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Biological and physiological effects of Metarhizium anisopliae on Culex quinquefasciatus.

The results of studying the effects of M. anisopiliae spores on mosquito, C. quinquefasciatus showed a biological effects represented by immature mortality. The mortality increased proportionally with the concentrations of fungal spores, which reached (at high concentration 2×1011 spores / ml), to 86.6, 56.6% in first and late instar larvae, respectively. An important to mention that cumulative death rate was significantly associated with the time, which reached to 56% at 7 day after treatment. In addition, M. anisopiliae had a long period permanence in aquatic habitats; in which the residual effects stay 30 days in aquatic habitats after treatment at laboratory conditions. Interestingly, the long period exposure of fungal spores (30 minutes) to high heating (100 Co ) does not affect the spore’s ability to kill mosquito. Furthermore, the study revealed that the fungal spores preferentially infects mosquito’s head and syphon.

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