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Lamenting the Father in Modern American Poetry: A Study in Selected Elegies of Mark Strand and Sharon Olds
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Modern American elegy reveals a change in the attitude of mourning from the traditional lamenting approach to some antielegiac attitudes towards the mourned figure. Many American poets have lamented the pass away of the stately figure of the father. However, some poets attack their dead father, and ridiculed him in a poem that is intended to be an elegy, instead of showing passion, homage and love to him. In this regard, two poetic attitudes to the father can be traced in modern American poetry. The first one takes the form of tributes and praise, offering great admiration, compassion, and love for the father. For these poets, a father is an inspiration. The second voice develops some anger and contempt against the patriarchal authority embodied in the father. These attitudes are manifested and incarnated in selected elegies by Mark Strand (1934- 2014) and Sharon Olds (1942- ). This paper investigates the attitude towards the mourned father as expressed by each of them in some of their elegies.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 10 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies
The Functions of Onomatopoeia in Modern English and Arabic Poetry: A Study in Selected Poems by Lawrence and al-Sayyab
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Onomatopoeia has always been a functional poetic device which enjoys a high sound significance in the poetry of many languages. In modern English and Arabic poetry alike, it proves to be vital and useful at different levels: musical, thematic and at the level of meaning. Still, the cultural difference looms large over the ways it is employed by the poets of each. The present paper investigates the employment of onomatopoeia in the poetry of D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) and Badr Shakir al-Sayyab (1926-1964) who are chosen due to the importance they enjoy in modern English and Arabic poetry and the richness of their poems in onomatopoeias. The conclusions reached at are in a sense related to cultural differences which govern the use of onomato

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
كلية الاداب جامعة بغداد
A Contrastive study of ‘Inversion ‘ in Modern English and Modern Arabic Poetry
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The present paper respects 'inversion' as a habit of arranging the language of modern English and Arabic poetry . Inversion is a significant phenomenon generally in modern literature and particularly in poetry that it treats poetic text as it is a violator to the ordinary text. The paper displays the common patterns and functions of inversion which are spotted in modern English and Arabic poetry in order to show aspects of similarities and differences in both languages. It concludes that inversion is most commonly used in English and Arabic poetry in which it may both satisfy the demands of sound correspondence and emphasis. English and Arabic poetic languages vary in extant to their manipulation of inverted styles as they show changeable f

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Lamentation in Selected Elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa'
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This research is an attempt to explore a social and pragmatic phenomenon of lamentation in elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa' who represent two different cultures. It illustrates the intended meaning of lamentation in English and Arabic and finds how the two languages express this purpose of poetry by analysing it socio-pragmatically adopting Searle's models (1969),and its modifications. Lamentation is considered as a mournful poem lamenting the death of  whole humanity as Gray's elegy and of an individual as AL-Khansaa's elegy. So, Gray portrays a universal picture concerning his lamentation, while AL-Khansaa' portrays an individual and subjective picture regarding her lamentation. As  branches of linguistics, sociolinguistics de

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 17 2023
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A Semantic Study of Thematic Progression in Selected American and British Movies
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ZG Abdulrazaq, MR Younus, Nasaq, 2023

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 10 2025
Journal Name
International Linguistics Research
A Semiotic Study of Reduplicative Words in Selected American Slang Expressions
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This study explores the semiotic aspects of American slang, specifically focusing on the phenomenon of reduplicative expressions in informal speech. Despite the extensive research on American slang, limited attention has been given to the cultural and mythical meanings embedded within reduplicative expressions. To address this gap, the study investigates how these expressions convey denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings within casual American discourse. The objectives of the study include: 1. To what extent does Barthes’ semiotic model hold potential for application in this study? 2. How are reduplicative slang expressions widely used in everyday American life? 3. To what extent do qualitative and quantitative methods hav

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
HISTORY AND MODERNITY OF POETRY AS : A Reference Of The Modern Poem In Iraq
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One of the most important intellectual issues, which receive attention is the issue of modernity, it has occupied the scholars of all time. However, modern poetry used to have special care in Iraq and in the Arab countries .. it is not strange that the concept of modernity is linked to history .. or having history as the most important dimension of its dimensions .. because Arab poetry is historical and it is moving into an area of ​​the past that is still active in terms of language and literary image .. When some poets found that changing and modernizing poetry became a necessity of evolution, and one of the fundamentals of modernization, the cultural impact did not respond to the desire of poets, and their impulse in modern poetry

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
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Metrical Phonology in Modern Arabic Poetry
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Providing stress of poetry on the syllable-, the foot-, and the phonological word- levels is one of the essential objectives of Metrical Phonology Theory. The subsumed number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are steady in poetry compared to other literary texts that is why its analysis demonstrates one of the most outstanding and debatable metrical issues. The roots of Metrical Phonology Theory are derived from prosody which studies poetic meters and versification. In Arabic, the starting point of metrical analysis is prosodic analysis which can be attributed to يديهارفلا in the second half of the eighth century (A.D.). This study aims at pinpointing the values of two metrical parameters in modern Arabic poetry. To

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Metrical Phonology in Modern Arabic Poetry
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Providing stress of poetry on the syllable-, the foot-, and the phonological word- levels is one of the essential objectives of Metrical Phonology Theory. The subsumed number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are steady in poetry compared to other literary texts that is why its analysis demonstrates one of the most outstanding and debatable metrical issues. The roots of Metrical Phonology Theory are derived from prosody which studies poetic meters and versification. In Arabic, the starting point of metrical analysis is prosodic analysis which can be attributed to يديهارفلا in the second half of the eighth century (A.D.). This study aims at pinpointing the values of two metrical parameters in modern Arabic poetry. To

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Metrical Phonology in Modern English Poetry
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One of the main aims of Metrical Phonology Theory (MTT) is to provide the stress of poetry on the syllable, the foot, and the phonological word levels. Analyzing poetry embodies one of the most prominent and controversial metrical issues as the subsumed number and types of syllables, feet, and meters are balanced compared to other literary texts. The MTT saw the light during the late seventies (1975) and (1977) by Liberman and Prince, who produced it as part of non-linear phonology. Its roots originated in prosody, which studies poetic meter and versification. The basis of the metrical analysis is the prosodic analysis developed in London by Firth and his students in 1950. This study aims to identify the values of five metri

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Naber and toning in the modern Arab poetry Mahmoud Darwish, a model
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Naber and toning in the modern Arab poetry Mahmoud Darwish, a model

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