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Dimensional analysis of predicting the removal of chemical oxygen demand from domestic wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor
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Municipal wastewater sources are becoming increasingly important for reuse, for irrigation purposes, so they must be treated to meet environmentally friendly local or global standards. The aim of this study is to establish, calibrate, and validate a model for predicting chemical oxygen demand for the pilot plant of mobile biofilm reactors operating from municipal wastewater in Maaymyrh located in Hilla city Using the approach of dimensional analysis. The approach of Buckingham's theorem was used to derive a model of dimensional analysis design for the forecast of (COD) in the pilot plant. The effluent concentration (COD) It has been derived as a result of the influential concentration of (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), volume of pilot plant (V), influent flow rate (Q), Specific surface area for carriers (Sp), Efficient of removal of organic materials (ER) and detention time (t). With the first 80 data sets and due to the lack of empirical literature, the model was calibrated and then verified with the remaining 40 data sets . the results showed A strong coefficient of The (R = 0.939) correlation Between the effluent concentration measured and computed (COD) was get by the model verification at a significance level of (0.05). The determination coefficient (R2) has shown that the evolved model explains(88.33) percent of the variance in the experimental results. Therefore, the prediction of (COD) concentration in the pilot plant from the developed model would be feasible.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotic criteria for analyzing religious symbols in press reports Qantara news site as a model
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The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the problem of the semiotic employment of religious symbols in press reports published in the electronic press across two levels: Reading to perceive the visual message in its abstract form, and the second for re-understanding and interpretation, as this level gives semantics to reveal the implicit level of media messages through a set of semiotic criteria on which it was based to cut texts to reach the process of understanding and interpretation.

The report includes a group of symbols that are employed within a framework that gives a language of greater impact. This research discusses the p

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 08 2023
Journal Name
الدراسات اللغوية والترجمية/translation Studies In Bait Al-hikma
Translating adjectives into Arabic in Chekhov’s story -ward No.6
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Chekhov is well known and perceived in Arab countries. His stories and plays are very popular. They translated it into Arabic by different translators from different languages of the world Many of his stories require new translation solutions to achieve partial, if not complete, equivalence. Chekhov's works are a very difficult subject to analyze and interpret, which is explained by the fact that Chekhov's collections are constantly republished in foreign languages. It is impossible to preserve in translation all the elements of the original text containing historical and national details but, of course, the reader should have the impression that they represent the historical and national situation. When translating, it makes sense to prese

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Environmental Lead Exposure and Male Infertility
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Background: Lead (pb )is suspected to be one of the endocrine disruptors. People are exposed to high levelsof it in the environment through several ways .In the last years there was an evidence that it affects semenquality. The aim of the study is to assess the level of lead in the blood of male patients and correlate it with theseminal fluid parameters and hormonal levels.Methods: Fifty three infertile male patients, attending the infertility clinic in Baghdad Teaching Hospital fromFebruary 2016 till June 2016, participated in this study. Detailed history was taken and careful examinationwas done. Semen was collected from the patients and analyzed. Blood was withdrawn for hormonal and leadanalysis.Results: There was an increase in blood le

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Images of ruin in "Throne" and " Water stream" by Maysaloon Hadi and "War" by Glezio: A Compartive Study: Les images du débris dans "Le trône et le ruisseau " de Maysaloon Hadi et "La guerre" de Le Glézio (étude comparative)
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Our research comes to shed light on Iraqi literature as literature that arose in special circumstances alongside foreign literature. Using comparative research methods, we chose to highlight two distinguished writers, who have their mark in the world of literature. The first is the Iraqi writer Maysaloun Hadi, who is considered an icon of Iraqi feminist literature, and the second is the French writer Le Clézieu, who won the Nobel in 2008. We will see through the research how the two authors expressed their views of modernity and urbanism. And how each of them separately portrayed the psychological and moral projections that formed the essence of man today. 


Notre recherche abord un des points inc

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Secondary Emission Effect on SomePre-Equilibrium Nuclear Reactions Spectra at Different Energies
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The nuclear pre-equilibrium emission spectra have been studied and calculated using the exciton model with different reactions and incident energiesfor the target nuclei: . The secondary emissioncomponent has been inserted to the final emission spectrum and its effectshave been studied for only reactions with primary nucleons emission because the restrictions introduced by primary clusters emission reactions. It revealed a big contributioninenhancing the calculated energy spectra atincident energies more than

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Reliable Iterative Transform Method for Solving an Epidemic Model
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    The main purpose of the work is to apply a new method, so-called LTAM, which couples the Tamimi and Ansari iterative method (TAM) with the Laplace transform (LT). This method involves solving a problem of non-fatal disease spread in a society that is assumed to have a fixed size during the epidemic period. We apply the method to give an approximate analytic solution to the nonlinear system of the intended model. Moreover, the absolute error resulting from the numerical solutions and the ten iterations of LTAM approximations of the epidemic model, along with the maximum error remainder, were calculated by using MATHEMATICA® 11.3 program to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigate Spectroscopic Experimental and Theoretical Model for Hemoglobin Nanoscale Solution
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In the current study, haemoglobin analytes dissolved in a special buffer (KH2PO4(1M), K2HPO4(1M)) with pH of 7.4 were used to record absorption spectra measurements with a range of concentrations from (10-8 to 10-9) M and an absorption peak of 440nm using Broadband Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS) which is considered a simple, low cost, and robust setup. The principle work of this technique depends on the multiple reflections between the light source, which is represented by the Light Emitting Diode 3 W, and the detector, which is represented by the Avantes spectrophotomer. The optical cavity includes two high reflectivity  ≥99%  dielectric mirrors (dia

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Computerized Integrated System for Geodetic Networks Design
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This research presents a model for surveying networks configuration which is designed and called a Computerized Integrated System for Triangulation Network Modeling (CISTNM). It focuses on the strength of figure as a concept then on estimating the relative error (RE) for the computed side (base line) triangulation element. The CISTNM can compute the maximum elevations of the highest
obstacles of the line of sight, the observational signal tower height, the contribution of each triangulation station with their intervisibility test and analysis. The model is characterized by the flexibility to select either a single figure or a combined figures network option. Each option includes three other implicit options such as: triangles, quadri

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Large Eddy Simulation in Duct Flow
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In this paper, the problem of developing turbulent flow in rectangular duct is investigated by obtaining numerical results of the velocity profiles in duct by using large eddy simulation model in two dimensions with different Reynolds numbers, filter equations and mesh sizes. Reynolds numbers range from (11,000) to (110,000) for velocities (1 m/sec) to (50 m/sec) with (56×56), (76×76) and (96×96) mesh sizes with different filter equations. The numerical results of the large eddy simulation model are compared with k-ε model and analytic velocity distribution and validated with experimental data of other researcher. The large eddy simulation model has a good agreement with experimental data for high Reynolds number with the first, seco

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparing Weibull Stress – Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for Singly Type II Censored Data under Different loss Functions
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     The stress(Y) – strength(X) model reliability Bayesian estimation which defines life of a component with strength X and stress Y (the component fails if and only if at any time the applied stress is greater than its strength) has been studied, then the reliability; R=P(Y<X), can be considered as a measure of the component performance. In this paper, a Bayesian analysis has been considered for R when the two variables X and Y are independent Weibull random variables with common parameter α in order to study the effect of each of the two different scale parameters β and λ; respectively, using three different [weighted, quadratic and entropy] loss functions under two different prior functions [Gamma and extension of Jeffery

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