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Protecting Oil Flowlines from Corrosion Using 5-ACETYL-2-ANILINO-4-DIMETHYLAMINOTHIAZOLE
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Oil flow lines are used to transport oil and its derivatives from a well over long distances, and because oil wells produce other potentially corrosive products, such as carbon dioxide and Hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to take methods to protect the pipeline from corrosion. One of these methods is the use of corrosion inhibitors in this study. Prepare 5-acetyl-2-anilino-4-dimethylaminothiazole and test it as a corrosion inhibitor on a sample of the Rumaila flow line at a constant temperature 25°C in (3.5%) NaCl and (3.5%) KCl solution in the absence and presence of different concentrations of inhibitor (0 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.03 M, 0.05 mM). by using liner polarization (Tafel slope). The inhibiter exhibited the best performance at high concentration giving 94% in NaCl solution and 88% in KCl solution and solution, the inhibitor gave It was used FT-IR to find out the effective aggregates in the inhibitor, Tafel plot reveals that Ecorr for flowline in the presence the inhibitors shift to a higher (noble) position compared with blank solution, implying that the protection acts as an anodic protection. Keywords: corrosion inhibiter, oil flowline, leaks.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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A 2D geological model for Mauddud Formation in the Badra oil field is built using Rockworks 16 software. Mauddud Formation produces oil from limestone units; it represents the main reservoir in the Badra oil field. Six wells (BD-1, BD-2, BD-4, BD-5, P-15, and P-19) are selected to build facies and petrophysical (Porosity and Water saturation) models. Wells data are taken from the core and cutting samples and studied through the microscopic. The petrophysical data (effective porosity and water saturation) are derived from computer processes interpretation results that are calculated by using Interactive Petrophysics software. The 2D models are built to illustrate the vertical and horizontal distribution of petrophysical properties between we

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Membranes separation process for oily wastewater treatment
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Pilot-scale dead end microfiltration membranes were carried out to determine the feasibility of the process for treating the oily wastewater which discharge from some Iraqi factories such as power station of south of Baghdad and the general company of petrochemical industries. Polypropylene membranes (cylindrical shape) with different pore diameters (1 and 5 micron) were used to conduct the study on micromembrane process. The variables studied are oil concentration (100 – 1000 ppm), feed flow rate (20 – 40 l/h), operating temperature (31 – 50°C) and time (0 – 3 h). It was found that the flux increases with increasing feed flow rate, temperature and pore size of membrane, and decreases with increasing oil concentration and operating

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation Properties and PNA Analysis for Different Types of Lubricants Oils
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A study of characteristics of the lubricant oils and the physical properties is essential to know the quality of lubricant oils. The parameters that lead to classify oils have been studied in this research. Three types of multi-grades lubricant oils were applied under changing temperatures from 25 oC to 78oC to estimate the physical properties and mixture compositions. Kinematic viscosity, viscosity gravity constant and paraffin (P), naphthenes (N) and aromatics (A) (PNA) analysis are used to predict the composition of lubricants oil. Kinematic viscosity gives good behaviors and the oxidation stability for each lubricant oils. PNA analysis predicted fractions of paraffin (XP), naphthenes (XN),

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geological Model of the Tight Reservoir (Sadi Reservoir-Southern of Iraq)
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A3D geological model was constructed for Al-Sadi reservoir/ Halfaya Oil Field which is discovered in 1976 and located 35 km from Amara city, southern of Iraq towards the Iraqi/ Iranian borders.

Petrel 2014 was used to build the geological model. This model was created depending on the available information about the reservoir under study such as 2D seismic map, top and bottom of wells, geological data & well log analysis (CPI). However, the reservoir was sub-divided into 132x117x80 grid cells in the X, Y&Z directions respectively, in order to well represent the entire Al-Sadi reservoir.

Well log interpretation (CPI) and core data for the existing 6 wells were the basis of the petrophysical model (

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cathodic Protection Design Algorithms for Refineries Aboveground Storage Tanks
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Storage tanks condition and integrity is maintained by joint application of coating and cathodic protection. Iraq southern region rich in oil and petroleum product refineries need and use plenty of aboveground storage tanks. Iraq went through conflicts over the past thirty five years resulting in holding the oil industry infrastructure behind regarding maintenance and modernization. The primary concern in this work is the design and implementation of cathodic protection systems for the aboveground storage tanks farm in the oil industry.

Storage tank external base area and tank internal surface area are to be protected against corrosion using impressed current and sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems. Int

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Metal (II) complexes of Co, Ni, Cu and Zn with cefdinir C14H13N5O5S2 derivative (L) were synthesized and identification by elemental analysis CHNS Uv-Vis, FTIR, TGA, metal analysis AA, magnetic susceptibility and conduct metric measurement. by analysis the ligand behaves as a bidentate. For the cobalt complex, Tetrahedral geometry shape was suggested, while other complexes that have nickel, copper and zinc ions were proposed as octahedral geometry shape. The experimental method was studied for prevention of corrosion carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl by using a novel Cefdinir derivations drugs. The results showed that metal complex was a strong corro

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Swab – Surge Pressure Investigation, and the Influence Factors, Prediction and Calculation (Review)
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Surge pressure is supplemental pressure because of the movement of the pipes downward and the swab pressure is the pressure reduction as a result of the drill string's upward movement. Bottom hole pressure is reduced because of swabbing influence. An Investigation showed that the surge pressure has great importance for the circulation loss problem produced by unstable processes in the management pressure drilling (MPD) actions. Through Trip Margin there is an increase in the hydrostatic pressure of mud that compensates for the reduction of bottom pressure due to stop pumping and/or swabbing effect while pulling the pipe out of the hole. This overview shows suggested mathematical/numerical models for simulating surge pressure problems ins

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
NORM in Markazia Degasing Station within North Rumaila Oilfield- Southern Iraq
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Concentration of natural occurring radioactive material (NORM) in Markazia Degasing Station in North Rumaila oilfield (NDS) was measured in this study. Then, radiological assessment due to existing of NORM in different samples including soil, sludge, scale, oil, and water collected from different stages of oil and gas production NDS was done. Radioactivity concentration of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 were measured using gamma spectrometry system based on HPGe detector with efficiency of 30%. The results show that some locations within NDS are contaminated with NORM. The activity in Bq/kg of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 range between 15.19 in oil to 68.73 in sludge, 8.5 in oil to 23.45 in sludge and 80.23 in oil to 319.73 in saline water samples r

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Hydro cracking of heavy oil is used in refinery to produce invaluable products. In this research, a model of hydro cracking reactor has been used to study the behavior of heavy oil in hydro cracking under the conditions recommended by literature in terms lumping of feed and products. The lumping scheme is based on five lumps include: heavy oil, vacuum oil, distillates, naphtha and gases. The first order kinetics was assumed for the conversion in the model and the system is modeled as an isothermal tubular reactor. MATLAB 6.1 was used to solve the model for a five lump scheme for different values of feed velocity, and temperature.

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of reservoir properties based on core plugs, lithofacies, and well logs for Nahr Umr Formation in Noor oilfield, southern Iraq
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The Nahr Umr Formation, one of the most important Cretaceous formations and one of the main generating reservoirs in southern Iraq and neighboring regions, was chosen to study and estimate its petrophysical properties using core plugs, lithofacies, and well logs from five wells in the Noor oilfield. Reservoir properties and facies analyses are used to divide the Nahr Umr formation into two-member (limestone in the upper part and main sandstone in the lower). Limestone members are characterized by low reservoir properties related to low effective porosity and permeability while the main sandstone member is considered as a reservoir. Four lithofacies were recognized in the main sandstone member of the Nahr Umr Formation according to petrog

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