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Use Risk Score Method to Identify the Qualitative Risk Analysis Criteria in Tendering Phase in Construction Projects
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The purpose of this article was to identify and assess the importance of risk factors in the tendering phase of construction projects. The construction project cannot succeed without the identification and categorization of these risk elements. In this article, a questionnaire for likelihood and impact was designed and distributed to a panel of specialists to analyze risk factors. The risk matrix was also used to research, explore, and identify the risks that influence the tendering phase of construction projects. The probability and impact values assigned to risk are used to calculate the risk's score. A risk matrix is created by combining probability and impact criteria. To determine the main risk elements for the tender phase of a construction project, this study constructed the matrix of probability and impact variables and put the periods based on the risk score. Finally, this study identified a fourth main risk group and twenty-two sub-risk factors that are appropriate for the tendering phase of construction projects in Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Modified Segmentation Approach for Real World Images Based on Edge Density Associated with Image Contrast Stretching
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Segmentation of real world images considered as one of the most challenging tasks in the computer vision field due to several issues that associated with this kind of images such as high interference between object foreground and background, complicated objects and the pixels intensities of the object and background are almost similar in some cases. This research has introduced a modified adaptive segmentation process with image contrast stretching namely Gamma Stretching to improve the segmentation problem. The iterative segmentation process based on the proposed criteria has given the flexibility to the segmentation process in finding the suitable region of interest. As well as, the using of Gamma stretching will help in separating the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrical Systems
AI-Driven Prediction of Average Per Capita GDP: Exploring Linear and Nonlinear Statistical Techniques
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Average per capita GDP income is an important economic indicator. Economists use this term to determine the amount of progress or decline in the country's economy. It is also used to determine the order of countries and compare them with each other. Average per capita GDP income was first studied using the Time Series (Box Jenkins method), and the second is linear and non-linear regression; these methods are the most important and most commonly used statistical methods for forecasting because they are flexible and accurate in practice. The comparison is made to determine the best method between the two methods mentioned above using specific statistical criteria. The research found that the best approach is to build a model for predi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Application
Suggested methods for prediction using semiparametric regression function
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Ferritin is a key organizer of protected deregulation, particularly below risky hyperferritinemia, by straight immune-suppressive and pro-inflammatory things. , We conclude that there is a significant association between levels of ferritin and the harshness of COVID-19. In this paper we introduce a semi- parametric method for prediction by making a combination between NN and regression models. So, two methodologies are adopted, Neural Network (NN) and regression model in design the model; the data were collected from مستشفى دار التمريض الخاص for period 11/7/2021- 23/7/2021, we have 100 person, With COVID 12 Female & 38 Male out of 50, while 26 Female & 24 Male non COVID out of 50. The input variables of the NN m

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Periodic Solutions For Nonlinear Systems of Multiple Integro-differential Equations that Contain Symmetric Matrices with Impulsive Actions
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This paper examines a new nonlinear system of multiple integro-differential equations containing symmetric matrices with impulsive actions. The numerical-analytic method of ordinary differential equations and Banach fixed point theorem are used to study the existence, uniqueness and stability of periodic solutions of impulsive integro-differential equations with piecewise continuous functions. This study is based on the Hölder condition in which the ordering ,  and  are real numbers between 0 and 1.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficient Approach for Solving (2+1) D- Differential Equations
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     In this article, a new efficient approach is presented to solve a type of partial differential equations, such (2+1)-dimensional differential equations non-linear, and nonhomogeneous. The procedure of the new approach is suggested to solve important types of differential equations and get accurate analytic solutions i.e., exact solutions. The effectiveness of the suggested approach based on its properties compared with other approaches has been used to solve this type of differential equations such as the Adomain decomposition method, homotopy perturbation method, homotopy analysis method, and variation iteration method. The advantage of the present method has been illustrated by some examples.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with System Reduction and Restoration for Rapid and Reliable Power Flow Solution of Power Systems
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The paper presents a highly accurate power flow solution, reducing the possibility of ending at local minima, by using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) with system reduction and restoration. The proposed method (RCGA) is modified to reduce the total computing time by reducing the system in size to that of the generator buses, which, for any realistic system, will be smaller in number, and the load buses are eliminated. Then solving the power flow problem for the generator buses only by real-coded GA to calculate the voltage phase angles, whereas the voltage magnitudes are specified resulted in reduced computation time for the solution. Then the system is restored by calculating the voltages of the load buses in terms

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of fetal abnormalities based on CTG signal
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The fetal heart rate (FHR) signal processing based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),Fuzzy Logic (FL) and frequency domain Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT) were analysis in order to perform automatic analysis using personal computers. Cardiotocography (CTG) is a primary biophysical method of fetal monitoring. The assessment of the printed CTG traces was based on the visual analysis of patterns that describing the variability of fetal heart rate signal. Fetal heart rate data of pregnant women with pregnancy between 38 and 40 weeks of gestation were studied. The first stage in the system was to convert the cardiotocograghy (CTG) tracing in to digital series so that the system can be analyzed ,while the second stage ,the FHR time series was t

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Exact Methods for Solving Multi-Objective Problem on Single Machine Scheduling
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     In this paper, one of the Machine Scheduling Problems is studied, which is the problem of scheduling a number of products (n-jobs) on one (single) machine with the multi-criteria objective function. These functions are (completion time, the tardiness, the earliness, and the late work) which formulated as . The branch and bound (BAB) method are used as the main method for solving the problem, where four upper bounds and one lower bound are proposed and a number of dominance rules are considered to reduce the number of branches in the search tree. The genetic algorithm (GA) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) are used to obtain two of the upper bounds. The computational results are calculated by coding (progr

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimating of Survival Function under Type One Censoring Sample for Mixture Distribution
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In this article, it is interesting to estimate and derive the three parameters which contain two scales parameters and one shape parameter of a new mixture distribution for the singly type one censored data which is the branch of right censored sample. Then to define some special mathematical and statistical properties for this new mixture distribution which is considered one of the continuous distributions characterized by its flexibility. Next,  using maximum likelihood estimator method for singly type one censored data based on the Newton-Raphson matrix procedure to find and estimate values of these three parameter by utilizing the real data taken from the National Center for Research and Treatment of Hematology/University of Mus

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Space Charge Effect for Design Electron Gun Using Five Electrode Immersion Electrostatic Lenses
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 Computer theoretical study has been carried out on the design of five electrode immersion electrostatic lens used in electron gun application. The finite element method (FEM) is used in the solution of the Poisson's equation fro determine axial potential distribution, the electron trajectory under Zero magnification condition .      The optical  properties : focal length ,spherical and chromatic aberrations are calculated,From studying the properties of the designed electron gun. we have good futures for these  electron gun where are abeam current 4*10-4A    can be supplied by using cathode tip of radius 100 nm.

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