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Using PCR and Gel Electrophoresis Techniques to Molecular Confirm and Detection for Flowering Gene Presence in Maize Hybrids
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Abstract<p>The laboratory experiment was conducted in the laboratories of the Musayyib Bridge Company for Molecular Analyzes in the year 2021-2022 to study the molecular analysis of the inbreed lines and their hybrids F1 to estimate the genetic variation at the level of DNA shown by the selected pure inbreed lines and the resulting hybrids F1 of the flowering gene. Five pure inbreed lines of maize were selected (ZA17WR) Late, ZM74, Late, ZM19, Early ZM49WZ (Zi17WZ, Late, ZM49W3E) and their resulting hybrids, according to the study objective, from fifteen different inbreed lines with flowering time. The five inbreed lines were planted for four seasons (spring and fall 2019) and (spring and fall 2020) in the spring season 2019 the inbreed lines were crossed and flowering time were recorded and in the fall season 2019 they were crossed according to the study objective (late × late), (late × early) and (early) × late) and (early × early) in the third season, The results indicated that the two initiators used with the target flowering gene are highly efficient in diagnosing genetic variations and genetic divergence between the selected inbreed lines and their resulting hybrids F1 according to the different flowering time using PCR Poly Chain Reaction and Gel electrophoresis techniques. ) and the fourth hybrid (early×early) was superior in most of its field traits. It was found that inbreed line No. 15 (ZA17WR) did not show any bands in the interaction of the PCR and the flowering gene, and this is evidence that this inbreed line is counted as being optimal for the target gene and therefore genes or genetic sites may influence the early or delayed flowering time trait Therefore, it needs future studies. The aim of the current study is to know the genetic structures that contain the flowering gene and according to the planting date, whether fall or spring, to take advantage of those results in choosing and determining the appropriate and most appropriate method in the maize crop breeding programs to obtain promising genetic structures in terms of flowering time, whether was early or late. Additionally using two techniques to gather leads to increase the usefulness of these two techniques as the number of examined hybrids and inbred lines continues to increase rapidly.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Quality of Life of Children age from (8- lessthan13) years with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Undergoing Chemotherapy at Hematology Center in Medical City
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Objective (s): To assess the QoL of children age from (8- lessthan13) years with acute lymphocytic leukemia undergoing chemotherapy and to find out the relationship between the QoL of children with acute lymphocytic leukemia and their illness history.

Methodology:  A descriptive study included (40) children with acute lymphocytic leukemia who were ranged between (8 - less than 13 years) at the Hematology Center in Medical City for the period from 4th March 2021 to 1st September 2021. The sample was non-probability (purposive) sample of children (male and female). A questionnaire designed with 2 main parts was used. The first part focused on sociodemographic characterist

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Education Program on Nursing Staffs' Knowledge about Infection Control Measures at Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program on nursing staff knowledge about infection control measures at the Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital.

Methodology: A pre-experimental design (one group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from ( 20th February to 5th March, 2020) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (25 nurses) working in ICU. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of two parts:

First part: The demographic characteristics of the nursing staff (age, gender, level of education, years of experien

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Dominions of Mindfulness on the Organizational Innovation “Descriptive analytical study in some faculties of the University of Baghdad”
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Research seeks to test the impact of the dimensions of mindfulness on  organizational Innovation, proposed in the light of the review literature on two variables of the research, which referred in General to the dynamic relationship between them, as result of weakness of mindfulness as one important factor driving the diversity of innovation and time, ways to sustain and preserve and then support innovations made by creators, weakness in the overall level of organizational Innovation, this represents the problem research, data collection over designing   identification, distributed to sample Formed from (30) head Department at a number of colleges of the University of Baghdad, results confirms the validity of resea

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal play "The play (The Plate) as a model": عامر صباح نوري المرزوك
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This research is concerned with studying (the concept of freedom in the texts of Yaşar Kamal the play), as the Turkish playwright (Kamal Yasar) is one of the contemporary playwrights who have been interested in and criticize society, and perhaps the concept of freedom in his texts took a different form, through his ability to renew and present his attempts to create A theatrical form different from his earlier writers in dealing with the life of the peasants and the oppression that went through them, as the researcher identified the problem of his research with the following question: What is the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal? The research aims to define the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal of the play,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the cash flow statement indicators in market value change of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange
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This research aims to examine the ability of impact of the cash flow statement indicators in the change in the market value of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange. The research population consisted of (13) firms during the period (2015-2020). Data were collected from the annual financial statements of the firms. The research relies on the Pooled effects model to analyze the cross-section data (Panel Data), and the multiple regression method to test the hypotheses. The research finds a positive significant impact of (the ratios of cash flows from operating activities to sales, the return on assets from operating cash flows, and cash flows from operating activities to total current liabilities) in the change

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Financial technology as one of the recovery strategies of the Iraqi banking sector in the post-Covid-19 stage: An exploratory study
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The research aims to employ one of the most important strategies for recovery from the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, which ravaged the economies of the entire world and its various sectors, including the banking sector, through financial technology that is based on digital transformation to achieve financial sustainability and the creation of innovative financial value chains in light of the decline in the banking sector as a result of The negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, be guided by the relevant international accounting standards to control the risks associated with financial technology. To recover from the Covid-19 crisis, the research came out with a set of recommendations, most notably financial technology from

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Social Studies Teachers’ Knowledge of the Dimensions of Citizenship Education at Basic Education Schools in the Sultanate of Oman
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Citizenship education is the effective educational tool in building a citizen who is able to participate in building his country. This can only come through the educational efforts that teachers make in the classroom. Such a step requires teachers to have knowledge of citizenship education, its principles, and the foundations for its development. Thus, the study aims to examine the degree of social studies teachers' knowledge of the dimensions of citizenship education at the basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. It also aims to examine its relationship with a set of variables. The researchers used the quantitative descriptive approach to achieve the objectives of the study. It further adopted a test tool, which consisted in i

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Processes directing the scenographic space in the Iraqi theatrical show Shakespeare texts as a model: فرحان عمران موسى - سماء محي عطية محمد
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The operative system of theatrical performance depends on the construction of the scenographic space, as it constitutes the most aesthetic effect of the recipient, and the body of the theatrical discourse that contains the signs of the show, and it comes as an embodiment of the directing vision of the show director, so most of the world directors resorted to attention to the output treatment to establish the scenographic space, and thus it possesses a contrast in The embodiment of the directing vision according to the stylistic and hermeneutical dimension of the director, so the two researchers found the importance of studying the topic, and the study came under the title (Directing Treatments of the Scenographic Space in the Iraqi Theat

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio traductológico del relativo "que" del español al árabe A study in the translation of relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language
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The scope of the world of translation is an area filled with different types of translations, whether translations of scientific, social, political or economic in addition to the other types are endless, but the translation problematic grammatical that may confront us if we proceed to translate any subject are important issues that must Translator whether translators or interpreters that puts it into consideration and attaches great importance to the translation is very clear and without any ambiguity. One of these forms of grammatical task is to translate the relative pronoun (que) from Spanish into Arabic language, which revolves around the subject of this research.

    The relative pron

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Nizwa University in Spreading the Concept of Knowledge Economy among Students from the Perspectives of Faculty Members Point of View
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The study aims to identify the role of Nizwa University in disseminating the concept of knowledge economy among students from the point of view of the faculty members. The researchers used the descriptive approach, as well as used a questionnaire consisting of (20) items distributed into (4) fields. It was administered to a sample of (93) Faculty members. The results of the study showed that the role of the Nizwa University in spreading the concept of knowledge economy among students from the point of view of the faculty members was of a moderate degree. The education and training field came first with the highest average, while the scientific research and innovation field came in the last level. There were no statistically significant d

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