A total of 533 specimens were collected in survey of Brachyceran species from different regions of Iraq during February to November 2014 .This study was reported 16 species belonging to 13 genera and 7 families, the results showed that Dicranosepsis Duda, 1926 (Family; Sepsidae) is recorded the genus for the first time in Iraq.
Brachycerous Dipteran species on alfalfa plant Medicago sativa surveyed in several regions of Iraq from March to November 2012. The study was registered 14 species belonging to nine genera and four families. The results showed that Limnophra quaterna, Atherigona laevigata and Atherigona theodori as new records to Iraq and new pests of alfalfa.
The aim of this study to survey the leaf miner Phytomyza Fallen of Iraq, many leaf plants which infested by leaf miners were collected from several regions of Iraq. The paper showed there are four species of this genus during the work: Phytomyza horticola Gourear,1840; Ph. atricornis Meigen, 1838; Ph. rufipes Meigen,1830; Ph. ranunculi (Schrank,1803)
This research includes a detaile description of new species Rhyncomya irakensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Localities distribution, host plants and data of collection were recorded.
This research includes a detailed morphological description of
the Sarcophaga dialensis sp . nov . in Iraq . Many morphological characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genitalia .Locality records , data of collection and host plant were mentioned.
This work includes a detailed description of the Leucostoma nigricorpuris sp. nov. from
Iraq. Locality, host plants and data of collection were given.
The Old World Screwworm Fly Chrysomya bezziana is a new insect pest on cattles and other domestic recor¬ded for the first from Iraq. It was first observed in cow's vagina in September of 1996 in Shaikh Hammed (Tarmiya), near Baghdad city. Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve is well known as one of the most important insect pests of livestock. Its larvae infest living tissues by causing myiasis. In a wide range of worm-blooded host species (Spradbery and Vanningham, 1980; Spradbery and Kirk. 1992). It is widely dist¬ributed species over an extensive area of tropical and subtropical Africa, the Arabian Gulf countries, Iran. Indian subcontinent. South-East Asia. Indonesia, and as far east as Papua New Guinea (Zurapt, 1965; Djalayer et al. 1978;
... Show MoreA revised checklist of the robber fly genera (Diptera, Asilidae) was given during this study in Iraq. The investigation showed (21) genera belonging to seven subfamilies, two genera new recorded to entomofauna of Iraq (Promachus Loew, 1848 and Genus: Dysmacus Loew, 1860). Eight genera showed in this investigation and eleven genera were recorded previously to Iraq.
This research includes a detailed morphological description of the Pollenia mesopotamica sp. nov. in Iraq. Locality, host plant and data of collection were given.