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An experiment was carried out in the vegetables field of Horticulture Department / College of Agriculture / Baghdad University , for the three seasons : spring and Autumn of 2005 , and spring of 2007 , to study the type of gene action in some traits of yield and its components in summer squash crosses (4 x 3 = cross 1 , 3 x 7 = cross 2 , 3 x 4 = cross 3 , 3 x 5 = cross 4 , 5 x 1 = cross 5 , 5 x 2 = cross 6). The study followed generation mean analysis method which included to each cross (P1 , P2 , F1 , F2 , Bc1P1 , Bc1P2) , and those populations obtained by hybridization during the first and second seasons. Experimental comparison was performed in the second (Two crosses only) and third seasons , (four crosses) by using RCBD with three replications. Three parameters model with chi square test and six parameters model were used to estimate the type of gene effects , in breeding depression , components of genetic variance , mean degree of dominance , heritability and expected gain due to selection. The results showed that dominance and epistatic (additive x additive) and (dominance x dominance) effects were great importance than additive effects in most traits of all crosses. In breeding depression was important except for fruit weight . Broad-sense heritability was high in fruit weight , plant yields , and total yield (67.05 , 52.54 , 52.56) respectively for cross 1 , while it was low to moderate in some traits and crosses and narrow – sense heritability was high in fruit weight (40.82) for cross 6 and low in some traits to some crosses. Expected gain due to selection was low in plant yield and total yield for cross 4 and fruit weight for cross 6

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Al-ameed Journal For Medical Research And Health Sciences
Perceptions of Nursing Students about COVID-19 Transmission: A Multi University Study
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biological Activity of Levan Produced from Rhizospheric Soil Bacterium Brachybacterium phenoliresistens KX139300
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Levan is an exopolysaccharide produced by various microorganisms and has a variety of applications. In this research, the aim was to demonstrate the biological activity of levan which produced from B. phenoliresistens KX139300. These were done via study the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antileishmanial activities in vitro. The antioxidant levan was shown 80.9% activity at 1250 µg/mL concentration. The efficient anti-inflammatory activity of 88% protein inhibition was noticed with levan concentration at 35 µg/mL. The cytotoxic activity of levan at 2500 µg/mL concentration showed a maximum cytotoxic effect on L20B cell line and promastigotes of Leishmani tropica. Levan has dose-dependent anticancer and antileishmanial acti

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The chronic effects of salinity on the Crustacean Moina affinis Birge (1893)
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Thi s study included the effect of chronic exposure of di fferent concentrations of Nan on the biology of fresh water zroDplonk ton species Moina 41.112' ( Cladcxe'ra The concentrations used for chronic exposure were 03, 0.75. 1 960 to investigate iI effects on the life cycle and la lables of this species after exposure period and the range of this exposure effects on the rate of expectation for further life, also the effect of salinity on reproduotive parameters was studied which included average of total number of eggs and young produced, volume clutch's (6.95. indiclutch for control group , 14.516 indi clutch for 0.596a ,3_65 ind./ clutch for (175 5(.. and 03 Ind} cruel] for 1960) and number of Clutch's (5.5 clutch/ female for control gr

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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In this work, fluid catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil to produce gasoline over prepared faujasite type Y zeolite was investigated using experimental laboratory plant scale of fluidized bed reactor.
The catalytic activity of prepared faujasite type NaY, NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolites was investigated. The cracking process was carried out in the temperature range 440 to 500 oC, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) range 10 to 25 h-1 ,and atmospheric pressure . The catalytic activities of the prepared faujasite type NaY , NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolites were determined in terms of vacuum gas oil (VGO) conversion, and gasoline yield . The conversion at 500oC and WHSV10 hr-1 by using faujasite type NaY, NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolite were 50.2%, 64.1% and 6

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Shedding Further Light on Upper Cretaceous – Neogene Subsurface Lithostratigraphy of Southwestern Iraq
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Exploratory activities carried out by oil companies in the latter half of the past
century proved the existence of voluminous reserve of oil and gas in the
southwestern area of Iraq. In view of this, it seemed more than prudent to add a new
knowledge to that currently existing about the subsurface lithostratigraphy of this
area. As a first step in fulfilling this mission, this paper will attempt to do so by
covering the time interval from the Upper Cretaceous to the Neogene. In turn, this
effort had entailed both the description of about 4707 metres of fully recovered
cores, plus the subjection of more than 4000 samples to existing petrologic analyses.
Findings worth mentioning does include the observation that wi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The nature of financial system Is it an necessity or A selection?
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   The Financial systems can be classified into two types. The first is the market–oriented, which is applied in United States and United Kingdom. While the second is bank-oriented as in Japan and Germany.

   This study tries to explain the reasons which make some countries adopt the first one instead of the second, and the contrary. So the study consists of three sections. The first deals with the concept of financial system and it are functions. The second displays the indicators which are used to classify the financial systems, while the third one is devoted to the factors that determine the type of financial system .These sections followed by some conclusions.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Food Applications of Monosodium Glutamate Salt Produced from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7
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The aim of this study was to get monosodium glutamate (MSG) flavor, which was obtained from glutamic acid, that produced from local isolated from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7 which genetically improved, from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7, and applied in sausage chicken meat, mayonnaise and vegetable and lentil soup, it has been added MSG product in this study at different concentrations with the use of chicken broth cubes (Maggi) as a commercial flavor for comparison, and it was conducted sensory evaluation of these products and found that the addition of MSG product this study at the level of 0.6% to the sausage chicken and 0.6% to the mayonnaise and 0.15% to the vegetable and lentil soup, the results of sensory evaluation show not signif

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Application of Seed Mucilage Extracted from Lallemantia royleana as a Suspending Agent
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The mucilage from the seeds of Lallemantia royleana family Labiatae was extracted and subjected to preformulation study for evaluation of its suitability for use as suspending agent. Furosemide suspensions were prepared using (1.5% w/v) of the extracted Lallemantia royleana mucilage, (1.5% w/v) chitosan and (0.35% w/v) xanthan gum. The mucilage was white in color and the average yield of dried mucilage obtained from L.royleana nutlets was 14 % w/w of the seeds used. It is sparingly soluble in water but swells in contact with it, giving a highly viscous solution. It is slightly acidic to neutral. It was found that the extracted natural mucilage of Lallemantia royleana exhibited a higher viscosity profil

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Treatment of intraoral pyogenic granuloma with diode laser 810-980 nmarch
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Background: Pyogenic granuloma is a hyperplastic benign tumor. The most common intra-oral site is marginal gingiva. It is often occurred in the second decade of life, it has a strong tendency to recur after simple excision.

The aim of study: to evaluate the therapeutic advantages of diode laser (810-980 nm) in intraoral Pyogenic granuloma management.

Materials and method: A total of 28 patients (14 men and 14 females) were enrolled in this study and had their pyogenic granuloma surgically removed using a diode laser. All of the patients were given local anesthetic and went through the identical surgical procedure (cartridge containing 1 percent lidocaine with epinephrine 1:

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Rhetorical connections to the head-covers of Mesopotamian gods: جهينة حامد حساني
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The Rafidian artist discussed the headdresses of his idols with a varied scholarly momentum, so each idol had its own cover as this door of diversity contributed to the enrichment of Rafidian thought and full knowledge of their ideas and beliefs consistent with their multiple symbolic connections such as architecture, for example. The previous one, if not its entirety.
A research such as this (the discursive connections to the head-covers of the deities of the Mesopotamian civilization) aims to clarify the confusion that occurs through four chapters: The first chapter included: the research problem, the importance of research and the need for it, the objectives of the research, the temporal, spatial and objective limits of research, a

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