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Strategic Analysis of New Cities (Case Study Basmaya City - Republic of Iraq) An Analytical Study of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat
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The rapid growth of cities and their inflation is a big problem, especially in the last years. this growth is accompanied by such problems like population growth, housing need, low level of services, random expansion, traffic congestion as well as pollution of the environment, which leads to a decline in the quality of life in Baghdad, the population are concentration in Baghdad therefore that leads to imbalance of development among cities and productive concentration for service projects in a mega cities, causing migration from other provinces In search of a better life. The main objective of the new cities is to relieve pressure on major cities and guide the growth of cities. Basmaya city it’s a new city project adopted from Iraqi national investment commission, this paper aimed to strategic analysis of this city and evaluate the real situation for this project by internal environment analysis, external environment analysis in addition to measurement of performance strategic gaps.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Statistical Sciences
Use The Coiflets and Daubechies Wavelet Transform To Reduce Data Noise For a Simple Experiment
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In this research, a simple experiment in the field of agriculture was studied, in terms of the effect of out-of-control noise as a result of several reasons, including the effect of environmental conditions on the observations of agricultural experiments, through the use of Discrete Wavelet transformation, specifically (The Coiflets transform of wavelength 1 to 2 and the Daubechies transform of wavelength 2 To 3) based on two levels of transform (J-4) and (J-5), and applying the hard threshold rules, soft and non-negative, and comparing the wavelet transformation methods using real data for an experiment with a size of 26 observations. The application was carried out through a program in the language of MATLAB. The researcher concluded that

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University
Multi -Focus Image Fusion Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform and PCA on YCBCR Color Space
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The multi-focus image fusion method can fuse more than one focused image to generate a single image with more accurate description. The purpose of image fusion is to generate one image by combining information from many source images of the same scene. In this paper, a multi-focus image fusion method is proposed with a hybrid pixel level obtained in the spatial and transform domains. The proposed method is implemented on multi-focus source images in YCbCr color space. As the first step two-level stationary wavelet transform was applied on the Y channel of two source images. The fused Y channel is implemented by using many fusion rule techniques. The Cb and Cr channels of the source images are fused using principal component analysis (PCA).

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Pre-dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) for cultivation Chlorella sorokiniana MH923013, Coelastrella MH923011 and Coelastrella MH923012
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Abstract<p>A step to net-zero of carbon dioxide losses in the microalgae cultivation process was targeted in the current study. This research was carried out by using pre-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as a source of carbon with two doses of twenty-five and fifty millilitres. <italic>C. sorokiniana</italic> MH923013, <italic>Coelastrella</italic> MH923011 and <italic>Coelastrella</italic> MH923012 strains were used in the present investigation. The experimental data emphasized the direct influence of carbonic solution on microalgal growth according to the fast adaption of algal cells and higher productivity compared to control and dilution cultures. It was observe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers
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Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Turkish-german Gynecological Association
Maternal and neonatal outcomes in adolescent pregnant women with one prior Cesarean section in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Technology
Random signal generation and synchronization in lab-scale measurement device independent–quantum key distribution systems
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In this paper, a random transistor-transistor logic signal generator and a synchronization circuit are designed and implemented in lab-scale measurement device independent–quantum key distribution systems. The random operation of the weak coherent sources and the system’s synchronization signals were tested by a time to digital convertor.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating and Analyzing Food Security Indicators in Selected Arab Countries for the Period (1996 - 2012)
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        The study hypothesize that the majority of Arab countries  show a poor agricultural economic efficiency which resulted in a weak productive capacity of wheat in the face of the demand, which in turn led to the fluctuation of the rate of self-sufficiency and thus increase the size of the food gap. The study aims at estimating and analyzing the food security indicators for their importance in shaping the Arabic agricultural policy, which aims to achieve food security through domestic production and reduce the import of food to less possible extent. Some of the most important results reached by the study were that the increase in the amount of consumption of wheat in the countries of t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Correlation between Serum Total Adiponectin and Hemoglobin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients without Microalbuminuria
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Low serum total adiponectin is associated with a high incidence of type 2 diabetes or coronary artery disease in the general population. Paradoxically, serum total adiponectin is elevated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), such as overt diabetic nephropathy. The current study aimed to investigate whether or not  anemia to be dependently associated with serum level of total adiponectin in  non-albuminuric male patients with type 2 diabetes . The study included 42 type 2 diabetic male patients. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin (Hb) below 14.0g/dL. All the patients were without microalbuminuria, to exclude diabetic nephropathy. The diabetic patients were divided into 2 groups according to the hemoglobin level in ad

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Sensors
On-Board Digital Twin Based on Impedance and Model Predictive Control for Aerial Robot Grasping
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Aerial manipulation of objects has a number of advantages as it is not limited by the morphology of the terrain. One of the main problems of the aerial payload process is the lack of real-time prediction of the interaction between the gripper of the aerial robot and the payload. This paper introduces a digital twin (DT) approach based on impedance control of the aerial payload transmission process. The impedance control technique is implemented to develop the target impedance based on emerging the mass of the payload and the model of the gripper fingers. Tracking the position of the interactional point between the fingers of gripper and payload, inside the impedance control, is achieved using model predictive control (MPD) approach.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling for some trees obtained from subdivision and vertex identification operations
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Let G be a graph with p vertices and q edges and  be an injective function, where k is a positive integer. If the induced edge labeling   defined by for each is a bijection, then the labeling f is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling of G. A graph which admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling is called an odd Fibonacci edge irregular graph. The odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength ofes(G) is the minimum k for which G admits an odd Fibonacci edge irregular labeling. In this paper, the odd Fibonacci edge irregularity strength for some subdivision graphs and graphs obtained from vertex identification is determined.

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