined symmetric channel with slip condition on peristaltic transport using incompressible non-Newtonian fluid. Slip conditions for the concentration and heat transfer are considered. We use the conditions on the fluid, namely infinite wavelength and low - Reynolds number to simplify the governed equations that described - motion flow, energy and concentration. These equations ofroblem are solved by the perturbation technique and restricted the number of Bingham to a small value to find the final expression of the stream function. The Bingham number, Brinkman number, Soret number, Dufour number, temperature, Hartman number and other parameters are teste

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Inclined Open Porous Cavity with Non-Uniformly Heated Wall
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Theoretical and experimental investigations of free convection through a cubic cavity with sinusoidal heat flux at bottom wall, the top wall is exposed to an outside ambient while the other walls are adiabatic saturated in porous medium had been approved in the present work. The range of Rayleigh number was and Darcy number values were . The theoretical part involved a numerical solution while the experimental part included a set of tests carried out to study the free convection heat transfer in a porous media (glass beads) for sinusoidal heat flux boundary condition. The investigation enclosed values of Rayleigh number (5845.6, 8801, 9456, 15034, 19188 and 22148) and angles of inclinations (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 degree). The numerical an

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Experiments were carried out to investigate natural convection heat transfer in an inclined uniformly heated circular cylinder . The effects of surface heat flux and angle of inclination on the temperature and local Nusselt number variations along the cylinder surface are discussed . The investigation covers heat flux range from 92 W/m² to 487 W/m², and angles of inclination 0° ( horizontal) , 30° , 60° and 90° (vertical) . Results show an increase in the natural convection as heat flux increases and as angle of inclination moves from vertical to horizontal position. An empirical equation of average Nusselt number as a function of Rayliegh number was deduced for each angle of inclination .

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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An experimental and numerical study has been carried out to investigate the heat transfer by natural convection in a three dimensional annulus enclosure filled with porous media (silica sand) between two inclined concentric cylinders with (and without) annular fins attached to the inner cylinder under steady state condition; The experiments were carried out for a range of modified Rayleigh number (0.2 ≤Ra*≤ 11) and extended to Ra* =500 for numerical study, annulus inclination angle of (δ = 0˚, 30˚, 60˚ and 90˚). The numerical study was to write the governing equation under an assumptions used Darcy law and Boussinesq’s approximation and then solved numerically using finite difference approximation. It was found that the averag

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Vertical Saturated Concentric Annulus Packed with a Metallic Porous Media
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Mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical concentric annulus packed with a metallic porous media and heated at a constant heat flux is experimentally investigated with water as the working fluid. A series of experiments have been carried out with a Rayleigh number range from Ra=122418.92 to 372579.31 and Reynolds number that based on the particles diameter of Red=14.62, 19.48 and 24.36. Under steady state condition, the measured data were collected and analyzed. Results show that the wall surface temperatures are affected by the imposed heat flux variation and Reynolds number variation. The variation of the local heat transfer coefficient and the mean Nusselt number are presented and analyzed. An empirical

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Convective Heat Transfer and Natural Circulation in an Evacuated Tube Solar Collector
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The evacuated tube solar collector ETC is studied intensively and extensively by experimental and
theoretical works, in order to investigate its performance and enhancement of heat transfer, for Baghdad climate
from April 2011 till the end of March 2012. Experimental work is carried out on a well instrumented collector
consists of 16 evacuated tubes of aspect ratio 38.6 and thermally insulated tank of volume 112L. The relation
between convective heat transfer and natural circulation inside the tube is estimated, collector efficiency, effect of
tube tilt angles, incidence angle modifier, The solar heating system is investigated under different loads pattern (i.e
closed and open flow) to evaluate the heat loss coefficient

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Crossref (15)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Mechanical And Material Engineering
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