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Effect of the Active Thinking Model in the Achievement of Students of the Fifth Grade Applied Science of Physics and Their Pivotal Thinking
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The aim of the current research is to identify the effect of the active thinking model in the achievement of students of the fifth grade applied science of physics, and their pivotal thinking by verifying the two zero hypotheses, where there is no significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group who studied physics using the active thinking model and the average scores of the control group students who studied the same material in the usual way in the achievement test, as well as in the pivotal thinking test. The research sample consisted of (77) students of the applied fifth grade students in two divisions (a) and (b), randomly selected (a) to be the experimental group, and (b) to be the control group, Two methods were used to measure the dependent variables: achievement, and pivotal thinking, and after applying the research experience, which lasted (9) weeks, the search tools were used to obtain the data. After analyzing and processing the data using the statistical program(SPSS) The results of the study resulted in the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied during the period of the experiment using the active thinking model on the students of the control group who studied in the usual way in the achievement test. The results also showed that the students of the experimental group were more successful than students of control group, In the test of pivotal thinking and for the benefit of the experimental group, thus rejecting the two zero hypotheses. In light of the results of the research, a number of recommendations were made. Collapse.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Zeta Potential, Effective Membrane Charge and Donnan Potential for TiO2 NF Ceramic Membrane
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Nanofiltration (NF) ceramic membrane have found increasing applications particularly in wastewater and water treatment. In order to estimate and optimize the performance of NF membranes, the membrane should be characterized correctly in terms of their basic parameters such as effective pore radius (rp) and equivalent effective thickness as well as effective surface charge ( ), the effective charge density ( ) and Donnan potential ( ). The impact of electrokinetic (zeta) potential on the membrane surface charge density, effective membrane charge density and Donnan potential at two different concentrations of the reference solutions 0.001, 0.01 M sodium chloride at various pH values from 3 to 9, and effective po

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Metric Type II Bursts with and without Coronal Mass Ejection During 20 Years
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Metric type II bursts are formed from shocks driven by CME or flares which is
indicative of particles (SEPs) accelerated to high energies. This work aims to
investigate the metric type II bursts, CMEs and flare for twenty years (1996-2016,
inclusive) over two solar cycles 23 and 24. The total metric type II bursts was 1378
events divided into two groups: first group associated with CMEs regardless their
properties and this group has (1147) events. The second group associated with flares
which has (231) events. The interstice fraction of this research is the metric type II
associated with CME is 83% whereas only 17% with flare where this very close to
the previous study in 2005 which found 81% despite it was for on

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 02 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Approach Based on Decision Tree and Self-Organizing Map For Intrusion Detection
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In modern years, internet and computers were used by many nations all overhead the world in different domains. So the number of Intruders is growing day-by-day posing a critical problem in recognizing among normal and abnormal manner of users in the network. Researchers have discussed the security concerns from different perspectives. Network Intrusion detection system which essentially analyzes, predicts the network traffic and the actions of users, then these behaviors will be examined either anomaly or normal manner. This paper suggested Deep analyzing system of NIDS to construct network intrusion detection system and detecting the type of intrusions in traditional network. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated by using

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impulsive behavior among Kindergarten children and its relation ship with some variables preparation
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Quite anumber of parents and educators of this behavior,which is characterized by exaggerating locomotor activity and impulsivity and recklessness and the difficulty of continuing the status of certain bodily more than one minute ,and the difficulty of waiting to meet aparticular need or desire,it also characterized by thos meddling children the affairs of others and increased their  chatter does not seem the case when you listen to talk to them and they characterized by  weak self-confidence and are more solid and seem un able to keep ther responses because of the severity of anxiety .The research aims to know impulsive behavior among kindergartens children and its relation ship with some variables, and the sa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
MRI Probabilistic Neural Network Screening System: a benign and malignant recognition case study
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This work is aimed to design a system which is able to diagnose two types of tumors in a human brain (benign and malignant), using curvelet transform and probabilistic neural network. Our proposed method follows an approach in which the stages are preprocessing using Gaussian filter, segmentation using fuzzy c-means and feature extraction using curvelet transform. These features are trained and tested the probabilistic neural network. Curvelet transform is to extract the feature of MRI images. The proposed screening technique has successfully detected the brain cancer from MRI images of an almost 100% recognition rate accuracy.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Empirical Formula for Neutron Yield for (α,n) Reactions from 63cu and 65cu
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  The calculated neutron yields from (α, n) reactions are very important in analyzing radiation shielding of spent fuel storage, transport and safe handling. The cross sections of 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga reactions are calculated for different α-energies using different sets of programs using Matlab language. The values deduced energy is from threshold to Eα= 30 MeV and to Eα= 40 MeV for 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga respectively. The weight average cross section was then  used to calculate the neutron yields y0 (n/106α) for each reaction .The empirical formula was then suggested to calculate total neutron yield to each isotope.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Thermal Maturity History and Petroleum Generation modeling for selected Oil fields Southern Iraq
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The thermal maturity ,  burial history and petroleum generation history of  four oil wells selected  from four oil fields in Southern Iraq, they are: Nasiriyah(Ns-1 well) , Gharraf (GA-5well) ,Abu Ammood (Ab-1well) and Riffai (Ri-1well) have been studied using 1D basin and petroleum systems modeling. Results showed  different period of subsidence, which ranges from high to moderate subsidence, occurred at upper Jurassic to Mid-Cretaceous and slow subsidence in Miocene  . The porosity in the studied area represents the highest value in Dammam , Tayarat ,Um-Eradhuma and Khasib Formations. For most of the studied wells, the Paleocene to Miocene has to be regarded as times when the maximum temperature prevailed assoc

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Optical Properties for Nanostructure (Ag2O/Si & Psi) Films for Photodetector Applications
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Ag2O (Silver Oxide) is an important p-type (in chasm to most oxides which were n-type), with a high conductivity semiconductor. From the optical absorbance data, the energy gap value of the Ag2O thin films was 1.93 eV, where this value substantially depends on the production method, vacuum evaporation of silver, and optical properties of Ag2O thin films are also affected by the precipitation conditions. The n-type and p-type silicon substrates were used  with porous silicon wafers to precipitate  ±125 nm, as thick Ag2O thin film by thermal evaporation techniques in vacuum and via rapid thermal oxidation of 400oC and oxidation time 95 s, then characterized by measurement of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Offline Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Local Ridges Features and Haar Wavelet Transform
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    Multiple applications use offline handwritten signatures for human verification. This fact increases the need for building a computerized system for signature recognition and verification schemes to ensure the highest possible level of security from counterfeit signatures. This research is devoted to developing a system for offline signature verification based on a combination of local ridge features and other features obtained from applying two-level Haar wavelet transform. The proposed system involves many preprocessing steps that include a group of image processing techniques (including: many enhancement techniques, region of interest allocation, converting to a binary image, and Thinning). In feature extraction and

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Coronavirus Disease Diagnosis, Care and Prevention (COVID-19) Based on Decision Support System
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              Automated clinical decision support system (CDSS) acts as new paradigm in medical services today. CDSSs are utilized to increment specialists (doctors) in their perplexing decision-making. Along these lines, a reasonable decision support system is built up dependent on doctors' knowledge and data mining derivation framework so as to help with the interest the board in the medical care gracefully to control the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) virus pandemic and, generally, to determine the class of infection and to provide a suitable protocol treatment depending on the symptoms of patient. Firstly, it needs to determine the three early symptoms of COVID-19 pandemic criteria (fever, tiredness, dry cough and breat

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