The research presented the experience of creating a new sustainable city, and this experience of establishing an Eco-City (Environmentally friendly) is considered the first experience in Iraq. The current study stressed the importance of the need for environmental planning in the early stages of planning new cities based on realism in planning, design and implementation. Subsequently, that aims to preserve the ecosystem, which is difficult to compensate if degraded or polluted. The research incorporated environmental planning indicators within sustainable urban planning (Reliance on generating electric power that is based on clean and renewable energy sources, Availability of public transport services and pedestrian paths, providing green and open areas, approval the principle of mixed use of urban land; reuse of treated wastewater for various urban usages, as well as an interest in solid waste management and recycling residual wastes. Community participation, intensification and compactness within urban areas are evaluating by indicators conducting statistical analysing, and discussing results within methods and strategies of sustainable urban planning and their compatibility for implementation in new cities in Iraq. The main research contribution was to plan a new Eco-City integrated and comprehensive, healthy and liveable city that provides comfort and luxury to residents, taking into account environmental planning. Another contribution is presenting by eliminating informal housing and reducing pressure on social and technical services within the existing Samawah city, especially study area is adjacent to Samawah existing city.
The modern industrial projects and complexes that adopt ecological systems, and renewable, clean and environmentally friendly energy, not only contribute to the development of an environmentally friendly production method but can achieve long-term economic and industrial development by preserving environmental resources. The ecological industrial systems and modern industrial technologies are the ideal solutions to rationalize excessive use and preserve the elements of the environment and natural resources, the most important of which is the existence of several methods and programs for the development of industrial sites, and there is important to adopt mechanisms and programs to sol
The city of Samawah is one of the most important cities which emerged in the poverty area within the poverty map produced by the Ministry of Planning, despite being an important provincial centre. Although it has great development potentials, it was neglected for more than 50 years,. This dereliction has caused a series of negative accumulations at the urban levels (environmental, social and economic). Therefore, the basic idea of this research is to detect part of these challenges that are preventing growth and development of the city. The methodology of the research is to extrapolate the reality with the analysis of the results, data and environmental impact assessment of the projec
Our society model has been showing signs of exhaustion since the end of the XX century. The recent appearance of the Covid-19 virus is another consequence of humanity's distance from Nature and the environment it inhabits. Also, climate change, environmental deterioration, loss of biodiversity, overexploitation of natural resources, and social inequality are some of the consequences derived from this separation between society and Nature. We must change our operating habits. Inevitably from a society based on the market, hyper consumption, fossil energy and individual enrichment at all costs, we will have to change to another
... Show MoreThe rapid growth of cities and their inflation is a big problem, especially in the last years. this growth is accompanied by such problems like population growth, housing need, low level of services, random expansion, traffic congestion as well as pollution of the environment, which leads to a decline in the quality of life in Baghdad, the population are concentration in Baghdad therefore that leads to imbalance of development among cities and productive concentration for service projects in a mega cities, causing migration from other provinces In search of a better life. The main objective of the new cities is to relieve pressure on major cities and guide the growth of cities. Basmaya city it’s a new city project adopted f
... Show MoreABSTRACT Studying the positive and negative effects resulted from the industrial projects and laying down the comprehensive planning bases to the urban development projects which insure retaining the social, economic and environmental development, taking in to consternation the time factor within the planning process which is considered the most important factor that determine the extent of the efficient selection to the site and not interpenetrate in the industrial activities and efficiency and calculating its future expansions away from the residential areas. It is more favorable to plan the industrial areas of apparent pollution outside the bounds of the basic plan to limit the negative effects on the environment and providing
... Show MoreThe topic of urban transformations has attracted the attention of researchers as it is one of the basic issues through which cities can be transformed towards sustainability. A specific level of transformation levels according to a philosophical concept known as a crossing. This article has relied on a specific methodology that aims to find a new approach for urban transformation based on the crossing concept. This concept derives from philosophical entrances based on the concepts of (being, process, becoming, and integration). Four levels have been for the crossing are (normal, ascending, leap, and descending). Each of these levels includes specific characteristics that distinguish it. The results showed that there is no descending
... Show MoreThe location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalitie
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