Survival analysis is one of the types of data analysis that describes the time period until the occurrence of an event of interest such as death or other events of importance in determining what will happen to the phenomenon studied. There may be more than one endpoint for the event, in which case it is called Competing risks. The purpose of this research is to apply the dynamic approach in the analysis of discrete survival time in order to estimate the effect of covariates over time, as well as modeling the nonlinear relationship between the covariates and the discrete hazard function through the use of the multinomial logistic model and the multivariate Cox model. For the purpose of conducting the estimation process for both the discrete hazard function and the time-dependent parameters, two estimation methods have been used that depend on the Bayes method according to dynamic modeling: the Maximum A Posterior method (MAP) This method was done using numerical methods represented by a Iteratively Weighted Kalman Filter Smoothing (IWKFS) and in combination with the Expectation maximization algorithm (EM), the other method is represented by the Hybrid Markov Chains Monte Carlo (HMCMC) method using the Metropolis Hasting algorithm (MH) and Gypsum sampling (GS). It was concluded that survival analysis by descretization the data into a set of intervals is more flexible and fluid, as this allows analyzing risks and diagnosing impacts that vary over time. The study was applied in the survival analysis on dialysis until either death occurred due to kidney failure or the competing event, represented by kidney transplantation. The most important variables affecting the patient’s cessation of dialysis were also identified for both events in this research.
Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is a gap-graded asphalt concrete hot blend combining high-quality coarse aggregate with a rich asphalt cement content. This blend generates a stable paving combination with a powerful stone-on-stone skeleton that offers excellent durability and routing strength. The objectives of this work are: Studying the durability performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture in terms of moisture damage and temperature susceptibility and Discovering the effect of stabilized additive (Fly Ash ) on the performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture. In this investigation, the durability of stone matrix asphalt concrete was assessed in terms of temperature susceptibility, resistance to moisture damage, and sensitivity t
... Show MoreThe whole research paper examines the impact of ozone as either a just use-alone and coagulation benefit, mainly upon the reduction of dissolved organic carbon from the water with a moderate rate of DOC 10.75 mg/land CaCO3 calcium hardness 300 mg/l. A raw water sample has been taken from the Tigris River (Baghdad, Iraq) was being adopted in research work. The performance of ozone therapy has been assessed by calculations of DOC, DOC quantities, UV254, as well as total trihalomethane (TTHM). Research findings have shown that with 0.9 mg O3/mg DOC ozone use-alone, approximately 60% UV254 reduction and approximately 28% DOC reduction will occur.DOC fractionation analysis indicates that within the water samples, ozone could alter the co
... Show MoreSliver / Sliver chloride is as old used from human but the sliver / sliver chloride nanoparticles have only recently been recogenized. They have used in medicin and agiculture. In the present study have been investigation the effecte biosynthesis Sliver / Sliver chloride nanoparticles as antibacterial by demonstrated that Ag / AgCl NPs arrest the growth of many bacterial: S.typhimurium, k. pneumonia. S. aureus, L.monocytogenes, B. Anthracis, E. coli, C. frundi, S. Pneumonia, P. Aeruginosa. The elements compestion and crystallization panal of biosynthesized nanoparticles were chracterazated by FTIR, XRD and SEM. From XRD, It is confirmed the synthesized nanoparticles contain Sliver / Sliver chloride elements. Synthesized Ag / AgCl NPs showed
... Show MoreIt is often noted that disordered materials have different chemical properties to their more “ordered” cousins. Quantifying these effects in terms of thermodynamics is challenging in part because disordered materials can be difficult to characterize and are frequently relatively unstable. During the course of our experiments to understand the effects of disorder in catalysts for water oxidation we observed that many disordered manganese and cobalt oxide water oxidation catalysts directly oxidized peroxide in contrast to their more ordered analogues which catalyzed its disproportionation, that is, MnO2+2H+ +H2O2! Mn2+ +2H2O+O2(oxidation) versus H2O2!H2O+1=2 O2(disproportionation). By measuring the efficiency for one reaction over the oth
... Show MoreNowadays, the use of recycled waste construction materials instead of aggregates is becoming popular in construction owing to its environmental benefits. This paper presents an experimental and analytical campaign to study the behavior of axially loaded columns constructed from recycled aggregates. The latter was used instead of natural aggregates, and they were collected from the waste of previous concrete constructions. Different concrete mixtures made from varying amounts of recycled aggregates ranged from 0 to 50% of the total coarse aggregate were conducted to achieve 28 MPa. The effect of steel fibers is another investigated variable with volumes ranged from 0 to 2% concerning concrete’s mixture. The experimental
... Show MoreCorona Virus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is a novel virus belongs to the corona virus's family. It spreads very quickly and causes many deaths around the world. The early diagnosis of the disease can help in providing the proper therapy and saving the humans' life. However, it founded that the diagnosis of chest radiography can give an indicator of coronavirus. Thus, a Corner-based Weber Local Descriptor (CWLD) for COVID-19 diagnostics based on chest X-Ray image analysis is presented in this article. The histogram of Weber differential excitation and gradient orientation of the local regions surrounding points of interest are proposed to represent the patterns of the chest X-Ray image. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Deep Belief Network (DBN)
... Show MoreInterleukin-6 (IL-6) is a proinflammatory cytokine implicated in the immunopathogenesis of tuberculosis (TB). TB is recognized worldwide as an important public health issue. To study the relationship between the age of patients with pulmonary TB and serum IL-6 levels, from the other hand, the severity of this disease with IL-6 levels. This study included 30 patients (16 female and 14 male) with pulmonary TB and 10 healthy persons (5 female and 5 male) as control group for comparison. An ELISA assay was used to quantify IL-6 in the sera. The results showed a significant increase of IL-6 levels with increase of age of patients, in (23-38) year old patients the IL-6 levels (median= 17.9 pg/ml, range 12.3-29.1), while in (50-70) year old patien
... Show MoreAbstract The present study on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection from July 2003 to July 2004 ,was conducted among children aged(less than 5 -14 )years attending AL-Daura Health Centre in Baghdad City .(350) specimen were choosen randomly and examined, 160(45.7%) of these were infected , 140 (87.5%) harboured one parasite while 20 (12.5%) harboured more than one parasite.190 (54.3%) were non infected with any of intestinal parasite . It was observed that the most common intestinal protozoa among children is Giardia lamblia, followed by Entamoeba histolytica and Blastocystis hominis with pre