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The Impact of Partial Solar Eclipse on the Observation of Neutral Hydrogen Emission Line
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The research involves examining the influence of partial solar eclipse on the strength of neutral hydrogen from the Sun. Baghdad University Radio Telescope (BURT) was used to monitor the partial solar eclipse on the 25th of October, 2022. Radio observations from the Sun were recorded from 11:30 AM to 03:36 PM. This means that the HI emission from the Sun was recorded before, during and after the event. It was noticed, that at the moment of maximum eclipse, ~ 46% of the Sun’s disk was covered by the Moon. For the purpose of this research, the solar radio wave intensity was monitored and the solar flux density was determined at different times, i.e. before, during and after the partial solar eclipse. The obtained results showed that both of the solar flux and power spectrum decrease with the progress of the eclipse until the moment of maximum eclipse, i.e. the moment at which the minimum values of solar flux density and antenna temperature were recorded (7 × 104 Jy and ~ 80 K). Then, at the last moments of the partial eclipse, it was noticed that both parameters started to increase again due to the decrease in the area of the Sun’s disk until both reached their normal values. In Conclusion, the partial solar eclipse affects the strength of neutral hydrogen from the Sun because the Moon blocks the neutral hydrogen from the Sun during the solar eclipse.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Characteristics measurement of Baghdad University radio telescope for hydrogen emission line
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The aim of this paper is to measure the characteristics properties of 3 m radio telescope that installed inside Baghdad University campus. The measurements of this study cover some of the fundamental parameters at 1.42 GHz. These parameters concentrated principally on, the system noise temperature, signal to noise ratio and sensitivity, half power beam width, aperture efficiency, and effective area. These parameters are estimated via different radio sources observation like Cas-A, full moon, sky background, and solar drift scan observations. From the results of these observations, these parameters are found to be approximately 64 K, 1.2, 0.9 Jansky, 3.7°, 0.54, and 3.8 m2 respectively. The parameters values have vital affect to quantitativ

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The solar eclipse and its relation with higree months
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The solar eclipse occurs at short time before the crescent birth moment when the moon near any one of moon orbit nodes It is important to determine the synchronic month which is used to find Higree date. The 'rules' of eclipses are: 

Y= ± 0.997  of Earth radius , the solar eclipse is central and 0.997 < |Y| < 1.026 the umbra cone touch the surface of the Earth, where Y is the least distance from the axis of the moon's shadow to the center of the Earth in units of the equatorial radius of the Earth.

A new model have been designed, depend on the horizontal coordinates of the sun, moon, the distances Earth-Moon (rm), Earth-sun (rs) and |Y| to determine the date and times of total solar eclipse and the geogra

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Simulation for the Effect of Partial Shading on Solar Panel Performance
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Partial shading is one of the problems that affects the power production and the efficiency of photovoltaic module. A series of experimental work have been done of partial shading of   monocrystalline PV module; 50W, Isc: 3.1A, Voc: 22V with 36 cells in series is achieved. Non-linear power output responses of the module are observed by applying various cases of partial shading (vertical and horizontal shading of solar cells in the module). Shading a single cell (corner cell) has the greatest impact on output energy. Horizontal shading or vertical shading reduced the power from 41W to 18W at constant solar radiation 1000W/m2 and steady state condition. Vertical blocking a column

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigation of the Characteristics of CO (1-0) Line Integrated Emission Intensity in Extragalactic Spirals
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This paper aims to deal with the understanding of the properties of the molecular gas hydrogen in the extragalactic spirals sample. It is critical to make observations of CO (J = 1-0) line emission for spiral galaxies, particularly those with an energetic nucleus.  In the sample of spiral galaxies compiled, a carbon monoxide CO (1-0) emission line can be observed. This sample of galaxies' gas kinematics and star-forming should be analyzed statistically utilizing appropriate atomic gas HI, molecular gas H2, infrared (1μm-1000μm), visual (at λblue-optical=4400A0), and radio spectrum (at νradio=1.4 GHz and 5GHz) databases. STATISTICA is software that allows us to perform this statistical analysis. The presence of a high scale of s

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design a radio receiver for solar activity observation in VLF band
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Solar activity monitoring is important in our life because of its direct or indirect influence on our life, not only on ionospheric communications. To study solar activity, researchers need measuring and monitoring instruments, these instruments are mostly expensive and are not available in all universities. In this paper, a very low frequency radio receiver had been designed and implemented with components available in most markets to support the researchers, college students, and radio astronomy amateurs with a minimum input voltage less than 100µV, an output voltage less than 135 m V with no distortion and an overall gain of 34dB. A comparison had been done between two circuit structures using a workbench software program and experim

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Continuous On-Line Tar Measurements for Gasification Process Monitoring using Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices at Elevated Temperature
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Biomass has been extensively investigated, because of its presence as clean energy source. Tars and particulates formation problems are still the major challenges in development especially in the implementation of gasification technologies into nowadays energy supply systems. Laser Induced Fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) method is incorporated for determining aromatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) produced at high temperature gasification technology. The effect of tars deposition when the gases are cooled has been highly reduced by introducing a new concept of measurement cell. The samples of PAH components have been prepared with the standard constrictions of measured PAHs by using gas chromatograph (GC). OPO laser with tun

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Evolution and set up the maps for solar radiation of Iraq using Data observation and Angstrom model during monthly July2017
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Abstract<p>The development that solar energy will have in the next years needs a reliable estimation of available solar energy resources. Several empirical models have been developed to calculate global solar radiation using various parameters such as extraterrestrial radiation, sunshine hours, albedo, maximum temperature, mean temperature, soil temperature, relative humidity, cloudiness, evaporation, total perceptible water, number of rainy days, and altitude and latitude. In present work i) First part has been calculated solar radiation from the daily values of the hours of sun duration using Angstrom model over the Iraq for at July 2017. The second part has been mapping the distribution of so</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
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High-purity narrow emission line display of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in laser dyes as random gains
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In this work, the dyes Rhodamine B and Coumarin 102 containing titanium dioxide nanoparticles were used as scattering centers to fabricate a random gain medium. The laser dye was dissolved in hexanol and methanol solvent respectively. The titanium dioxide nanoparticles were synthesized by DC reaction magnetron spraying technique. The random-gain medium was made by adding 2.5 mg of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to Rhodamine and coumarin 102 dyes by coating the glass cell with two-sided titanium dioxide with high spectral efficiency and low production cost. A narrow line optical emission was detected at 565 nm for Rhodamine B and 534 nm for coumarin 102, where it was found that rhodamine B dye has FWHM 8 nm and coumarin dye 102 has FWHM 9 nm

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of solar cells distribution on the Performance of solar panel
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Three different distribution modules of silicon solar cells in a panel are used in this study . Each module consists of five identical circular silicon solar cells of radius (5cm) and then the total panel areas are identical. The five solar cells are arranged in the panel in different shapes: circular, triangular and rectangular .The efficiency for these three panel distribution are measured indoor and outdoor. The results show that the efficiency is a function of the cells distribution.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research
Some macroscopic and microscopic observation on the pituitary gland of guinea-pig Cavia culteri.
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