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3-D Object Recognition using Multi-Wavelet and Neural Network
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This search has introduced the techniques of multi-wavelet transform and neural network for recognition 3-D object from 2-D image using patches. The proposed techniques were tested on database of different patches features and the high energy subband of discrete multi-wavelet transform DMWT (gp) of the patches. The test set has two groups, group (1) which contains images, their (gp) patches and patches features of the same images as a part of that in the data set beside other images, (gp) patches and features, and group (2) which contains the (gp) patches and patches features the same as a part of that in the database but after modification such as rotation, scaling and translation. Recognition by back propagation (BP) neural network as compared with matching by minimum distance, gave (94%) and (83%) score by using group (1), (gp) and features respectively, which is much better than the minimum distance. Recognition using (gp) neural network (NN) gave a (94%) and (72%) score by using group (2), (gp) and features respectively, while the minimum distance gave (11%) and (33%) scores. Time consumption through the recognition process using (NN) with (gp) is less than that minimum distance.

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