This study aims at describing the identity crisis of Diaspora people (Arab -American) in "Laila Halaby's" novel "Once in A promise Land". Halaby tackles the issues of racism, exclusion, and instability of identity that affect the Arab American community after the terrorist event of eleventh of September. She sheds light on the experiences of her significant characters Salwa and Jassim in America, clarifying how this event weakened their social position and turns their presence in America questionable. "Halaby" describes the bitterness of her characters who are induced into a dream of belonging to a land that transcends their original culture and religious values as well as their language. "Halaby" explains the subsistence in America involving challenges to face the harassment and verbal transgression. She reveals the failure of Salwa and Jassim to transcend the policy of fear and aggressive acts of America which help in dispersing them.