The idea of using slender Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns with cross-shaped (+-shaped) instead of columns with square-shaped was discussed in this paper. The use of +-shaped columns provides many architectural and structural advantages, such as avoiding prominent columns edges and improved the structural response of member. Therefore, this study explores the structural response of slender +-shaped columns experimentally and numerically by nonlinear finite element analysis using Abaqus simulation tools. The results showed an excellent convergence in strength between numerical and test results with an average standard deviation of 0.05 and 0.07. Besides that, the use of +-shaped columns led to improve the ultimate strength and reduce deflections in all stages of loading, especially with the slenderness ratio more than 40, as compared with square-shaped column. Two design approaches were suggested to evaluate the ultimate strength of +-shaped columns with different slenderness ratios. Briefly, the results showed good structural response of +-shaped columns as compared with square-shaped columns, but further studies are needed to establish the behavior of this type of column, particularly with varying states of loading.